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These 137 comments are related to an article called:

Jack Wilshere spits at Spurs fan

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posted on 5/7/11


I wouldn't defend it no matter who it was.


You may not be defending it as such, more trying to justify it.

posted on 5/7/11

I'm not actually trying to justify anything. If you'd actually read what I wrote I said that they're all cowardly acts and the fact that you may have the balls to hit someone doesn't make you any more of a man. It just makes you a thug.

posted on 5/7/11


Hitting someone doesn't necessarily make you a thug. You can hit someone in self defence but its not really acceptable to spit at someone in self defence is it?

Look at the bigger picture, yeah?

posted on 5/7/11

I've not once said that spitting at someone is acceptable.

Read what I've actually written, yeah?

posted on 5/7/11

Anybody who thinks any act on physical aggression (and that includes spitting) indicates masculinity is an idiot.

posted on 5/7/11

Anybody who thinks any act on physical aggression (and that includes spitting) indicates masculinity is an idiot.


Hear hear! This is what I'm been trying to get at the whole time

posted on 5/7/11

I'm still waiting on the details of the Wilshere thing however, we all no you can't trust the papers, look what is happening to the Sun and the Mirror over Jo Yeates's landlord.

posted on 5/7/11

I would take everything I read in the papers with a pinch of salt. They're more than likely to embellish the truth to sell more papers.

posted on 5/7/11

Anybody who thinks any act on physical aggression (and that includes spitting) indicates masculinity is an idiot.


100% disagree. Spitting is disgusting but i believe physical aggression can be essentially masculine.

I am not ashamed to say that through all the years i've been playing football, together with the rugby i played through school, i used to pride myself on my physical aggression.

Trust an Arsenal fan (a female fan at that, i believe) to want rid of physical aggression.

posted on 5/7/11

i believe physical aggression can be essentially masculine.


Wow. Just wow.

Hmm which would make me feel prouder as a girlfriend? My boyfriend taking the high road and stepping away from a fight, or punching someone's face in like a no-good thug. It's a tough one. The girlfriends of the guy that decided to take his aggression out physically on both me and my ex boyfriend some years ago seemed really proud of the way their boyfriends behaved. You could just feel it emanating from the viewing gallery when I took him to court where he was found guilty of common assault.

posted on 5/7/11

Of course in sport you want players that give 100% (call that aggression if you like).

In the real world there is no place for physical aggression.

posted on 5/7/11

Look at say, Alan Smith, Julian D-ic-ks (stupid swear filter) or Robbie Savage, all three 100% players maybe “aggressive” on the field of play. However never (as far as I recall) any trouble off the pitch, decent people in my opinion.

Then look at Joey Barton or if this story is true Wilshire, idiots and shame to say there are many more examples.

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 5/7/11

Being able to defend yourself with "physical aggression" as a last resort is masculine

Characteristics of masculinity:
Physical prowess
Honourable behaviour

These type of things inspire respect

Physical aggression used to help your ego doesnt fit in here

posted on 5/7/11

Being chivalrous?

posted on 5/7/11


The girlfriends of the guy that decided to take his aggression out physically on both me and my ex boyfriend some years ago seemed really proud of the way their boyfriends behaved.


What the bloody hell are you going on about now?

posted on 5/7/11

I'm going on about knowing from first hand experience that blokes that use physical aggression are not manly, they're cowards

posted on 5/7/11

Like TKoT said, any guy that thinks acts of physical aggression indicates masculinity is an idiot.

I think I've made my points here clear enough. Choose to make of them what you will. If you think that men that are physically aggressive (as long as it's not spitting) are just showing their masculinity then I'd really worry about you

posted on 5/7/11


What do you suggest then, we ban physical contact sports just because you & your bf made some enemies?

I've never heard so much tosh in all my life.

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 5/7/11

I think theres some obvious differences between violence in real life and physical contact in sport. Why are you even bringing up contact sports? it has nothing to do with the discussion!

posted on 5/7/11

You're twisting my words. You certainly do have a knack for twisting people's words. It's really quite impressive.

Please can you show me where I said we should ban all contact sports? I'd be interested to know where you thought I came to this conclusion.

Contact in sport is fine. I draw the line at violence for the sake of violence has no place in modern society.

Using physical aggression as a way of attempting to prove how masculine you are is pathetic. Any guy that thinks hitting someone will make them appear more masculine is an idiot. It's as simple as that.

posted on 5/7/11

Chicken, your wrong mate, sorry.

posted on 5/7/11

Why are you even bringing up contact sports? it has nothing to do with the discussion!


As a ridiculous way of trying to prove a point and make me look wrong?

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 5/7/11

what is his point though? violence is ok because of contact sports? it makes no sense

posted on 5/7/11

All I know is that if I saw a random guy in the street being 'physically aggressive' towards another guy, my first thought would not be "oooh what a manly man. My heart is all a flutter. I must have him" I'd be thinking "sheesh what a kn0b "

posted on 5/7/11

sir wellingtonsilva,

Mate, the discussion was brought up by T K o T with this post:


"T K o T (U6646)
posted 1 hour, 19 minutes ago

Anybody who thinks any act on physical aggression (and that includes spitting) indicates masculinity is an idiot".


I think you'll find the words "any act" could lead anyone to the assumption that anyone using "any act" (the clue is in the post ) of physical aggression is an idiot. HENCE, i explained how pathetically ridiculous this suggestion was, because physical aggression is not always used in the wrong way.

It was then that LRG brought domestic violence into the discussion by openly telling us her & her bf have been the victims of violence - why you would want to bring that sort of stuff up on a sport forum, with people you dont even know, is beyond me - but she did (please refer to the posts above for confirmation of this).

Therefore, i catergorically stand by the fact that people who use physical aggression in the correct way are not idiots, as T K o T suggested.

If you lot had your way there wouldn't be any football, rugby, boxing, martial arts etc left in the world.

I bet you lot cant wait for the Olympics start so you can start getting into Gymnastics you bunch of softies.

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