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These 59 comments are related to an article called:

Why are we going down?

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posted on 15/5/12

Couldn't agree more.

We constantly hear about what a great motivator and man manager Coyle is, but if you actually take a step back and look at things objectively, he's patently not.

He's probably very enthusiastic but that's not the same thing.

To get the best out of a group of individuals and mould them into an effective team, you need to tailor your approach to the individual and get inside their heads.

It's no good just telling David Ngog that he's Thierry Henry or saying to Zat Knight that he's Bobby Moore reincarnated, you've got to suss out what makes 'em tick and build on that.

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 15/5/12

So you've used all these words to basically say, 'I told you so!' Thats very helpful Mike well done , but if venting makes you feel better, then carry on even though its just wasted 2 mins of my life that I won't get back! Hopefully you will have got this out your system by the start of next season.

Owen Coyle isn't going anywhere. Gartside was on Talksport this morning saying the same thing. The quicker you and the rest of the Coyle Out mob start realising it the better, but I won't stand in anyone's way if writing this type of stuff makes you feel better about yourself. Onwards and upwards Mike and we might be in with an outside chance of winning something next season. COYWM!

posted on 15/5/12

5 star article bud

think you should post it on 'bolton nuts' too...

posted on 15/5/12

Agree with what you have said massively.

I am not part of this "Coyle our Mob". im not a mobster, and i wouldnt boo him or threaten him.

However the OP is spot on.

Every team we have played this season looks like they could of scored against us, even Villa, even Wolves.

My criticism of coyle is his absolute in-ability to adapt. You can winge on about bad injuries all you like. Man for man we are every bit as good as say.. stoke. But there manager plays to there strengths. We have a complete in-ability to defend. I accept largehats article that a lot of things have gone against us, but we havent even gone down fighting and scrapping.

Coyle has in part destroyed in 18 months wat it took 11 years to build. He hasnt done this on purpose, he just doesnt have the ability. Its ok trying to attack and score more than the other team, if you are a goalscoring team, but.... we dont even score goals.

We have been poor all over the field.

How many times have we been caught on the break
How many times have we gone a goal down and been forced to chase a game....and then lose by more.
How many times have we been completely and utterly outplayed
How many times have we said to ourselves... should of got at least a draw out of that. - we looked good going forward.

Coyle cannot defend, he doesnt know how to shut out teams.

i am all for the attitude, well... we are stuck with him now, so best get behind him. its time for coyle to go, or for him to employ new backroom staff. Because what they are currently coaching...isnt right.

This isnt a flash in a pan article at the anger of going down. i have highlighted our in-ability to defend all season, i have highlighted coyle in-ability to change it. i did applaud his 4-5-1 change, but it didnt take long for us to go back to 4-4-2. There is also a correlation between 4-4-2 and losing, 4-5-1 and positive results.

I really don't know how some can now defend Coyle. Lovely bloke, and probably a fantastic attack coach, but the whole package. Motivation, Tactical nous, Handling of media, signings etc. Simply not good enough.

Having said that, i think with Coyle in the championship, dependant on who leaves, we may do ok, as the demands of keeping the ball and not conceding arent quite the same

COYWM!!! i would love to see us come via playoffs again!! Great moment in my football life!!

posted on 15/5/12

Pld 38
Won 10
Drawn 6
Lost 22

The won and drawn bit not being more and the lost one being too many is the reason.

posted on 15/5/12

Comon Zat!!! Lad, putting your science degrees to good use there

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 15/5/12

Coyle cannot defend, he doesnt know how to shut out teams.
Sorry Clegg, but Owen Coyle did not play any minutes on the pitch for Bolton last season.

We had/still have substandard Premier League players who were simply not good enough. Your point is also lost because we did so well the previous year. If OC hadn't had us in the top 10 for most of the 10/11 season then I would be inclined to agree with you and a lot on here, but he didn't and the difference in those 2 seasons is personnel. Where were you saying these things last season????

How would you expect e.g. Spurs second string against our best 1st 11? We would expect us to win - well I would anyway. So why if the situation is reversed do people expect anything different?

If OC was so tactically inept like many seem to say, how do they explain last season? How do they explain our 2nd half against Villa, our 90 mins vs Liverpool? I could list all those games where OC made a positive change and got us a result, but what difference would it make? You guys would still ignore the full facts to suit your argument - hence why I normally avoid this subject on here.

posted on 15/5/12

Your entitled to your opinion but I think a lot of it is utterr rubbish. Just my opinion.

By the way, what does a premiership manager really look like?

posted on 15/5/12

JAH - we got relegated on Sunday. It's Tuesday today. People are entitled to be angry, vent and criticise. I have let them get on with it; they need to do it, you don't have to challenge every article and every comment you disagree with. Fair's fair, we went down.

