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These 132 comments are related to an article called:

Old Firm build up

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posted on 3/4/24

comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 22 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 22 hours, 17 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 hours, 2 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 10 minutes ago

Give an opinion about football and this is what you get.

thats what happens when the boy cries wolf tbf!
No. It isn't.
well evidently it is
Not at all. It just shows that Hamish would rather dish up stupid, meaningless comments than actually discuss the point.

posted on 3/4/24

comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 22 hours, 17 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 hours, 2 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 15 minutes ago
Fair enough, my opinion of Cantwell may be clouded from him being hooked early a couple of times for not doing what the manager wanted him to do.

On the other hand i've always thought Lawrence put himself about and made an impact on the game.

Lawrence does get involved and make an impact on games for sure. But he does just kind of float about a bit more for me.

I think that Cantwell works back way more and is generally more industrious in the ten position.

Hopefully this coming game we will instruct Cantwell to actually pressurise McGregor rather than sit off him and give him the freedom of the park to dictate the game.

Cantwell and Lawrence have two different styles but both can be big contributors. I do expect Cantwell to start over Lawrence on Sunday though.
Can't believe you guys are even debating Cantwell v Lawrence.

Cantwell is a bit of a blouse on tiktok but if a team let's him play he'll punish them. No doubting his talent. Lawrence is decent but if they're both at their best it's Cantwell every time.

I'd be nervous when cantwell has the ball in the final third against us. Lawrence not so much.

Maybe we just havent seen as much of Rangers as you?

I only watch every game once.
Give an opinion about football and this is what you get.


It can be a cruel place on here at times.

Any Rangers fan that has been on here getting ripped year after year will testify to that.

Its going to be a tough shift for some on here if Rangers do win the league.....
It won't bother me in the slightest. I'll actually get some satisfaction from the fact that you and many other declined to nail your colours to the mast until the very last moment.

Why anyone would get upset about comments from randomers on a football forum is beyond me. You'd need to have something fundamentally wrong with you.

posted on 3/4/24

comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 22 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 22 hours, 17 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 hours, 2 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 10 minutes ago

Give an opinion about football and this is what you get.

thats what happens when the boy cries wolf tbf!
No. It isn't.
well evidently it is
Not at all. It just shows that Hamish would rather dish up stupid, meaningless comments than actually discuss the point.
but if you WUM on here 90% you cant moan when people dont take your serious posts seriously

posted on 3/4/24

If Rangers do win the league so be it, I've seen it plenty in my lifetime. It would also help in a lot of the fans' desire to see Rodgers leave.Also the board who are just as guilty as Rodgers if not more.

From a JA perspective it will be nice to see some old faces. The ones that were too busy or claimed the site was toxic when Celtic were always winning. I'm sure they'll find themselves busy again when Celtic win again.

Last time Rangers won the league we were told they were back, years ahead of us etc then we went on to win 5 out of the next 6 trophies. I'll take that cycle again if it comes to it

posted on 3/4/24

comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 22 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 22 hours, 17 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 5 hours, 2 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 10 minutes ago

Give an opinion about football and this is what you get.

thats what happens when the boy cries wolf tbf!
No. It isn't.
well evidently it is
Not at all. It just shows that Hamish would rather dish up stupid, meaningless comments than actually discuss the point.
but if you WUM on here 90% you cant moan when people dont take your serious posts seriously
I rarely WUM. I rarely even comment.

The thing I got accused of wumming about were Morelos, Kent and Barisic and the ridiculous valuations put on them by Rangers fans. Also your succession of joke managers.

Turned our not bad for me.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 3/4/24

comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago

It can be a cruel place on here at times.

Any Rangers fan that has been on here getting ripped year after year will testify to that.

Its going to be a tough shift for some on here if Rangers do win the league.....
It's like 20-21 never happened for some on here!

The majority of Tims on here, most of whom were against Lennon getting the gig, could see the writing on the wall and saw Gerrard miraculously get a tune out the diddies across the city. I'll admit, the magnitude of the capitulation was a surprise but there you go. Very few were surprised. Rage, at the board and Lennon, yes.

