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posted on 22/2/12

The problem is that who will want to stay? The first thing I would do if we qualify for the CL is to abolish the wage structure.

I would play Theo and RVP up front for the rest of the season and assess if Theo can play as a striker. If they form a good partnership I would keep them both.

I would then buy M'Vila, Giroud, Hazard and an experienced goal keeper. And change to 4-4-2.

Gervinho/Oxlade (freddy)-----Song/Diaby (gilberto)------M'Vila (vieira)---Hazard (pires)

The obvious ones out.

posted on 22/2/12

Dortmund want 35 million for him. He is too big a talent to stay at Dortmund for much longer.

Barca/Madrid don't need him. Madrid have Ozil, Kaka and Sahin in that position. We all know about Barca's midfield

I think he will be a premier league player next season.

posted on 22/2/12

*That should be Wilshere and not Diaby. And Song should be primarily a center back.

posted on 22/2/12

Dortmund will keep him for at least one more season and if he comes to the PL then it'll be to either City or United.

posted on 22/2/12



posted on 22/2/12

He's like a bigger and stronger Eduardo.

Who scores goals as well. Eduardo after all hardly scored.

posted on 22/2/12

Jenius- Your team looks great except for Walcott but we all know that Wenger's not going to change the system.

posted on 22/2/12

Cavani - £50M

posted on 22/2/12

Cavani would be a dream signing, he is the one striker I would take over RVP.

posted on 22/2/12


He would cost around 30-40M imo. Imagine him and RVP upfront. They would ruin defences week in week out.

posted on 22/2/12

I don't want another Ashley Cole situation with Walcott. How many times did we try to convince our selves that Clichy was better than Cole.

Thats why I want to be sure that Theo isn't going to make it as a striker before letting him go. Arsene has always wanted to play Walcott as a striker. So lets see if he can do the role before selling him.

posted on 22/2/12

I'll take Götze over Hazard to be honest. Dortmund will discuss a move for him only at over 40M EUR.

posted on 22/2/12

No Cavani please. He is a bit overhyped by the media. Its only the first season we hear from that guy on a permanent basis due to the CL League.

posted on 22/2/12

Forget Gotze. Its not going to happen. German teams are always cash rich. They don't need to sell.

Hazard's agent is linking his client to everyone. So he is not the desired player that every one wants. Look behind the smoke and you will see Arsene at work.

posted on 22/2/12

Would anyone here go for Torres, say if he was available for 15m?

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 22/2/12

Yeah definitely, I reckon he would fit well at Arsenal.

posted on 22/2/12

A swap with Walcott- if they are really interested in him!

posted on 22/2/12

"Would anyone here go for Torres, say if he was available for 15m?"

Absolutely. He's perfect for Arsenal.

posted on 22/2/12

I have always thought Torres would perfectly suit Arsenal, especially when we had Cesc!

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 22/2/12

He's probably earning 150k or more though, but he doesn't seem like he's money obsessed I reckon he would take a wage cut. Won't happen though.

posted on 22/2/12

Cavani is what Torres used to be 2 or 3 seasons ago!

posted on 22/2/12

Kagawa - £15 million
Martin - £10 million
Giroud - £15 million

Promote Miyaichi, Bartley and Martinez.

posted on 22/2/12

M'vila £20m
Podolski £15m
Sow £10m
M. Suarez £5m

posted on 22/2/12

Torres is on £200k+. Not just £150k.

He is the 3rd highest transfer fee ever. That makes his wages equivalent to transfers of that status.

Chelsea will never pay his wages to let him go on a cheap anywhere.

posted on 22/2/12

If Torres would be available for not a pervert money and we could finance his wages I would like to take him.

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