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posted on 28/6/11

comment by MrTikka (U8329)

posted on 28/6/11

link ? paper ?

posted on 28/6/11

In the Sun and it looks to be the real deal.

That line was classic!

posted on 28/6/11

I Would be worries if i was arsenal fans.

Basically wenger says arsenal cannot compete agaisnt the big teams.

Bad times for arsenal

posted on 28/6/11

KRS have you nothing better than to follow us around?

posted on 28/6/11

comment by oOgO0OnzOo© - Wénger's Mental Strength (U1023)
posted 2 minutes ago

KRS have you nothing better than to follow us around?


This is on the United board you moron.

posted on 28/6/11

comment by Kanchelskis Raised Shoulders (U6634) posted 2 minutes ago

I Would be worries if i was arsenal fans.

Basically wenger says arsenal cannot compete agaisnt the big teams

Like you arent able to compete with the skill of Barca!

Like you wont be able to compete with the spending of City, or was Wembley just a blip?

The rules have changed.

You're having to buy kids like De Gea instead of the real deal like VDS.

Ferguson is going to have to turn young talent into gold but we all know who the daddy is when it comes to that.

So no worries thanks!

comment by (U2082)

posted on 28/6/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 28/6/11

comment by Vintage Arsenal (U8318) posted 1 minute ago

comment by Kanchelskis Raised Shoulders (U6634) posted 2 minutes ago

I Would be worries if i was arsenal fans.

Basically wenger says arsenal cannot compete agaisnt the big teams

Like you arent able to compete with the skill of Barca!

Like you wont be able to compete with the spending of City, or was Wembley just a blip?

The rules have changed.

You're having to buy kids like De Gea instead of the real deal like VDS.

Ferguson is going to have to turn young talent into gold but we all know who the daddy is when it comes to that.

So no worries thanks!

Change the record

It's becoming extremely tedious, trust me

comment by (U2082)

posted on 28/6/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 28/6/11

Ferguson is going to have to turn young talent into gold but we all know who the daddy is when it comes to that.


Yes we do. SAF is. As shown by the massive trophy haul credited to his name.


posted on 28/6/11

You're having to buy kids like De Gea instead of the real deal like VDS.
Oh yeah signing the best young keeper around is really a sign of decline

Ferguson is going to have to turn young talent into gold but we all know who the daddy is when it comes to that
Well I do agree that Wenger is the master of turning young players into great players and then selling them on.

Hope you enjoyed another season without a trophy and hope will enjoy another next season.

Arsenal = Andy Murray = Bottlers

posted on 28/6/11

Haha what a plum saying we're following him around and it's on the United board!

Anyway, Fergie is looking to build a young successful team. What is wrong with that? VDS was excellent for us but he was nearing the end of his career so was never a long term solution.

Giggs and Scholes are the last of the class of 92. Nearly 20 years on so why not try and develop a core that lasts for another 20 years. Something to hand over to the next manager?

OK De Gea is not proven or experienced in the PL but he will do OK. We still have a good back 4 for the present and future which helps.

He's mixing a blend of youth and experience, this has been key to our success over the last 20 years.

As for Wenger, if you Gooners are happy with that comment (you beat Barca in one game but lost over 2 legs and you were at home), you also beat us once in about 8 attempts or something. Well done!

Titles aren't won by just beating the top teams every once in a while!

posted on 28/6/11

comment by JeremyKyleNation (U1041) posted 2 minutes ago

Titles aren't won by just beating the top teams every once in a while!

Titles are won by spending millions on players like Fedinand, Rooney, Nani and Berbatov.

Imagine if everyone started spending big....?

Wow! Maybe even Chelsea would win the PL or City would beat you at Wembley?!

posted on 28/6/11

its funny isnt it, arsenal havent won anything for years and are selling their best player and united are the ones that should be worried?!

posted on 28/6/11

Titles are won by spending millions on players like Fedinand, Rooney, Nani and Berbatov.


get a grip of yourself you big baby.

posted on 28/6/11

comment by Vintage Arsenal (U8318) posted 4 minutes ago

comment by JeremyKyleNation (U1041) posted 2 minutes ago

Titles aren't won by just beating the top teams every once in a while!

Titles are won by spending millions on players like Fedinand, Rooney, Nani and Berbatov.

Imagine if everyone started spending big....?

Wow! Maybe even Chelsea would win the PL or City would beat you at Wembley?!
Are you seeriously trying to compare United's business plan to Chelsea's and City's?