Probably more surprising was the tune Ange got out the bare bones that were left. I don't think anybody expected more trebles?

Then utter apathy when Rodgers waltzed back in with the only mitigation being his record and that it could have been a far worse appointment. And so it has come to pass that the apathy was justified and the majority predictions of a close league have come to pass too - albeit aided by the utter moron Beale. So again, no surprise. It will be a bigger surprise if we somehow win the league. A surprise and a disappointment that he'll get another season. Of course the prediction dynamics changed when Clement came in. He's done ok, maybe better than hoped for.

So, there won't be any meltdown outside a few roasters. If Rangers win, hopefully, Rodgers gets the tin tack but it depends what has really been going on behind the scenes wrt recruitment - down Lex. I would have been happy with Eddie Howe - I think he's shown he's not a one trick pony now? I'd still consider him again but fear now he's shown his mettle at another club he'll be in demand in the big playground.

If there's gonna be any meltdowns it will be the blue side. Purely from the perspective that you are in the driving seat.

Hey ho.

posted on 3/4/24

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 56 minutes ago
comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago

It can be a cruel place on here at times.

Any Rangers fan that has been on here getting ripped year after year will testify to that.

Its going to be a tough shift for some on here if Rangers do win the league.....
It's like 20-21 never happened for some on here!

The majority of Tims on here, most of whom were against Lennon getting the gig, could see the writing on the wall and saw Gerrard miraculously get a tune out the diddies across the city. I'll admit, the magnitude of the capitulation was a surprise but there you go. Very few were surprised. Rage, at the board and Lennon, yes.

Probably more surprising was the tune Ange got out the bare bones that were left. I don't think anybody expected more trebles?

Then utter apathy when Rodgers waltzed back in with the only mitigation being his record and that it could have been a far worse appointment. And so it has come to pass that the apathy was justified and the majority predictions of a close league have come to pass too - albeit aided by the utter moron Beale. So again, no surprise. It will be a bigger surprise if we somehow win the league. A surprise and a disappointment that he'll get another season. Of course the prediction dynamics changed when Clement came in. He's done ok, maybe better than hoped for.

So, there won't be any meltdown outside a few roasters. If Rangers win, hopefully, Rodgers gets the tin tack but it depends what has really been going on behind the scenes wrt recruitment - down Lex. I would have been happy with Eddie Howe - I think he's shown he's not a one trick pony now? I'd still consider him again but fear now he's shown his mettle at another club he'll be in demand in the big playground.

If there's gonna be any meltdowns it will be the blue side. Purely from the perspective that you are in the driving seat.

Hey ho.
Except I'm 100% convinced Rodgers will be here next year. Even if Rangers get a Treble

And anybody who thinks anyone will get a 'tough shift' on here takes things far too seriously and needs to be less defensive about their clubs.

posted on 3/4/24

It’s more than likely that a significant number of bears will go into meltdown were we not to go into meltdown should we (most expectedly) lose.

What a strange bunch.

posted on 3/4/24

< It would be an even bigger blow to Celtic if we win, >


'Blow' implies something unpleasant & unexpected.

On here & in the wider community Celtic fans have been realistic &

despondent for months.

A triumphalist Ger on here a month or so back was giving it '7 points

ahead by the OF game' several times. Turns out it's 1 behind with AGIH.

You win this title won't grudge it but it'll get PL & BR to fvk a lot quicker.

You lot need this Title 100x more than us.


If you don't win on Sunday it will be a massive blow.

posted on 3/4/24

BTW for fans of classic British 1950's comedy.

Rangers have won 3 trophies since Eric Sykes died.

Fvked if I know how many Selick Trophies & Trebles in same timeframe.

posted on 4/4/24

comment by The Mighty Quinn (U4099)
posted 7 hours, 58 minutes ago

BTW for fans of classic British 1950's comedy.

Rangers have won 3 trophies since Eric Sykes died.

Fvked if I know how many Selick Trophies & Trebles in same timeframe.

Ha that's not the perspective I need.

