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RVP to Man Utd

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comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

"Make of what you want of that, but in the black and white world, he refused to sign a contract at 150k and singed another at more."

See, you call me deluded for believing the club. Maybe I am, but there is no way you could possibly know that the above statement is true, is there? Which means you are merely speculating, which makes you just as deluded/stupid, no?


LOL, and where is the statement from the CLUB saying Rooney didnt hand in a transfer request (we know this is FACT as the request has to be lodged at the FA, and generally making it public news via agents).

The club will say what is in the best interest of the player and team. Contract talks are held in confidence. Would Man U EVER come out and said yes, Rooney is on 200k a week? please, will never happen. No club EVER reveals this. It is all player and Agent leaked.

Like Utd saying they are not interested in Kagawa, and then signing him.

The articles are based on Agent and players. Rooney himself had said, in numerous articles as stated that he wanted to match that of City Yaya Toure, who just signed for 180k a week. Simple, who said to people around him who leaked it.

posted on 31/7/12

Gonz, says all you need to knor really. Everybody knew about Nasri and Henry before you signed these players, they went for over 10m each for christ sakes. And Podolski has been around for yonks, he has over 100 caps and has played for a bigger club than Arsenal.

The point for RVP, is you lose your best players and haven't replaced them with the same level of quality and aren't in the mix for a title.

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

Gonz, says all you need to knor really. Everybody knew about Nasri and Henry before you signed these players, they went for over 10m each for christ sakes. And Podolski has been around for yonks, he has over 100 caps and has played for a bigger club than Arsenal.
The point is many fans are stating they are not the quality signing to replace the likes of Fabregas or RVP. How can anyone be certain? They havent played in a AFC shirt yet, for anyone to say they are not of quality.

I appreciate RVP is world class, and I cant think of another injury prone world class striker in his category who we could replace him with in all honesty. And to be honest, until RVP leaves (he is still and AFC player FFS) we wont know of what replacements will come. The only good thing is we have cover in the likes of Giroud. Which we didnt have last year.

Last year Fab and Nas situation was all very last min in the last days of the transfer window, where we Supermarket sweeped in players which came after the Man U drumming.

The club has learned and taken action this season.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 31/7/12

The new deal was expected to take
his salary to around £150,000-a week, though
it is understood that he has told friends that
the offer is not as good as he would like.

Expected, understood, all words of a journalist in the know

Might aswell have thrown a maybe and a probably in there too!

'It is understood that he told friends'

Some cold hard facts right there in that sentence.

posted on 31/7/12

I understand your opinions, but realistically Giroud and/or Podolski are never going to reach the heights of RVP and you still haven't replaced Cesc or Nasri.

You are looking to the future with optimism which is great to see (unlike most who moan about lack of signings ect), but surely you don't believe signings like Podolski and Giroud (who have never scored 37 goals between them in a season) are good replacements for the likes of RVP? Or Gervinho a replacement for Nasri, or Arteta for Cesc, these are all downgrades and to say otherwise is ludicrous.

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

Expected, understood, all words of a journalist in the know

Might aswell have thrown a maybe and a probably in there too!

'It is understood that he told friends'

Some cold hard facts right there in that sentence.



This seems more factual,

And for you deluded folk, read a Manchester United based article


"Any United supporter who believes that Rooney was not considering a move to the blue half of Manchester is deluded and clearly trying to distance themselves from entertaining the thought. A deal was in place with his agent to take him to Manchester City which would have made him the worlds highest paid player. "

And thats a Man U fan page writer, lol

And a few more:




posted on 31/7/12

Why the hell do you know how the development of Giroud and Poldi will be, BusbysBabes? Do you have glas balls.

If you are saying you don't rate them. I respect that but suggesting they can't play at the level needed is ridiculous.

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

To all the man u folk, I could find dozens more, and many more if it were 2010.

I am not making this up and all articles have one thing in common, all state '200k' and that it was considerably more then the intial contract.

I am going by the only source I have in the football world, outside of MUFC website, but I think you will find that there isnt much on there outside that Rooney has signed, lol. Same with all the players that sign actually.

Funny, when Man City Tevez went AWOL, their website reported feck all, but we all know he was playing golf in South America.

Deluded, me. Mwahahahhaha.

posted on 31/7/12

I think Podolski is decent, certainly not at RVP's level throughout his career so I find it unlikely that at 26/27 he will suddenly become world class. Do you not agree?

Giroud I don't know so much about and can only go on 4 or 5 performances, though apparently he had a good season last term, I find it unlikely (based on what I have seen) that he will ever rech the levels of RVP.

As stated, they have never managed the 37 goals RVP did this season between them in any one season.

I'd rather see you lot fighting for a title before the likes of Chelsea, Liverpool and City, but I think you will struggle for top 4 this season if RVP doesn't stay.

Are my opinions not valid?

posted on 31/7/12

Gonz, everything you say is pure speculation. In a nutshell, you're whole stance on this matter has been as follows:

"Rooney wanted more money. I know this because it says so in the Daily Mail. Any one who dosent believe it is deluded"

Very childish, I think you'll agree.

posted on 31/7/12

"I am not making this up and all articles have one thing in common, all state '200k' and that it was considerably more then the intial contract."

Yes, but this includes add ons such as bonus' and image rights which were not originally reported, obviously to make it look like a money grabbing exercise (which it may well have been, but it didn't work).