Let's look at United's under 26 team currently

---------------------De Gea------------------------

5 players 10m or less
6 players 20m or less
1 Player 30m or less

United look good for the future if you ask me and it hasn't cost stupid money considering the size of United

posted on 28/6/11

Titles are won by spending millions on players like Fedinand, Rooney, Nani and Berbatov.

Imagine if everyone started spending big....?

Wow! Maybe even Chelsea would win the PL or City would beat you at Wembley?!


6th biggest spenders in the PL since it began. I know Arsenal are also way down in that list but you're still a club in debt as well. Rio has been at the club nearly 10 years so a bargain at the transfer fee considering what he has helped us win. Rooney again more than paid back his transfer fee. Nani is value for money already. Berbatov, still not done enough to prove his cost yet. But you have to realise that WINNING things increases your club's income so means you can spend more.

Our season net spend since the PL started is less than £6mill more than you. A Hernandez a seaon. If you Arsenal fans think you've only been the likes of a Hernandez away from a title each season then you are deluded. We've also reaped more than that from prize money per season than the Gunners and have a lower wage bill.

Acquired debt aside, United have pretty much been run within their means since the birth of the PL. Just like Arsenal! We are not a sugar daddy club, never have been.

posted on 28/6/11

comment by JeremyKyleNation (U1041) posted 1 minute ago

Titles are won by spending millions on players like Fedinand, Rooney, Nani and Berbatov.

Imagine if everyone started spending big....?

Wow! Maybe even Chelsea would win the PL or City would beat you at Wembley?!


6th biggest spenders in the PL since it began. I know Arsenal are also way down in that list but you're still a club in debt as well. Rio has been at the club nearly 10 years so a bargain at the transfer fee considering what he has helped us win. Rooney again more than paid back his transfer fee. Nani is value for money already. Berbatov, still not done enough to prove his cost yet. But you have to realise that WINNING things increases your club's income so means you can spend more.

Our season net spend since the PL started is less than £6mill more than you. A Hernandez a seaon. If you Arsenal fans think you've only been the likes of a Hernandez away from a title each season then you are deluded. We've also reaped more than that from prize money per season than the Gunners and have a lower wage bill.

Acquired debt aside, United have pretty much been run within their means since the birth of the PL. Just like Arsenal! We are not a sugar daddy club, never have been.

Spot on. He'll probably not comment and just throw the same 3 or 4 players at us another day on another thread.

He's been doing that for a day or two now and he doesn't realise how tedious it is

posted on 28/6/11

comment by JeremyKyleNation (U1041) posted 1 minute ago

Acquired debt aside, United have pretty much been run within their means since the birth of the PL. Just like Arsenal! We are not a sugar daddy club, never have been.


Nice try Jezza!

"Acquired debt aside"....love that!

First Ferguson praising the skill of Wenger despite a lack of funds and now you trying to suggest that United are in the same boat as Arsenal. Do me a favour!

We have to make do without a defence and Bendtner as cover for an injured Van Persie.
We buy the likes of Bendtner for £250k while you pay £35 million for Berbatov.

But its sweet of you to want to be like us!

posted on 28/6/11

He's been doing that for a day or two now and he doesn't realise how tedious it is


It is why I don't bother trying to reason with him anymore.

posted on 28/6/11

We buy the likes of Bendtner for £250k while you pay £35 million for Berbatov.


posted on 28/6/11

comment by Vintage Arsenal (U8318) posted 18 seconds ago

comment by JeremyKyleNation (U1041) posted 1 minute ago

Acquired debt aside, United have pretty much been run within their means since the birth of the PL. Just like Arsenal! We are not a sugar daddy club, never have been.


Nice try Jezza!

"Acquired debt aside"....love that!

First Ferguson praising the skill of Wenger despite a lack of funds and now you trying to suggest that United are in the same boat as Arsenal. Do me a favour!

We have to make do without a defence and Bendtner as cover for an injured Van Persie.
We buy the likes of Bendtner for £250k while you pay £35 million for Berbatov.
Just add on over 4mill to Berba's transfer fee why dont you

Before Carrol joined Liverpool the British record for a fee paid by a Britisish club was 32.5 million, and that was Robinho to City

Berba was 30.75 mill

posted on 28/6/11


posted on 28/6/11

Titles are won by spending millions on players like Fedinand, Rooney, Nani and Berbatov.


Is this guy for real?
Titles are won by assembling a team to work hard for each other and who play as a team and not as a team of generals.

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