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These 59 comments are related to an article called:

Why are we going down?

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posted on 16/5/12

Thank God!!!

Disagreement on a Bolton article and I was nowhere to be seen...!!!

Keep the love brothers... We need to be as one come August...

posted on 16/5/12

Not wholly convinced by that. The evidence being this season. He put his trust in players that let him down time and again. It would have been brave and bold to throw these kids in and freshen up a team that had largely failed. Instead we saw token chances for them. You only know if someone has what it takes if you give them something to take.

Conveniently forgetting Mark Davies is a young player who has been an ever present this season, and for me has been one of the biggest let downs

posted on 16/5/12

Suppose your right but he has played for over three years

comment by Firstof (U4545)

posted on 16/5/12

I think you're confusing me with someone else, Firstof.
I've trawled through the articles, and eventually found what I've been referring to.

You are quite correct Largehat ...it wasn't you at all, and I sincerely apologise for misrepresenting you. A stupid, very late night post that I should have had the good sense to avoid making.

I'm well aware that you have little time for anything I post on the forums (the 4 ' as usual ' comments about me obviously bear that out) but that's no excuse for me mistaking other's remarks for yours, and having a public 'pop' at you in the bargain as a result of my mistake.

I do believe that some posters have a ' head in the sand ' approach to the managerial position at Bolton. Again though, my analogy with holocaust denialists was ...IS ..with hindsight, uncalled for - and certainly far too OTT. Apologies for any offence caused to anyone.

NOTE TO SELF: Type out 100 lines of ' I must check sense of perspective fully, before hitting the send button '.

Hopefully, folk will be generous enough to allow matters to move on. Thanks.

posted on 16/5/12

Thanks for the post above, Firstof. I appreciate that.

posted on 16/5/12

Every credit FirstOf..

Not many people on here would have the guts to write something like that, fair play..

Infact, prob just you & me....

posted on 16/5/12

Firstof you have now returned to position of my favourite poster. 👏👏👏👏👏

posted on 17/5/12

Thank Christ (copyright Owen Coyle Enterprises) for that.

Can we all get on with preparing for next season now?

posted on 17/5/12

Firstof -

Was it me by any chance?

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