Strange feeling on the game, it feels like it used to. Nervous excitement knowing it could go either way but if anyone asks you're sure as sure can be.

posted on 4/4/24

Don't care Rangers won the league.

The real satisfaction is posters on an anonymous forum i don't care about didn't pin their colours to the mast.

posted on 4/4/24

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 7 minutes ago
Don't care Rangers won the league.

The real satisfaction is posters on an anonymous forum i don't care about didn't pin their colours to the mast.

You really are a sadly obsessed individual Villiers.

posted on 4/4/24

comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 7 minutes ago
Don't care Rangers won the league.

The real satisfaction is posters on an anonymous forum i don't care about didn't pin their colours to the mast.

You really are a sadly obsessed individual Villiers.
It just shows that Magnum would rather dish up stupid, meaningless comments than actually discuss the point.

posted on 4/4/24

Not caring your team if your team don't win the league

But caring enough to get satisfaction from posters you don't care about not pinning their colours to the mast whilst posting on anonymous forum you don't care about.

Seems very selective to me. One might think it was a little compfy blanket.

HA well i only care about winning when we win, and I only care about looking daft when it's someone else who looks daft. Plus I only think we should discuss the point when that point suits me.


posted on 4/4/24

'Not Bovvered'

Aye OK.

You all seemed to absolutely lap it up when we were on our knees and you were racking up trophies.

Now theres a bit of hope for Rangers suddenly no-one is bothered at all. And some folks seem very keen to tell us very early on how not bothered they are

Listen, knock yourselves out if it makes you feel better. If Rangers fans win the league then that in itself will be more than satisfying enough whether or not there is wailing and greeting from the east end.

If Rangers win the league it will be one of the most surprising and in some ways satisfying in my memory. To be getting everything so wrong at the start of the season and to get it to this point is a huge achievement.

If we dont turn up on sunday then, as far as the league is concerned, we will have missed a huge opportunity. I will be very disappointed - I have no issue with admitting that.

However, the context of this season cannot be ignored - we have still won a cup, over achieved in Europe and the scottish cup is still up for grabs. So, big picture - good signs.

And that is against a backdrop of one of the worst seasons for injuries I can remember.

For me the biggest disappointment will be the missed financial benefits of the expanded CL next season. That has the opportunity to really take us forward as a club especially given the board now have a manager and scouting set up they are confident to invest in.

posted on 4/4/24

Ahm bothered if it helps 👍

But like others this season has been so underwhelming. Genuinely think it’s a hangover from what ange gave us for two years and now we have the pragmatist rogers who is is as dislikeable as ange was likeable😕 still feel we have better individual players for the most part and there is where the hope lies.

posted on 4/4/24

comment by Foddy - make mine a quadruple treble (U8028)
posted 6 minutes ago
Ahm bothered if it helps 👍

But like others this season has been so underwhelming. Genuinely think it’s a hangover from what ange gave us for two years and now we have the pragmatist rogers who is is as dislikeable as ange was likeable😕 still feel we have better individual players for the most part and there is where the hope lies.

It doesnt 'help' in any way.

I do believe you though

If Rangers win the league it will genuinely be a good while before I even contemplate the misery of the celtic fans.

My focus will be on what we have achieved in a season that was in the bin in october. I will be looking forward to the scottish cup and a summer rebuild under a guy who would have already delivered the unthinkable with a squad bereft of real quality in key areas and then annihilated by injuries.

When the dust settles though I am sure I will be able to raise a smirk at the fans who take so much pleasure in kicking us whilst we are down.

posted on 4/4/24

Fash seems to have mixed up not bothered with it won't affect my life. He knows that though so s just repeating it for effect.

Will it annoy me that we don't win the league? Yes for an hour or two while Rangers supporting mates message me. Then life moves on. My career is not affected - no one in my team likes football apart from me and my boss hates it. I suppose I'll be content knowing that the bigger picture is since I left school we have stopped Rangers winning 10 in a row then went on to dominate domestically. Until that domination changes then I'll not get too upset, you can't win everything all of the time. One league title doesn't end domination - Rangers fans should know that

posted on 4/4/24

Lets not be silly about things.

