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New European League - Starts 21st June

Page 80 of 154

posted on 14/4/12

Looks like it is me and Arsenal_gooner running the league now then.

posted on 14/4/12

So this is all on me then? Or Fred Bassett?

posted on 14/4/12

Ypu looks like it, i came to help you, it was all fair but hey ho

posted on 14/4/12

No worries Fan. I've missed most of it anyway, but don't see a big deal in changing a rule or two if its for the good of the league.

posted on 14/4/12

For heavens sake. fan made 1 mistake get over it god

move on

posted on 14/4/12

So this is all my fault for a mistake you made

posted on 14/4/12

It wasnt a mistake lol all results were done exactly the same

posted on 14/4/12

If you need a hand objectively calculating results then I'm in.

Frankly to make it fair it should be a vote for who you think is a better team and a votr equates to a goal.

So if it was 3 votes for Atleti and 1 for Ajax then Atleti win 3-1.

If three times more people think it'll be a draw compared to those that think it will be a win, simple logic suggests it should be a draw.

posted on 14/4/12

...this is embarrasing

posted on 14/4/12

Well I didn't know that sorry about that Fan.

Just shut up now everyone and move on! Fan has left the league.

posted on 14/4/12

Yet after spending time writing out the results, Fan dropping a maths related bōllock and us realising it was wrongly calculated, I still come away with a loss...

posted on 14/4/12

Well it is just like Liverpool when they lost to Sunderland when the ball hit a balloon and it went in. They still lost when it should have been a draw and they didn't complain and they moved on.

posted on 14/4/12


Don't know why I bother frankly.

posted on 14/4/12

this is why i deleted peoples predos on our league lrf cause then people wouldnt know what other people predicted

posted on 14/4/12

Well not my fault so lets just move on with the league. Lets just get through this first season. 1 mistake can't harm the league.

posted on 14/4/12

Well if I've learned anything in life it's that you should learn from your mistakes. So let's devise a new way to calculate results. Or sorry guys I'm out.

posted on 14/4/12

lrf decides results by himself lol

posted on 14/4/12

Ahy objections with the idea I posted above?

posted on 14/4/12

i think we should add up the goals. each win you get...you get another goal put towards your total amount...then divide by the amount of votes....0.6 rounds up...0.5 rounds down ...starting from next game?

posted on 14/4/12

Well Arsenal_gooner good idea so we will do that if everyone agrees with it.

posted on 14/4/12

Arsenal_gooner, look on the boardroom page mate

posted on 14/4/12

I disagree. Forget today's results but 0.5 should always round up.

posted on 14/4/12

hang on.....If Fan was rounding down 0.5 for every game......then isn't it supposed to be Porto1-1PSG instead of the published 2-1?

The votes were:-



posted on 14/4/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 14/4/12

Well we have a new strategy now and hopefully it will work well.

Fred Bassett, you can't post on the Boardroom page. You can only look at any posts.

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