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Anybody seen Suso's tweet?

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posted on 29/7/12

I think Suso will make the odd sub appearance and cup appearance, but at 18 is not ready for any extended first team football.

A loan move could benefit him, perhaps in January when the EL group stage is over, probably to the Championship so he gets proper game time in a tough division.

posted on 29/7/12

yawn, what a surprise our fans arguing with each other again

posted on 29/7/12

I reckon Suso will get a few cup games and maybe a couple of benches this season. With regard to his tweet 'nothing changes' - English isn't his first language so he may not have meant it the way it's being taken - if anyone mentions Suarez - I'm off for a sulk with Fred.

posted on 29/7/12

If I knew how to delete this article I would. I didn't realise it's mentioning would cause such offence. I did not mean or want to offend anyone.

Mistake on my part for mentioning it and reading it in the first place apparently! I didn't pay for the paper it was provided for free. I read what it had to say on Rodgers and put it aside. I never take what it has to say seriously any way I was merely curious so don't think of me as someone who buys that paper and hangs on it's every word.

Honest mistake, didn't realise it would be such a sensitive issue. Didn't want to cause arguments between people, I didn't want it to get personal. I only wanted opinions on Suso and youth promotion and friendly debate between people who follow Liverpool.

posted on 29/7/12

We have moved on Matt, don't go back again

posted on 29/7/12

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comment by (U6361)

posted on 29/7/12

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posted on 29/7/12

It's pretty disgusting that the OP now feels he has to apologise just for referencing that paper.
No it isn't.

He's a stand-up lad and explained why he referenced it.

We've moved on - no hard feelings matt or anyone else

comment by (U6361)

posted on 29/7/12

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posted on 29/7/12

I glance at it in the local Chinese when I am waiting for my food to be ready as they always have a copy on the side, but would never dream of buying the thing. Same thing in the hairdressers.

You eat takeaway hair trimmings?

comment by (U6361)

posted on 29/7/12

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posted on 29/7/12

You have never had hair on chips?

Its awesome

posted on 29/7/12

I think BR will look to move a few of the youngsters up and Sterling is probably ready.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 29/7/12

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posted on 29/7/12

Suso is far too good for the reserves, so whats the next step up? its first team, hes right i share his disappointment if its true. Even if it means just partaking in training and warming the bench. Hes 18 so he would not even take up 1 of the spots would he?

posted on 29/7/12

Hair trimmings can infest your bum fluff with lice though.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 29/7/12

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comment by fitlfc (U2366)

posted on 29/7/12

Our skipper is telling the younger players to seize their chance now with hard work and showing skill in training.
They must prove they are better than those already on the pitch or can provide something different. Good advice.

posted on 29/7/12

I read that Suso has one year left on his contract.

I think there are questionmarks over the lads temperament that need answering now.

posted on 29/7/12

the club supposedly want him to sign a new deal before integrating him into the first team.
Needs to be a bit of commitment on his behalf as if the club give him game time ahead of senior players and then does a pogba, how do the club go back to the senior players who missed out?

posted on 29/7/12

Why is the sun such a big issue? I'm sure many of the journalists have changed since hillsborough. It's like hating germany for starting the war!

I think their terrible level of journalism is a good reason to not read, not an article written 23 years ago!

Of your youth players, i think sterling should be given a go.

posted on 29/7/12

Im a jew but I still go to Germany

posted on 29/7/12

Germany has changed.

The Sun is still equally hideous, it has just changed its targets to Muslims.

posted on 29/7/12

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posted on 29/7/12

Why is the sun such a big issue? I'm sure many of the journalists have changed since hillsborough. It's like hating germany for starting the war!

Do you know what, that is a great analogy.

I bet there is not a single employee at that paper today who was there at the time of the article, yet its like holding the current residents of germany to account for the war.
Kelvin mackenzie is the guy that is to blame for the sun's shameful headlines and that is where the anger should be continually directed.
If people read the sun, it should be their own fault for choosing such a low level read, but they should not be harangued over an incident that was down to a group of individuals that are no longer associated with the paper.
If a blanket boycott is what should happen then i expect everyone to claim they have never watched sky tv then!

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