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Why are we going down?

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posted on 15/5/12

He has admitted to being wrong in the past an being at fault. When he is at fault. If a player makes a mistake, an we all know it, why should Coyle apologise and accept blame for something another human being has done?

posted on 15/5/12

I love it how people want a pound of Owen Coyle's flesh.
They want to feel vindicated in their criticisms by Coyle saying "I am useless" in public. Then they can come on here and be smug and self-righteous about it, especially Reebok Bricks.


Well he's spent the season thinking we are all stupid by blaming everything on other people.

What I can't believe is that some fans bought this crap.

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 15/5/12

What I can't believe is that some fans bought this crap.
Bought it. Then chant it like a Mantra - daily. Nothing wrong with that ... you have to get maximum use out of anythin' you buy these days, makes no sense not to ....

posted on 15/5/12

Well he's spent the season thinking we are all stupid by blaming everything on other people.

What I can't believe is that some fans bought this crap.

It hasn't happened though, Bricks. Well, maybe it has in your mind, but he hasn't blamed everything on other people.

What you tend to do is watch a 2 minute post match interview on the BBC website.

As soon as Coyle says something about anything to do with the other team, the conditions, the number of games played, the officials, a little light goes on in your brain and you say to yourself, "here we go, more excuses from Coyle, I'm right and he's wrong", and off you go on your merry way.

Never have I come across another poster who manipulates facts to suit his point of view as yourself Bricks, you've done it consistently with the club accounts, selective use of football statistics and dates, and for the last 12 months, you've had this bee in your bonnet about Coyle and excuses and it's all we've heard from you. You ever had it in your username for a while. I don't know if it's something one of your mates said in the pub that you've seized upon, but I watch the same interviews and read the same newspaper articles about press conferences as you do, but the difference is, I'm realistic enough to know you're not going to get the average manager stand there and say things like:

"we lost today because I dropped X and picked Y"
"I am tactically naive but I am learning"
"I got the formation wrong, we should have pressed more in midfield"

It rarely happens in football. I've seen about 2-3 examples all season where a manager has come out and said he picked the wrong team - one was from Brendan Rodgers when they drew at home to Wolves the other week and he experimented with the formation and one was from Alex Ferguson about a month ago, I can't remember the game but he lamented only using Hernandez as a sub.

Even in these examples, it was stating the obvious. Swansea had conceded 4 goals at home to relegated Wolves, through playing 3 at the back as an experiment.

Hernandez had come on and changed the game and scored a brace. So it was easy in those examples for the manager to point out what the press would effectively be reporting anyway - they did something different and got it wrong.

What you want is Coyle to tell you what you think you already know, even though like everyone on this forum you are just a layman, you know about 5-10% of what a professional manager knows about football, but you're the expert and you want our manager to be sacked, and if not, humiliate himself for your own self satisfaction. It makes me sick.

posted on 15/5/12

He's quite prepared to humiliate the players publicly largehat.

He may not name them in his postmatch interviews, but they get mysteriously dropped a week later so it's dead obvious to anyone who he believes is to blame, the last player, off the top of my head was Muamba.

We'll move onto his incompetence next if you like and if it makes you feel sick, I recommend prochlorperazine.

In the mean time could you keep your posts shorter please as I'm getting a headache

posted on 15/5/12

He's quite prepared to humiliate the players publicly largehat.


He doesn't at all.

If a player makes a mistake, most managers will mention, he'll most probably tell them in his team talk, its what managers do, it helps them with their game.

I was unaware that the players were so precious, they are professional sportsmen, and grown ups, if they can't take a bit of criticism, they shouldn't be playing football.

posted on 15/5/12

Fair enough, a shorter post from me this time. I don't think saying that individual errors or performances were poor is humiliating to anyone. Certain players put in bad performance after bad performance at times this season.

It's his job to pick the team. If he drops someone its because he is paid to pick what he thinks is the best team. I just can't see how being dropped is humiliating to anyone, but I can see how expecting our manager to make a fool of himself in press conferences and post match interviews is.

It's his job to speak to the press. He says what he has to say. Yes he is annoyingly 'on-message' and positive at times, but we have no idea what goes on between Coyle and his bosses and Coyle and his players in private.

posted on 15/5/12

This summer mistakes or issues of this season have to be addressed.

1 injuries. We should have players back and not be as unlucky.

2. Players too old. The option is there with all these players. Any that stay on do so at the mangers request so if they proven to still be past it then the buck stops in one place. We can't afford to pay players like Gardner Blake jussi Davies to sit on the bench if they are not capable.

3. Fixtures. This was a nonsense argument in my opinion for a number of reasons. Notion states you want to play top teams. If confidence was low we had a long period of poor results after the start of which players had to be picked up. Also Wigan showed it possible to give too teams a game.

4. Coyles mistakes. The minus' far outweighed the odd plus of ability he showed. He had a decent season before so this season the real Owen coyle has to appear. Either this season or last. If its last great onwards and upwards. If its this season then this issue will have been largely unaddressed. Sadly this is the only thing not being critically assessed. It will be obvious early on what coyle is the true one. That being the case will Gartside back him long enough for too much damage to be done for promotion.

4. Coyles buys. Unless recommended by klinsmann they have been poor to average. With a lower standard of opposition some like eagles will flourish but we need to see more youngsters on a regular basis like vela rather than persistent with terrible players like pratley.

posted on 15/5/12

Notion = ambition

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 15/5/12

Petrov - save your breath (and your typin'. OC is nothing but a victim of circumstance, and thus blameless. File that alongside ' The Holocaust Never Happened ' folder, and accept that some opinions can never be changed, no matter what .....

posted on 15/5/12

First of,

I actually agree with Petrov that Coyle does need to improve some of his skills over the summer, and I think he will.

