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These 48 comments are related to an article called:

More Exits...Do We Expect A Busy Summer??

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posted on 30/6/12


I still dont get why you're pro-AVB. With respect , you seem to just make excuses for him, like saying he's leant his lesson, and it was the Chelsea players fault etc, i just cant fathom why you are giving him the benefit of the doubt, when you wouldnt want any other manager who failed in the Prem at his first attempt, so why do we want to be the guinea pigs for his next experiment?

You dont need a bunsen burner to guess that our season is going to go up in flames before its even begun if/when AVB gets his hands on us.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 30/6/12

oh chicken

i am pro AVB because he will be our manager and as I am massively pro Levy, then I trust that Levy will be bringing in the right man.

Its as simple as that.

A year ago the man was the hottest young managerial property in the world.

He isnt suddenly now a piece of rubbish because he was sacked by chelsea.

The same chelsea who has sacked Scolari (world cup winner), Ancellotti (double winner, legend manager), and Mourinho (probably will end up being in the top 5 managers of all time)

i am confident (especially looking at our start), that we will be inthe top 4 in october/november, and from then on we just need to keep up the mometum

also i bet AVB shows the cups more respect than Harry did, and its about time we added some more silverware to the cabinet

posted on 30/6/12


Your saying how do we know he will be a success but your acting like he has 100% failed already

He was tipped to be one of the top managers in the world, he dedicates himself to football, he plays the kind of football Tottenham fans want to see and he gives 100% at al times on tactics and set pieces etc.

His style of football was never going to work at Chelsea, they were struggling with their shape and the pace they played at before he came along .. Why was Torres so crap? Beacuase he had to wait 3 weeks for the ball to get to him

Now you could say that he should of changed to play a different way but i was brought in to change things and get Chelsea playing with more pace and more enjoyabe to watch...

I would bet you that Abramovich sacked him with a heavy heart and realised with this bunch of players it was a mistake to bring him in

I mean come on


All think they own the club and were never going to listen to someone as young as AVB..

We dont have those kind of players at Tottenham

Yes he might fail and you can come on here and say you were right , but he might turn out to be the best manager we ever have ..

Of course we all said he was crap at Chelsea.. We loved seeing them struggle and in our rear view mirrow but thats what people do on here

ook at the Chelsea and Arsenal fans on here saying Harry is crap, never won anything and a wheeler dealer.. now we have got rid of our best manager and we will fall back to mid table obscurity

They is no way the club would of got rid of Harry if they wanted to stay around 4th or 5th .. its my belief the club want to push on and we would never of done that with Harry and i can not be bothered to go into al the reasons why, its all been said on here 100s of times

Give the guy a chance mate.. you might be surprised ..

posted on 30/6/12


Yes Chelsea did sack those other managers, and whilst they may have won World Cups & doubles elsewhere, this obviously didnt stand in much stead, because they couldnt replicate it in the league/competition they were employed for over here. Although, i do think they were harshly sacked, whereas AVB simply never produced at all, infact i think he is Chelsea's worse ever Premiership manager, and they even had Avram Grant at one point.

The Prremiership is (& please excuse the pun) a completely different ball game to an international set-up &/or a foreign league, especially one like the Primeira Liga, which is the equivalent to the Scottish Premiership in terms of the number of teams who win its title - and we wouldnt want an Ex-Celtic / Rangers manager would we, on the basis that they won the title in 2010-2011?


I dont think the D'oh smiley was that necessary was it? I think the discussion is going quite well - not one insult in sight, there's just a couple of, dare i say it, respected Spurs posters, having a difference of opinion.

For the record, i wont enjoy coming on here to say "i told you so" but to me its obvious he's not cut out for a job as elite as the Spurs one - and following in Harry's footsteps, or certainly improving what Harry has achieved is not going to be easy. Although i do appreciate this would be difficult for whoever else was going to/is going to be appointed.

This appointment really sits uncomfortable with me. I do have trust in Levy, i have always stuck up for him in the past, but i think he's got this one horribly wrong.

posted on 30/6/12

You have your oppinion mate but i think you are not seeing the bigger picture of what went on at Chelsea

The was not a insult, more of a slap .. <Laugh>

Bale must of had a long talk with the club and he would of known who the new manager is he was happy enough to stay

I think the players could respond more to someone who gets involved more in trainnng and getting the players to become better players

the one thing for sure is that he has worked with a lot of top managers for many yrs and i think if he gets the job he deserves the chance and our support

Now give me a

posted on 30/6/12


The manager will always get my support whoever he is, i supported George Graham when he was incharge so i'll certainly support AVB.

I just find it hard to believe that we'd employ someone with a proven failed track record in the league we play in.

