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Yesterday, the Meggy Article & Mandaric!!!

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posted on 27/2/12

Well said

posted on 27/2/12

Mandaric needs to quell these rumours if untrue,Megson will feel undervalued and it could have an adverse effect on the team just when we need everyone pulling together, although the players reaction yesterday showed where their loyalties lie,so come on Mandy lets have it out and finished with.

posted on 27/2/12

Personally I wouldnt worry Fantham, ok he's not come out and said he's staying, but does he need to? C'mon we are nearly three quarters of a way into the season and we are pushing for promotion, he's never gonna sack him now, MM is for once showing loyalty to a manager and I remember him saying that when he came here that he's a liitle less trigger happy when it coems to firing bosses, yes he fired Father Ted but that was the very correct decision at the time. He knows that by standing by your manager, a manager that he trusts and rates highly, that long term stability is the way forward, not knee jerk sackings and hireing someone who'll potentailly make no progree with the team.

Take it from me, Meggy aint goin anywhere!!

posted on 27/2/12

Nice article, enjoyed reading that.

Just another pointer, we cant be slagging Mandy off for not spending anyway as the Division we are in has a Salary cap in place to stop what keeps happening to clubs I dont know the full extent but I believe that we are not allowed to spend over 40% of our previous years running costs on Playing staff. anyway basically even if we did know what the cap is and how close we are to it we are not allowed to spend more than this or we are docked points next season. (Hope this makes sense and is not "just" confusing :S )

So I am annoyed at the small section of people that seem to think Mandaric didnt do enough to get Marshall in in the first place.

For me Megson has shown he is the right man to take charge of the rebuild of our club Mandaric is behind him whether we are ready to go up is yet to be seen but we are far better this season than last.


posted on 27/2/12

Cheers Cumbria & Mike

Forgot about the wage cap to be fair but still even if there wasnt Mandaric would'nt spend beyond his/ our means, Im just glad that now we are in a postion where we are finally run like a football club should, anyone who moans that MM is tight should have a good think about what they are saying, im just glad have a club to support after the uncertainty 18 months ago.

It annoys me that there are still certain individuals who come on boards, not just this one, and call for Meggys head, call MM tight, say we have no chance of going up ect ect when there is every chance, its about time we had some positive fans for once.

posted on 27/2/12

In support of the original post:

A couple of facts:
We are in the top 4 best funded teams in this division
We are well positioned to get promoted
Manadaric already rubbished the Megson rumours this week
The lads are playing like a team and are 100% commited

Stop looking for problems where there aren't any and get behind the lads

posted on 27/2/12


posted on 27/2/12

Nice article

Well thought out posts

Couldn't agree more!


comment by DRY (U3060)

posted on 27/2/12

yer dunt mend summert that in't brock..

..anyway, why would we want a new manager that once played the tambourine in the Monkees

comment by (U11819)

posted on 28/2/12

Batth, Llera and Jones good defenders? First league clean sheet of 2012 was on Sunday. It's March this week..

posted on 28/2/12

Patience is a virtue U11819!

posted on 28/2/12

In 2012 we've conceded 11 goals in 10 games, maybe 3 or 4 from open play (one of them was that crazy lob thing from Hartlepool & another the 30yarder that went in off Bywater's back).

We've given a few daft fouls away which have been punished with quality free kicks & we've switched off at a couple of corners but it aint been the centre halfs. Only goal I can think of recently where you could apportion blame to a defender (Llera) was the Tranmere one but in fairness that was a great cross & a good header!

If you don't think Batth is a good defender then you simply cannot go to the games. He's an exceptional defender (was MOTM on Sunday & a definite frontrunner for POTY) & if his distribution was anything like & if he was maybe a little quicker he'd be a Premier league player.

Jones lacks a bit of pace & mobility but at this level he's a decent defender. The only player to really make him look silly was Rhodes & he's certianly not on his own there!

Llera has looked pretty good in his few appearences so far aswell.

posted on 28/2/12

Well if thats your opinion of them U11819 then fair enough, but I dont think theres many who would agree with you though!! Some of the goals and games we have lost are through conceding silly fouls, but thats the wat we play, a physical aand high tempo game.

posted on 28/2/12

Sure we should have delt with the balls in better given the hight of a few of our players but thats only over the last 4-5 games, like Ive already said, we only had a blip in form. Yes our goal difference should be better but we are third and thats on merit so you shouldnt worry and your article re Meggy not being the right man is a tad harsh from yourself IMHO.


comment by (U11819)

posted on 29/2/12

I take your point about some of the goals we've let in recently; I guess now the goals haev dried up somewhat they are costing us more too. I cannot agree about Rob Jones.

'Jones lacks a bit of pace & mobility but at this level he's a decent defender. The only player to really make him look silly was Rhodes & he's certianly not on his own there!'

Obviously forgetting when we were 4-0 down at half-time against Stevenage. Journeyman at best.

posted on 29/2/12

So all 4 goals were Jones' fault???

I agree he's a journeyman & he isn't going to play much part in our progression beyond this level but for this league, in general, he's fine.

As I said, you keep harping back to a solitary performance 5 months ago but there was a solitary performance in the much more recent past where he was an absolute tower of strength & he lead his troops superbly!

posted on 29/2/12

Here here monster, even Marshall had a couple of bad games by his standards. Like you say Jones was an absolute colosus for us on Sunday, and I agree that at this level he is very important for us, was we to go up (fingers crossed) he would then be more of a squad player than an automatic choice, he's a good player and person to have around the place and will pass on his knowledge and experience to the likes of Beevers and Batth (shoulsd he stay beyond this season). Again, your judgement is a little harsh on Jones just coz of one game ages ago. A bit of positivity wouldnt go a miss

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