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Howson happy to be out - Bates killing club

Chatting to a friend of mine this morning who is a close friend of JH.

JH is very happy to be out of the club. Would never have signed another contract with Bates still there. Rest of players feel same. "Bates Out" chants at games do NOT adversely affect the players, they appreciate it but they can't say anything.

Why, you ask? Because they have a future football career to think about - their agents advise them to keep their mouths shut because chairmen throughout football do not want to employ someone who has whistleblown on another. They fear it could be done to them.

The plight of football is dire. Real men can't be real men because other real men would refuse to have them in their club.

SG was not seen as a bad manager by the players, but was hamstrung by the same conditions; he could not open his mouth. Led to frustrations between players and SG, and SG did not deal with them well. Made matters worse. None unhappy he has gone. But they want Bates out too.

Keep on singing against him at matches and keep on boycotting.

posted on 5/2/12

BON your negativity is depressing, don't you see yet that most fans don't agree with you?
Bates saved Leeds, and he cares about Leeds - he is desperate to get us promoted. Yes, he is very tight wadded but I much much much prefer that to the previous pfofligacy. In fact I would much rather we stayed in division 2 than went up and nearly bankrupt ourself again. I have enjoyed the last two seasons ' here, the only thing that spoiled it is cavemen like you singing moronic and monotone chants aimed at the saviour of our club. BATES HATERS OUT!

comment by Clive (U9178)

posted on 5/2/12

Jonny has me on ignore now, I think.

Perhaps one of you can copy this for him.

Ken Bates has been at the club for 7 years.

Simon Grayson was at the club for 3 years.

Over half the loans in Ken Bates' time at the club came under Grayson.

Grayson also used a lot of loans as manager of Blackpool.

Loans are a short-term fix that can help you look good and keep you in a job, but they don't help build the club.

Grayson is all about trying to make himself look good rather than doing what's best for the club and allowing the credit to come for that down the line.

posted on 6/2/12


Well said. Others though aren't bothered with facts just what they beleive.
Meme, thoughs over the other side seem to remortgage the debt enough times without paying massive amounts off.

posted on 6/2/12

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posted on 6/2/12

Jonny has me on ignore now, I think.

All well and good except the bit after the comma!

posted on 6/2/12

Still some who believe he’s the saviour At least the ones who generally stick up for Batesy have meaningful ways of putting it instead of being outright rude and insulting.

I had a lovely argument on FB with someone about this actually calling people t wats who rang up to blast Batesy on Yorkshire Radio I asked whether they were t’s because they hated Bates or because they did on the radio but without the facts…he then launched into a lovely spiel about not having his head in the sand but having his head, and I quote “in my panties”… such a lovely fella obviously. Is this the kind of person we have defending Bates? That has to resort to tasteless comments? I do despair sometimes.

Oh on a side note, if he had of said that to my face, I’d have drop kicked him in the nuts

posted on 6/2/12


"don't you see yet that most fans don't agree with you?"

No. On the contrary. The majority of fans can't stand the guy and do agree with me. Many have been priced out of ER already, many are walking away this season and not renewing, and it is only a matter of time until ER is solely the preserve of the upper middle class.

"Bates saved Leeds, and he cares about Leeds - he is desperate to get us promoted."

Rubbish. He is depserate to get the funding that comes with being promoted. If he can't get the tv payouts, at least he can get the fans to pay through the nose. Ooops, but they're leaving in droves!

"Yes, he is very tight wadded but I much much much prefer that to the previous pfofligacy. "

Agree. But he is being tight with twice as much money from the fans than the product deserves. That's why people are leaving.

"In fact I would much rather we stayed in division 2 than went up and nearly bankrupt ourself again. "

Agree. But how does that square with the "if you want Premiership football, you pay Premiership prices"? He may want it, but he is not prepared to go for it because it does require funding, but he wants us to pay as if we are getting it. Shove him.

"I have enjoyed the last two seasons ' here"

I don't know anyone perosnally that is enjoying this year. None of my mates or ST holders close to me in the ground have any enthusiasm on a match day. It's more a duty than a pleasure. That's why most are not renewing.

"the only thing that spoiled it is cavemen like you singing moronic and monotone chants aimed at the saviour of our club."

Hurrah. If ever there was a good reason to keep on singing it, louder and longer, it would be to annoy the proletariat like you.

posted on 6/2/12

comment by Eric Onion (U4604)

"Jonny has me on ignore now, I think."

Maybe your thinking is not that effective.

I just don't reply to posts that are not worthy of reply. Not quite the same as ignoring but I do understand how a buffoon might interpret it that way.

Have fun!

posted on 6/2/12


If you read a few posts earlier than my comment, you'll see I'm quoting someone else.

I'm actually not suggesting anything untoward of you, my comment is suggesting the poster that made the comment my be wrong to say 'I think'

Those blinkers really are quite tight fitting aren't they, or is it the drink again?

comment by Sol (U2745)

posted on 6/2/12


Thank heaven I went out last night.

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