I know football isnt the real world, but if i got an elite job & failed, one of my company's main competitors would not be rushing to snap me up, quite the opposite - they wouldnt touch me with a bargepole, which is what we should be doing with AVB.

posted on 30/6/12

They would if they saw your CV and knew what a bunch of s worked for the other company

Do you really think Levy just said, lets give this guy a job, he must of convinced Levy of his talent and that nhe has learnt from his mistakes

If you dont make mistakes in life you will never become better and learn anything

Show me a man who has never made a mistake and i will show you a liar ..

posted on 30/6/12

George Graham

I remember being in the corner pin after we beat leicester in the carling cup final

Half the pub were singing " George Grahams Blue & white army , while the rest of us were singing " man in a raincoats blue and white army..

posted on 30/6/12


If you dont make mistakes in life you will never become better and learn anything


Yes, everyone deserves a second chance, I just dont want my club to act as some kind of charity case for less fortunate managers.

Levy may be convinced from what AVB has said, but talk is often cheap. A mate of mine blagged his way through an I.T. interview at the MoD, he got himself put on an £80k 3 month contract, they got legal documents drawn up swearing him to secrecy & all that, but it soon become apparent that he didnt have a bstard clue what he was doing, and he put their files in grave danger, so he was outed after just 5 days. He still pocketed the £80k though, because both parties signed the contract.

I've just got this horrible feeling that this story will get repeated, with my AVB playing the lead role, the MoD being Tottenham FC, the £80k contract being more like a £10m pay-off & the files he almost destroyed being my club's results going horribly wrong.

posted on 30/6/12

AVB knows what he is doing

you could say hary does not really know what he was doing .. very litte tactics just go out a play and when it went wrong 2 seasons running he had no answers

any manager we get in is going to be a risk but i prefer someone who Mourhino rates and who was schooed by Sir Bobby

There is no way harry could of kept his job and he would never take us higher than 4th so maybe a risk needs to be taken if we want to reach for the stars

posted on 30/6/12


There is no way harry could of kept his job and he would never take us higher than 4th


I think thats harsh, seeing as we finished just 1 point from 3rd. Its hardly an impossible task to improve by 1 point is it?

But Harry's gone, so there's no point me (or anyone else) looking back, but i would have preferred to get someone in who hadn't had a nightmare first season, a proven failure, in the league we play in.

You know you're onto a bad thing when you take an ex-manager from somewhere like Chelsea, and there's not one "Traitor" comment from his ex-club's fans, no bad feeling & no malice whatsoever, but instead its pure laughter - there is genuinely not one jealous bone amongst them. That in itself speaks volumes.

posted on 30/6/12

Chicken.. I remember the Chelsea fans also blaming the players when he left , of course now a lot of them have changed their minds because of what they won.. if your taking your views based on what Chelsea fans are saying on here then its no wonder we disagree

read my article i just did about Bill Nic. thats what we want in a manager , not soemone who is in it for himself like harry was

If you can not see that we messed up two seasons running and thats down to Harry as far as im concerned and clearly the club felt the same

posted on 30/6/12


I'm not basing anything on what the Chelsea fans are saying. In fact, they're not really saying anything at all. This appointment couldnt be any less-threatening to them. We're taking their worst ever Premiership manager - why do they care?

Yes, we had a poor period in the season that cost us, but so did Arsenal have a poor patch, City, Chelsea & even United (losing an 8pt lead in the title race), so you have to judge on the full season, not just the tough run-in which affected us.

Again, there's no point crying over spilt milk, but you cant be an ordinary manager & finish 4th (1pt from 3rd) in the Premiership. And if Harry wasnt "all that special" finishing 4th, how bad should we rate AVB then, considering the mess he caused at Chelsea with the players they've got/had.

As i said before, the one thing that can be said for Chelsea is that they had one of the strongest defences in the league - but AVB made them look like a pub team who'd been out clubbing the night before.

As for your article re Bill Nicholson (i haven't read it yet) but i couldnt care less if the manager is it in for himself or not, i want them to do well regardless, whether they want the credit themselves (eg. Mourinho) or whether they want to do it for the club.

If you think AVB wants the Spurs job beacuse he loves the club, and he bleeds blue & white blood, you are very much mistaken.

posted on 30/6/12

Of course im not saying thats what AVB is ..

In any job i want someone who gives 100% and if harry had done that we would of finished 3rd

Go back and check all the Chelsea posts on here at the time, they were all arguring amongst themseves as to whos fault it was and a lot were blaming the players ..

Just to remind you that Chelsea finished 6th after spending over 100 million again so maybe they are a pub team and when he left Chelsea were 4th and they finished 6th so maybe the players should be getting more blame than the manager

yes they won two trophys but no club will ever get that much luck again to win a trophy..

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 30/6/12

oh chicken

posted on 30/6/12


I dont need to be reminded where Chelsea were & where they finished but you do have to take into consideration the winning rate between AVB & RDM, which was something like 46% vs 61% (or something similar), so the players certainly responded better to the different tactics. Whether it was a respect issue or ability, we dont know - but neither reason is particularly healthy to be fair, is it?

