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Knock Knock.....Anybody there???

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comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/10/12

comment by IGOR - Trees are felled, dogs are walked so let them sleep and count the Sheep one two three, HATRICK. (U1993)
posted 4 minutes ago
Nah Teg just changes his name like most of the florists did after we beat them......again.
Evening drip

posted on 27/10/12

Alright This English Gentleman

comment by Backo (U1486)

posted on 27/10/12

O'Driscoll was going backwards massively with Doncaster Mostyn.

Pep...Do you remember the slight delay in Cox signing for Forest?...he was talking to Derby all week. Derby's board eventually refused to pay the wages his agent wanted. So he signed for Forest who were more than willing.

TEG...Have u disappeared from this board in bad times for Forest?....and have you ever used another name on here?....and dont lie

posted on 27/10/12

Or Kev....or, well you know the rest

posted on 27/10/12

Backo, as above

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/10/12

Mostyn you are quite right mate. I can't recall a game this season where we defserved to lose. So if SOD can do what he has done with teams on a limited budget AND also get a team of mostly new players that he hasn't had time to drill into them yet into the top 6 already then the future looks good for us

posted on 27/10/12

I think you currently lack that bit of bite in midfield though, that somebody who can drag the rest of the twinkle-toed fleet-footed overplaying midfielders through bad performances. Thats where we beat you, and others will too.

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/10/12

I disappeared from this board Backo/Igor cos I was banned from here from doing the only thing I use it for as well as personal reasons. As for using different names I used it for a short while before I came back on here as The English Gentleman (TEG) as a joke. Hardly hiding my identity is it?

posted on 27/10/12

Backo, Doncaster were going backwards massively and sometimes there's nothing a manager can do about it. Only a few months earlier, O'Driscoll had declined the chance to talk to West Brom about being their next manager.

posted on 27/10/12

And the couple before that Teg

comment by Backo (U1486)

posted on 27/10/12

I cant even remember the name TEG came back under IGOR but i knew it was him. He disappeared just before the snowed off game because he knew there was only one winner....and he was slightly fearful of the outcome. He then came back under another name...(after stating hed never be back)...when the money men came in...thinking he has a better hand now. He wont tell me im wrong as well (he even took a holiday after sept 30th....a few of em did...except strett).

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/10/12

Mostyn Cotterill would have taken us nowhere. He did well saving us from relegation again which a lot of people don't appreciate but he did us a massive favour in bringing SOD to our club. Maybe not you personally but you laughed at us for SOD not being the "iconic" manager that was mentioned

comment by Backo (U1486)

posted on 27/10/12

So Clough is still ahead of the game then Mostyn. Because Derby are not going as backward as Donny under O'Driscoll. O'Driscoll has had a big budget given him this season....including expensive loans...and good luck to him. I like O'Driscoll. A good honest man who talks sense. But to say hes a better manager than Clough is unproven.

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/10/12

I left on New Years eve and wished you all a good year (spitting my dummy our in drip's eyes). Regardless of all the efforts of the Derby lot to reinstate me I resisted and when mi dad died after I couldn't be bothered with it all anyway. I came back briefly as JC summut (backo was actually the only one to click one) but then I admitted it (even when others refused to believe it anyway)

Anyway how's the league tables looking?

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/10/12

But to say hes a better manager than Clough is unproven.
He's finished higher in this league than Clough ever has and that's after getting them promoted AND with a lower budget and low attendances. Is that proof enough?

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 27/10/12

I like SOD, I just wish he wasn't managing that lot but he is deserving of this opportunity.

You are missing one crucial point though I agree with your assessment of SOD as a manager. At Doncaster, he was at a club that had had a sustained period of success and where expectations were realistic. Unfortunately, as often happens, the fans got restless as Doncaster's budget got squeezed. The pressure & weight of expectation at Derby is far greater and yet finances do not match such expectation. I think it is a harder job.

posted on 27/10/12

Backo, I can't remember any delay as such due to your lot talking to Cox at the same time.....was this like the Barker situation then, is that what your saying?
It seems to me....all you wish for is to play us more than twice a season...and nothing else, unfortunately there are many other teams for you to try and play against but your Manager or your team can't rise to the same level of performance for those games so I don't think as a club you'll progress very far ...I wouldn't be very happy with that but clearly you are ....so enjoy it and at least you can enjoy two games a season if nothing else.

posted on 27/10/12

Backo yeah I agree it's unproven. But I did say "my opinion". But I also think that Clough is a better manager than Jewell, Kean, Gregory, Ince, Brown, Dowie, Bothroyd etc, even though facts dont actually agree.

I rate managers like O'Driscoll, Magilton, Holloway and similar that play the right way and create a 'unit', and 'us and them' mentality, even Billy had that. We only seem to have that in games against Forest!

posted on 27/10/12

Sorry to hear that about you're Dad Teg

comment by Backo (U1486)

posted on 27/10/12

Pep...many of you were asking on here "Whats the delay in the Cox deal?"...he was talking to Derby and waiting. So because you beat Barnsley and we lose to Peterborough we only get up for Forest games?.....yeah righto Pep. What about last season?....what would of happened if Kuwati's never came?...think about it

comment by Backo (U1486)

posted on 27/10/12

Sorry to hear that about you're Dad Teg
Yeah ditto on that

posted on 27/10/12

League 1.............again

comment by Backo (U1486)

posted on 27/10/12

I understand what your saying Mostyn to a certain level. I think Clough has done a good job at Derby from what he inherited. O'Driscoll has not faced the same problems as Clough took on. Clough had a massive squad on massive wages and ordered to cut the cloth accordingly. O'Driscoll had a different mission...get players in as we have nothing...money available...plenty of it. There is a difference in what they both took on.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 27/10/12

Succinctly put

I do like Mostyn's obsession with Jim Magilton. What are you, Mostyn? His agent? Agent Mostyn, Football Pimp

It should be remembered that Holloway failed at a club with expectations (Leicester). He joined a week or two before Clough arrived at PP.

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/10/12

What about Doncaster compared to Derby?

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