As people have said - the impact of winning this league title in particular is significantly greater for Rangers than it is for Celtic.

Celtic have a massive financial advantage over us - now that doesnt necessarily bring guarantees but it does give a much greater opportunity for success.

If Rangers can win the league and get directly into the expanded CL next season then it would represent a real step change in our finances and bring us closer to Celtic on that front.

So all slightly silly chat about hurty feelings aside - there is still a rivalry between Rangers and Celtic no matter how much Celtic try to deny it.

And Rangers desperately need to win on sunday and then go on to win the league. The significance of this sunday and this league title is lost on no-one.

Lets not pretend its not huge and no-one really cares. And lets not pretend the implications of either team winning the league this season might not be felt for several seasons to come.

posted on 4/4/24

That is true - the finances gained from the CL next season ends any poor Rangers stuff. Even if it simply paid off debts we all know that Rangers board are happy to invest in the squad.

celtic winning the league gives us an even greater financial advantage but sadly we all know the Celtic board do not like to invest in the squad so wouldn't take advantage of it

posted on 4/4/24

comment by Call Sign (U3627)
posted 54 minutes ago
Fash seems to have mixed up not bothered with it won't affect my life. He knows that though so s just repeating it for effect.

Will it annoy me that we don't win the league? Yes for an hour or two while Rangers supporting mates message me. Then life moves on. My career is not affected - no one in my team likes football apart from me and my boss hates it. I suppose I'll be content knowing that the bigger picture is since I left school we have stopped Rangers winning 10 in a row then went on to dominate domestically. Until that domination changes then I'll not get too upset, you can't win everything all of the time. One league title doesn't end domination - Rangers fans should know that
No mix up.

It's there in black and white

posted on 4/4/24

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 2 hours, 52 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 7 minutes ago
Don't care Rangers won the league.

The real satisfaction is posters on an anonymous forum i don't care about didn't pin their colours to the mast.

You really are a sadly obsessed individual Villiers.
It just shows that Magnum would rather dish up stupid, meaningless comments than actually discuss the point.
You weren't making a point. You were trying to score one.

posted on 4/4/24

comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted 2 hours, 4 minutes ago
'Not Bovvered'

Aye OK.

You all seemed to absolutely lap it up when we were on our knees and you were racking up trophies.

Now theres a bit of hope for Rangers suddenly no-one is bothered at all. And some folks seem very keen to tell us very early on how not bothered they are

Listen, knock yourselves out if it makes you feel better. If Rangers fans win the league then that in itself will be more than satisfying enough whether or not there is wailing and greeting from the east end.

If Rangers win the league it will be one of the most surprising and in some ways satisfying in my memory. To be getting everything so wrong at the start of the season and to get it to this point is a huge achievement.

If we dont turn up on sunday then, as far as the league is concerned, we will have missed a huge opportunity. I will be very disappointed - I have no issue with admitting that.

However, the context of this season cannot be ignored - we have still won a cup, over achieved in Europe and the scottish cup is still up for grabs. So, big picture - good signs.

And that is against a backdrop of one of the worst seasons for injuries I can remember.

For me the biggest disappointment will be the missed financial benefits of the expanded CL next season. That has the opportunity to really take us forward as a club especially given the board now have a manager and scouting set up they are confident to invest in.

I won't be bothered by anything said on here.

I lived through a rangers 9 in a row already. The gap between the clubs was massive for much of that time.

Let's not pretend Rangers fans didn't make the most of it. That's what happens.

Grow up.

posted on 4/4/24

comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 2 hours, 52 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (3 in a row easy) (U22391)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 7 minutes ago
Don't care Rangers won the league.

The real satisfaction is posters on an anonymous forum i don't care about didn't pin their colours to the mast.

You really are a sadly obsessed individual Villiers.
It just shows that Magnum would rather dish up stupid, meaningless comments than actually discuss the point.
You weren't making a point. You were trying to score one.
Merely pointing out your hypocrisy

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