Its all well & good trying to blame the Chelsea players for AVB's failure, but AVB is meant to be the boss, and if he cant mark his authority within a Premiership team then what use is he to us?

Also, its funny how you told me i shouldnt listen to the Chelsea fans when it favoured my opinion, but you are happy to use their reactions when they were apparently arguing amongst themselves, in support of yours.

As for Harry not giving 100%, it wasnt Harry's fault that VdV missed 2 sitters against Chelsea, 1 against Sunderland, along with Friedel letting in a powder-puff Taraabt free-kick against QPR...and so on.

He can pick the team, choose tactics & do his motivational stuff, but he couldnt take every kick for them & make every save. Harry didnt lose us the points on his own, the players had a dip in form - which happens to almost every club in the league, as i say, even United dropped 8pts at the death to lose the actual title. This stuff happens in football.

What shouldnt happen is, you dont give someone like AVB the benefit of the doubt in the hope Chelsea's failures were just a coincidence from the time he was there to the time he left. To me, thats daft.

posted on 30/6/12

He can pick the team, choose tactics & do his motivational stuff, but he couldnt take every kick for them & make every save. Harry didnt lose us the points on his own, the players had a dip in form - which happens to almost every club in the league, as i say, even United dropped 8pts at the death to lose the actual title. This stuff happens in football.

What tactics and motivation

from feb we were devoid of both

Chicken, dont mean to be rude but you need to get your head out of harrys ar-se mate ..

if you think our dip in form two seasons running is just something that happens in football then i have to think you are just so into Harry that it woud not matter how bad we became ..

posted on 30/6/12


If you think a manger can deliver two 4th placed finishes & 1 fifth, for a club whose highest ever finish was 5th, without good tactics & motivational skills, then its not me who needs to take their head out of somewhere, fella.

If dips "dont just happen", how do you explain Arsenal's loss of form (ie. dip) midway through the season, United's loss of form (dip) towards the end, along with dips from Chelsea, Newcastle, all the relegated clubs, Liverpool, mid-table teams & all other teams in our league?

The league is 38 games a season, you dont just judge a manager on a selected few where the results went against.

I already said that we shouldnt be wasting time speaking about Harry, but your summary of him or accusations about having no tactical ability etc is something i'd expect my bird to say, like when she claimed that the home advantage is just a myth, as its just another pitch for 11 men to kick a ball about on. You cant just turn up at a Premiership club, pull 11 names out of a hat, send them out for 38 games & finish 4th.

In short, you're picking holes in a manager who has achieved far more than a man you're claiming is the right man for the job. With respect, if Harry can (by your theory) just pick out 11 names at random, but AVB cant even match his results with extensive research & tactical genuis, we're seriously in more trouble than i originally realised.

Levy, save your money & just buy a tombola machine.

posted on 1/7/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 1/7/12

posted on 1/7/12

How has harry achieved more than AVB.. 1 trophy in 30 odd yrs says otherwise

posted on 2/7/12

How has harry achieved more than AVB.. 1 trophy in 30 odd yrs says otherwise


As i said before, you have to compare like for like, as in the league they have managed, the same amount of games & the same type of opposition.

You cant compare what one manager has done against portuguese opposition against what one has done in the Premiership.

As such, if we compare like for like, for the games they both had in the same league, over the same amount of games, Harry has the better record - that is fact.

Not that i care about what Harry has done or not done in relation to this debate. Harry's gone & i've moved on. My point is simply that AVB has a Premiership record that is beneath what we would expect as a minimum at Spurs, so why would we want him?

Apparently he told Levy he has learnt from his mistakes at Chelsea, woooopydoo...for a £16m package i (personally) would expect a bit more practical evidence than just that from my manager.

posted on 4/7/12

Weare (now aka Lane of hope),

Funny you brought up the comparison between AVB & HR, and me subsequently mentioning that to be fair, we should compare like-for like, as in over the same period of time (era / season), in the same league (the only one available is the Premiership) & the same length of time (games played) in that that very season. In the paper today they have listed exactly that & the figures are quite interesting. The results are as follows:

Games played (as we knew already):

AVB – 27
Harry – 27

Games won:

AVB – 13
Harry - 16

Games drawn:

AVB – 7
Harry – 5

Games lost:

AVB – 7
Harry - 6

Goals for:

AVB – 47
Harry - 52

Goals against:

AVB – 32
Harry - 33

Points won:

AVB – 46
Harry - 53

Win %

AVB – 48%
Harry – 59%

I think this alone proves the point I was making. Not about Harry (as we’ve both already said he’s gone, there’s no point crying over it) but more about what is acceptable for Spurs, and more importantly, what isn’t / shouldn’t be.

The appointment has been made now, so we just have to all get behind him, hope & pray AVB did not cross his fingers when he told Levy he has leant from his mistakes & he’ll never do it again, not in a million, trillion, cuzillion years.

Although my jury is still out & far, far, far from convinced.

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