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How hard will it be...

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posted on 7/3/12

It's tough to know just how much Chelsea will be able to afford each summer. FFP doesn't include youth costs, so you had a loss of around £60m - that goes down to £40m, you then need to stop sacking expensive managers! another £20 - £30m. Then get rid of some of the older players, even if they bring in little money, it will drop the wages by £20m you are now looking at a £10 profit, add some revenue growth (any money spent on stadia wouldn't count either (about £5m in planning for a few years) then you have around £25m to utilise.

What is key is not paying crazy wages again. Keep the wages less (on younger players) and that £25m would be a player of around £15m, plus agents fees, and signing bonus etc.

If you don't get Champions League football that will wipe your profit region and make life even tougher.

I'd still say your talking about an 5-8 year phase of rebuilding, and by then who knows how good other teams are. Man City might be falling, Spurs might be improving, Liverpool might be back in there, Utd will always be in there as they make much more money than everyone else.

posted on 7/3/12

Gullit, the word "precis" is lost on you isn't it!

posted on 7/3/12

Was lost on me too until I googled it (know the meaning) & have used it..... just never seen the word written down

That's me learned up

posted on 7/3/12

posted on 7/3/12

What Has Roman Ever Done For Us? (U1038)

I expect you to get the jist of what I'm saying

posted on 7/3/12


posted on 7/3/12

Jist in time...

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 7/3/12

Some were also overrating our youth players despite them not even playing competitive football and who up to this day are nowhere to be seen.


I hear what you´re saying in general but I take issue with this part.

The problem is that we´ve let young players go when they should have been given a chance.

Fabio Borini has just made his international debut for Italy. I was begging for him to get a chance when he was at Chelsea but it fell on deaf ears.

Also Scott Sinclair is now doing very well with Swansea as is Miroslav Stoch in Turkey. I´m not saying that either would have definitely made it at Chelsea but we´ll never know now as they weren´t given a chance.

If we don´t actually play these young guys then how will we know if they are good enough for Chelsea.

Seeing Bertrand play yesterday was a shining light but we need more of that.

posted on 7/3/12

same with Josh

Might be the new England midfielder for WC 2014

posted on 7/3/12

it's not easy to stay top 4 whilst blooding those youngsters though

posted on 7/3/12

Fabio Borini has just made his international debut for Italy. I was begging for him to get a chance when he was at Chelsea but it fell on deaf ears.


I think of all the kids we've let go, Borini's the one I'm most dissapointed we didn't give a chance to.

posted on 7/3/12

Well...we have Romeu & we aren't even using him

posted on 7/3/12

Kakuta on fire in France

posted on 7/3/12

How's Joe Cole doing...?

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 7/3/12

I think of all the kids we've let go, Borini's the one I'm most dissapointed we didn't give a chance to.


I´m convinced we´re going to regret selling Borini, he´s really talented and when I used to watch the Chelsea reserves at Griffin Park it was always Borini and Sturridge who both stood out from the rest.

Instead of using future stars like Borini we´d rather waste 50 million on Torres who let´s be honest none of us wanted in the first place.

posted on 7/3/12

I was giddy as a kipper when we signed him last thing last Jan

Who knew....

Just feel cheated

posted on 7/3/12

For one we have to stop sacking managers

posted on 7/3/12

Sinclair, Stoch and Borini all wanted to leave, we did not look to sell them

posted on 7/3/12

The way we didn't give enough chances to Stoch and Borini in the first team was ridiculous and made them want to leave Chelsea.

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