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These 93 comments are related to an article called:

Nice to see united flying the flag

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comment by duns (U13079)

posted on 17/2/12

i refuse to believe that people such as billybobtaunton exist.

posted on 17/2/12

duns I refuse to believe you passed English at GCSE level.

posted on 17/2/12


...and why does this matter so much to you exactly?

Are you now the ja606 informant, the guy who informs everyone on a particular thread about what the posters have said on previous threads?

Your behaviour is bizarre and a bit creepy to be honest, you need to chill out I think!

Only the extreme ones which show their views can mostly be disregarded in relation to the event you were reacting to. I don't know why your getting so angry, you find monkey gestures to black players funny obviously in your view that is something to not be ashamed off.

comment by duns (U13079)

posted on 17/2/12

i'll show you my certificates if you like, lad?

posted on 17/2/12

Sure, "lad".

posted on 17/2/12


Here you go again with the 'you're getting angry' line!

That seems to be your default position lately whenever we 'chat', and as such I again find your behaviour bizarre...I used to think that you were an okay poster and you seemed to be quite intelligent at times.

Now you just seem to be a bit odd and your actions and comments are a little unsettling, what is your agenda here?

Do you want to be the ja606 police? Is that it? I don't recall you informing the boards of anybody else's previous comments, but you feel you are justified for some reason to do it now...don't bother explaining, I think we both know what you are about

Anyway, you keep saying you feel the need to let people know my views on 'monkey man'...you do realise that I have stated them twice on here, you clearly don't agree with my views, fair enough, no problem...but why not discuss that rather than pathetically just keep saying the same thing?

I imagine you will reply with a 'you're angry' quip or something similar, don't let yourself down now!

posted on 17/2/12


Oh I forgot to ask...again...why exactly does all this bother you?

posted on 17/2/12

What this article is like - http://i.imgur.com/RZTNc.gif

posted on 17/2/12


posted on 17/2/12

It is clear your getting angry because you begin chatting such rubbish like this...

If you think finding monkey chanting at black players funny bears no relation on your views relating to a case of racial abuse then quite frankly your an idiot.

I have not repeated them, only answered your questions regarding bringing them up in the first place. I am beginning to suspect you realise how stupid it was to say such things in the first place and that is why you are now having a go at me.

posted on 17/2/12


I usually find people who repeatedly 'insist' that someone is angry are devoid of anything else to say.

And I do not regret my comments, in fact I stand by them.

To me it is funny seeing someone do that, it is absurd behaviour and it makes me laugh. I also laugh at racist jokes, I imagine you probably have in the past too, have you? My mates have said racist things in my company, so what, it doesn't shock me and I am not the upholder of the planet's morals.

If you want to feel outraged or appalled by his actions then that's fine, I accept that you feel differently, but for some reason you seem to think that you know what I should feel and how I should react to this, and that is that I should react in a similar fashion to you!

Should everyone be offended by everything you are offended by? Who made you the King of the World?

I like to think that everyone is different, everyone has the ability to think differently and everyone says different things...you think we should all think the same way, fair enough...it's an opinion I guess!

posted on 17/2/12

I don't feel outraged or appalled I just feel that most people should understand your words come from someone who thinks monkey gestures at black guys are funny so any view you give in relation to the Suarez Evra incident (or racism in general) is probably not worth listening too...

Most people would find that view shocking as well and realise that person probably has nothing of value to add to discussions on race related incidents, I am merely saving the time of anyone who is unaware. You are the one making a big deal of it.

posted on 17/2/12


You are just repeating yourself now mate.

I have tried to explain myself and the reasons why I find that incident funny, I did this so you might understand my point of view and thus not just keep repeating the same line.

However, you ignored my reasoning, ignored the question I asked you about racist jokes and then repeated the same line, a line that you have now repeated 5 times in this thread!!!

So, again, have you ever laughed at a racist joke? And, do you not think that people have the right to be offended based on their own opinions, rather than the opinions of someone else?

And forgive me for picking you up on this, but if my opinions are 'not worth listening too' and i have 'nothing of value to add to discussions on race related incidents', then why have you 'debated' with me on this very subject since 'monkey man' did his little jig?

You should practice what you preach mate, otherwise your behaviour and your need to inform people of my invalid views on the subject seem a little bit false and a lot like nonsense.

posted on 17/2/12

The reason I have to keep repeating myself is because you keep asking why I felt the need to inform people of your views.

I am not debating it to you, I am explaining it to you. To be honest if I was to debate with someone about race, racial issues or an incident involving racial abuse and the person I was about to debate held such ludicrous views I would rather be informed first so I don't waste my time.

posted on 17/2/12


Still you fail to heed my reasoning and still you fail to answer my simple question.

Okay, I think we can leave it there...we both know you are evading my question and we both know you are wilfully failing to acknowledge my reasoning.

Feel free to police me on future threads, it says more about you than it does me to be honest...night!

posted on 17/2/12

You still repeat the same nonsense, I am not policing you merely informing others on your backwards views on subject involving racism and racial abuse, honestly most people have moved on from the 80's and I am just saving the time of those who would rather not read views from that period...

posted on 17/2/12

Not surprised it kicked off they were probably all paranoid.

posted on 17/2/12

Next thing they will be arranging a charge

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