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

Gonz, everything you say is pure speculation. In a nutshell, you're whole stance on this matter has been as follows:

"Rooney wanted more money. I know this because it says so in the Daily Mail. Any one who dosent believe it is deluded"

Very childish, I think you'll agree.


Not the Daily mail, but the Machester United fan club stating it, I am not making this up, like I said, your own fan page is saying that if you think he wont go to City you are deluded.


Whats we know is as FACT

He did hand in a Transfer request due to being unhappy with initial contracts.

he then signed a new contract, which we all know that there were changes and additions. otherwise he would still be unhappy. Its not rocket science.

posted on 31/7/12

Not the Daily mail, but the Machester United fan club stating it, I am not making this up, like I said, your own fan page is saying that if you think he wont go to City you are deluded.

And how the hell does a Manchester United fan page know? The United JA606 board is also a Manchester United fan page, but you obviously dont take everything we say gospel.

Truth is I dont know whether he was after more money anymore than you do. You claiming that he undoubtedly was and then insulting everyone who disagrees with you makes you out to be a bit of a prat.

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

Yes, but this includes add ons such as bonus' and image rights which were not originally reported, obviously to make it look like a money grabbing exercise (which it may well have been, but it didn't work).

But it was 150k with bonuses etc etc before. It may have been 200k with bonuses and extras, etc etc after.

appreciate it might be a money grabbing looking articles, but surely the same applies with the RVP situation now with all articles.

And if RVP does sign a new contract, he would have successfully pulled off a 'Rooney'.

But by Man U fans reckoning, nope he signed the same contract, and is happy, lol and never got a penny more, cause RVP was the man, just like Rooney.

What a joke, what a delusion.

posted on 31/7/12

It may have been 200k with bonuses and extras, etc etc after.

"It MAY have been..."

So you are speculating?

posted on 31/7/12

How many more times. He. Signed. The. Same. Contract. That. Was. Originally. Offered. This. Was. Reported. By. The. Club. Who. Are. The. Only. Credible. Source.

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

"It MAY have been..."

So you are speculating?


I never once stated it was fact, only stated fact that he refused to sign contract and handed in transfer request. It could be 220 or 250 which some articles also state, if anything 200 seems to be the consistant 'mean' of all figures speculated.

Unless your alex fugurson, or Rooney is your dad, or sleeping with his agent, you aint really gonna know how much he is on. Do you know any wage of any Man U player 100%, no i didnt think so.

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

How many more times. He. Signed. The. Same. Contract. That. Was. Originally. Offered. This. Was. Reported. By. The. Club. Who. Are. The. Only. Credible. Source.





ANYTHING to state what you CLAIM

I have provided many articles to state otherwise.

All you have provided are the lettters printed on this screen by your chessy wotsits flavoured chubby fingers.

Unless you can, your words is worthless!

posted on 31/7/12

Unless your alex fugurson, or Rooney is your dad, or sleeping with his agent, you aint really gonna know how much he is on. Do you know any wage of any Man U player 100%, no i didnt think so.

Exactly. Neither do you.

posted on 31/7/12

The point is MUFC declared that it was the same contract and this is by far the most credible source.

I'm pretty sure some of the more credible broadsheets explain the 250k includes image rights ect.

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

The point is MUFC declared that it was the same contract and this is by far the most credible source.


Really where? Link? Source?

I dont think it will say the 'SAME' contract but he has signed 'A' contract.

Why would they say he has signed the 'SAME' contract. Would be ret@rd3d IMO, as far as they are concerned, contract is a contract, and the rest is no ones business. So the 'SAME' contract you are on about, i dont think exists.

But a link to http://www.manutd.com stating that, and I will stand corrected.

Otherwise the word 'full of 5h it' comes to mind

posted on 31/7/12

So we have to use United's official website but you can use united fanclubs and the daily mail to agree with you?

There's a press conference on Youtube, I'll try find it when I'm out of work.

posted on 31/7/12


2mins into press conference Fergie states that David Gill was prepared to offer Rooney a new contract but that no financials were discussed during negotiations - find that hard to believe.

Fergie indicates goes as far to state thatthe contract would be hard to beat elsewhere which indicates financials were discussed.


Rooney confirming on MUTV that he agreed to sign a new five year deal.

Given that the above Rooney interview was carefully constucted by MUTV, it is obvious from the content that it was an improved deal given he had handed in a transfer request after turning down the inital offer.

Can we all move on now...

Doubt it

comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 31/7/12

So we have to use United's official website but you can use united fanclubs and the daily mail to agree with you?

There's a press conference on Youtube, I'll try find it when I'm out of work.


In that it doesnt say he agreed the 'SAME' contract though? It doesnt mention how much he was on, and how much he got offered. That interviews would state he was on te same 80k contract from Everton? Which we all now isnt the case.

Just that financials were not dicussed, which is bolleck5, cause its a bloody contract, off course they were dicussed, unless utd players play for packets of chewits and 15 mins fun time in the showers.


By the way Santa isnt real, tooth fairies dont exist, and Elvis is alive.

Dont cry all at once.


comment by Gonz (U14753)

posted on 1/8/12

Exactly. Neither do you.


Don't need to know to make my point. point being he was offered contract, refused, handed in request, offered new terms, and signed u turn. the precise figures are irrelevant. we know he held the club ransom, with threatening to leave, and won.

my other point is during all this, all the fans I know said feck off, on boards like this whilst bricking it mentally.

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