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 15/5/12

JAH - we got relegated on Sunday. It's Tuesday today. People are entitled to be angry, vent and criticise. I have let them get on with it; they need to do it, you don't have to challenge every article and every comment you disagree with. Fair's fair, we went down.
LH please see my first comment on this thread. And yes, I have been sucked into this argument and will make an about-face now. Ta

posted on 15/5/12

Coyle cannot defend, he doesnt know how to shut out teams.
Sorry Clegg, but Owen Coyle did not play any minutes on the pitch for Bolton last season.

We had/still have substandard Premier League players who were simply not good enough. Your point is also lost because we did so well the previous year. If OC hadn't had us in the top 10 for most of the 10/11 season then I would be inclined to agree with you and a lot on here, but he didn't and the difference in those 2 seasons is personnel. Where were you saying these things last season????

Sorry JAH, but Owen Coyle did not play any minutes on the pitch for Bolton in the 10/11season.

The thing that always confuses me most on the Coyle in/out debate is: He was rightly praised when we were on a good run last season, so why is it wrong to slate him now we've had a shocking season and gone down?

posted on 15/5/12

Coyle has been nothing short of useless for over a season now, but I can handle that as if he didn't talk crap all the time and take some of the blame.

The excuses he used week after week and always found another one to make me laugh made him sound like Comical Ali.

It used to wind me up when every week he would blame everyone and everything but himself which was an insult to the paying fans intelligence.

We now know the level of Gartside's intelligence because he's bought all that spiel.

What we really needed to temper the disappointment of relegation was a capable manager in which we could believe in but now we're just going to get the same and even if we get prompoted,. I wont feel confident in the slightest because I'll know what's coming.

posted on 15/5/12

Agree Bricks. Me and my brother were saying something similar earlier. If he would just come out and say something along the lines of "I know I made a lot of mistakes this season, but I've learnt from them and promise to put things right next season" I might feel better about what's happened. From what I've seen though, that isn't likely.

posted on 15/5/12

Excellent article. I don't necessarily agree with everything, but very well reasoned.

By the way, the highlights have just come on over here in the US, and it's breaking my heart to watch them.

posted on 15/5/12

Mike - so you were proved right!!

I posted many threads and comments over the course of the season, saying we would stay up and outlining my reasons. I was proved wrong, and I have held my hands up and said I was wrong.

God, I wish I had been right, but such is life.

The point I want to make is, that none of us can change what has happened, right or wrong, so we need to unite, support whatever decisions the club make and look forward to what may be a very entertaining season.

posted on 15/5/12

Candidus, we don't necessarily have to support whatever decision the club makes. That's what can get clubs in trouble in the first place.

posted on 15/5/12

CC - i said support, not agree with. There is a subtle difference. We are Bolton fans and therfore support the club through good times and bad.

There have been lots of decisions over the years that I haven't agreed with, but I've always supported the club.

posted on 15/5/12

I love it how people want a pound of Owen Coyle's flesh.
They want to feel vindicated in their criticisms by Coyle saying "I am useless" in public. Then they can come on here and be smug and self-righteous about it, especially Reebok Bricks.

The question I would ask is when did any manager whose club gets relegated and is staying at that club ever accept responsibility for relegation and talk about the mistakes he made in public? It's no going to happen is it, what's the point in undermining confidence in yourself? What message would that send to prospective and current players, opposition managers and so on? It'd ridiculous.

Coyle is staying.

Coyle is not going to gave a Richard Nixon moment in front of the cameras.

posted on 15/5/12

I don't want Coyle to do that. I want him to be peed off, angry, and absolutely determined to completely destroy the Championship next season. Because that is what we are capable of.

posted on 15/5/12

Good article Mike. PS, you're not Atom Mike are you?

posted on 15/5/12

CC - fair enough.

He might well take some responsibility behind closed doors, but I think that some football fans in general make the mistake of observing the proliferation of real-time and ever-present media in this country and expect a commensurate increase in openness and transparency.

What goes on behind closed doors is exactly that.

posted on 15/5/12

Well Coyle hasn't been backwards in slagging players off at certain points of the season. I bet that did a lot for their self confidence.

I might not have made this clear earlier, but I would have more faith in him if he admitted he'd made mistakes. If he doesn't how are we supposed to know that he does actually think he's made any?

posted on 15/5/12

You're not supposed to know.

posted on 15/5/12

Not supposed to know what? Whether the manager that took us down believes he made mistakes during the season?

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 15/5/12

Of course OC won't take any responsibility for our demise ...in public or out of it .... It was God's Will - end of story.

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