It does look like Coyle wants to bring through younger players such as Riley, Vela and Sordell.

We'll see if he actually does this though ...

posted on 15/5/12

People are entitled to form any opinion they damn well want. I back up my opinions with rationale. Firstof, you're a fool if you think there's a sensible comparison to be made with a bunch of people discussing football and holocaust denial.

I don't know if it's occurred to you that the outcome of a discussion isn't necessarily going to be that one person changes their opinion. Do you think Petrov doesn't realise that people will disagree with his post? Do you ever get to the point?

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 15/5/12

Is that the same Sordell who was bought in a hurry, in the Jan transfer window, then was left glued to the subs bench for the next 3 months, a time when we were desperate for the kind of goalscoring feats that supposedly convinced us to splash out good money for him? Panic buyin' is one thing ..... panic buyin' then stuffin' the goods in a drawer at a time when you most need 'em is another.

It's not exactly ' Inspired Management of Resources ' stuff, is it? maybe Sordell will now get his chance .... albeit a few months too late .......

posted on 15/5/12

It does look like Coyle wants to bring through younger players such as Riley, Vela and Sordell.

Not wholly convinced by that. The evidence being this season. He put his trust in players that let him down time and again. It would have been brave and bold to throw these kids in and freshen up a team that had largely failed. Instead we saw token chances for them. You only know if someone has what it takes if you give them something to take.

posted on 15/5/12

The way sordell was used was a clear mistake that I don't think many would deny and that's not even using hindsight. Sordell in the Premier League was a clear mistake for coyle.

posted on 15/5/12

Petrov, Coyle (and Gartside) have come out to say that they do want to bring through youth team players.

I do agree with you that Sordell could have been used more, but spending £2m on someone suggests we do want to use him, and he has a good record in this league.

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 15/5/12

I listen to arguments all the time Largehat ...on here, and IRL. I like to think I'm not inflexible to ideas & theories contrary to my original trains of thought. I know many others who also have that in-built flexibility ..and a good few who don't ..... Just tryin' to flag up to Petrov that he may be wastin' precious time on the latter. I hadn't made my comments personal to you, so I'm dissappointed that you find it neccessary to make your comments personal to me.

But not shocked though - par for the course an' all that, eh?

posted on 15/5/12

Gartside and coyle said our squad was good enough last season! Read my point it's not anti coyle it's fact. Pratley got games and was awful. Vela barely got a kick but looked decent. Similar point in terms of ngog and sordell.

posted on 15/5/12

Coyle was neither brave or bold in his use of youth

posted on 15/5/12

Firstof, I'm sorry but your not flexible in your opinions at all.

You have very generalised opinions of people on here, and spout these on every single thread you appear on.

For example, thinking that some Coyle supporters think that Coyle can do no wrong. This is completely untrue, I and even I, the person you say is 'inflexible' has criticised Coyle, even on this thread .....

posted on 15/5/12

Firstof, I just don't see what the point was of comparing other posters to bloody holocaust deniers, and telling
Petrov he's wasting his time posting because you perceive other posters to be intransigent. Petrov made some fair points in his post which I took on board, it doesn't mean I have to agree or be persuaded for it to be a valid exercise.

Is there anything remotely similar between people who deny the predetermined mass murder of hundreds of thousands of people too place and people who discuss football on the internet in a certain way? Was it an appropriate figure of speech or reference point?

I am quite arguable the biggest t---er om our board but even I don't tell people they're wasting their time posting and bring the holocaust into it. That's all I'm saying.

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 15/5/12

There was a theory that Sordell was bought because of his particular Championship scorin' prowess, and not because he was considered good enough for the Prem ...which could explain why he was left to rot on the Prem bench, and maybe saved for the job he was destined to do the following season! I've never heard of a club, desperately short of goalscorers, makin 'a major goalscoring player purchase, and then consigning 'em to oblivion, without even givin' them a start for months!

You couldn't make it up, could you?

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 16/5/12

It's the hypocrisy that gets me. I banged on about OC months ago, LH ...you were ' the voice of reason ' ... telling me & everyone else that now's not the time; rally behind the cause, etc. ..but if it turns out we're doomed, i'll be right there with ya, wanting his 'ead on a plate, type of rhetoric. I bought into that for a while ...but always wondered what really would happen if push came to shove.

Now I know ....We know. it was just all insincere garble. No blame - no shame - give that luverly man a massive new million quid+ contract. You had me fooled for a while though, I'll give you that ....

posted on 16/5/12

I think you're confusing me with someone else, Firstof.

I've stated here on numerous occasions this season that I wouldn't want Coyle sacked even if we went down. So your accusations of hypocrisy are extremely wide of the mark. Others will back me up on this point, you want to see the proof with your own eyes, go through my article history, you'll find it in less than 5 minutes.

You compare football fans to holocaust deniers and then criticise me for alleged use of rhetoric - now that's hypocrisy.

You're wrong on your facts - as usual.
You make ridiculous accusations - as usual.
You ignore what others are actually saying - as usual.
You do exactly that which you condem others for - as usual.

Can we have the other individual who uses your account now please, you know, the one with the family brain cell.

posted on 16/5/12

Firstof it is time to take back the holocaust remark as it was inappropriate. Do that then move on with what I view to be extremely accurate interpretation of the man who two years ago believed he was a god and now finds himself back in the mortal realm

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