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New European League - Starts 21st June

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posted on 3/4/12

Hernandez, unfortunately not because the team you want may have some players missing from Foreigns.

You could take Marseille? It would be easier on the league then because we wouldn't have to look for other managers when we have 2 currently interested.

posted on 3/4/12

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posted on 3/4/12

Hero, Glad you have turned up! Things are looking better. Can you get your votes in mate because I am the only one that has handed them in so it would be useful.

Anfield RAP is the new manager of PSG so maybe you should pay him a visit?

posted on 3/4/12

Fed Bassett, Have a read through the rules (read through them again if you have done) and then if there is anything you are unsure about or don't understand just ask me and I will explain

Hernandez, Who would you like?

posted on 3/4/12

You can have Ajax Fred

posted on 3/4/12

Hernandez, So are you ok taking Marseille?

posted on 3/4/12

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................................Go on then!

is there anything I need to do soon? deadline wise

posted on 3/4/12

Well yeah! You need to get tactics in even though the deadline has passed but since your a new manager I will let you off and after that you get your votes in.

Tactics no longer than 250 words and must include starting 11 and game plan.

when voting vote on the league you ARE NOT in.

league a vote on league b
league b vote on league a

When voting you must predict the score, add the goalscorers and write or short sentence on how the goal works.

Can you also create a team page for Marseille.

Just copy and paste from the old team page

Then I'll give you nice welcome message on the team page

posted on 3/4/12

Ok I'm in for Ajax.

posted on 3/4/12

Ok mate nice one!

Can you also get tactics and votes in if you can mate thanks.

Create a team page for Ajax. Just copy and paste from the old one.

Then I'll give you a nice welcome message.

The other league runner is called Fan the Man and I would think he will give you a nice welcome message.

Everyone will tbh. We are a friendly bunch on here, just ask Hero

posted on 3/4/12


How's that? Not sure of the original squad because there are a few transfers on there. Shall I reset things?

Also there are one or two players I'm keen on signing...

posted on 3/4/12

Fred Bassett, Right I'll put that up now!

It's fine mate. No keep the signings but you do need to cut your squad down a little bit.

Well if they play for clubs in the league post offers on there team pages or if they are in Foreigns then post offers on the Foreign market

posted on 3/4/12


posted on 3/4/12

Cheers mate!

I'll put that up now. I will also send you a welcome message.

posted on 3/4/12

so can i make some quick transfers before I submit my tactics? Or does it take a while to confirm them?

posted on 3/4/12

No make transfers and when you confirm them they play for you so yeah make transfers just make sure you get tactics in

posted on 3/4/12

Anyway I'll be back on this afternoon. About 1ish maybe? I don't know so you wont get any answers from transfers until then I'm afraid

posted on 3/4/12

Can we make sure we get our tactics in if you are a new manager and your votes as well.

posted on 3/4/12

When is our deadline? Give me till 4pm british time and itll be ready.

posted on 3/4/12

Well I never really thought of a deadline but I'll give you 24 hours to get both in. Sound ok?

posted on 3/4/12

Sounds good. I'll be done before I leave work today.

posted on 3/4/12

We may need a replacement for possibly Hizmo. Unless he decides to show up. But he can't just say that he has been reading comments. That isn't being active when you do that.

You wouldn't know anyone off the Pub Quiz that might be interested in joining do you?

posted on 3/4/12

I know somebody that might be, if you don't mind an invasion of LFC fans

posted on 3/4/12

Fred Bassett, not at all. On my old league I was surrounded by a crowd of Arsenal fans.

posted on 3/4/12

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