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These 105 comments are related to an article called:

Rodgers just another owen coyle?

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posted on 6/11/12

Wow wow fella, you made statements and didn't back them.

Where is the proof "KHJ was mentioned as a possible target on deadline day,BR gave a categorical "Definately not" to that one"?

What are the factors which make you think the following:-

"We seem hamstrung by FSG's stance's and policies on recruitment,and we just seem to be going around in a vicious circle."

posted on 6/11/12

Jeez mate,have a search for deadline day interview with Brendan,he was asked by a reporter about kjh,Dempsey,and a few others.
He hoped to conclude some deals before the window shut,he said no on the kjh rumour,or maybe my eyes and ears are not seeing what sky sports are transmitting! Like I said lad,pull me up 31st jan to say I told ya so,my shoulders are big enough to take it if I'm well wide of the mark!

posted on 6/11/12

Yes, he was asked on deadline day, i remember it well, if we'll be getting Huntelaar. He said definitely not. This is November and there's a new window coming up with Huntelaar having talks about a new contract which have broken down. Things change.

So again, nonsense from you.

Now the first part of your nonsense is cleared up, onto the second.

"We seem hamstrung by FSG's stance's and policies on recruitment,and we just seem to be going around in a vicious circle."


posted on 6/11/12

Wow mate ya giving me a headache!
Anybody else find this guy self important and obnoxious??
I gave you my views,you don't have to like them,it's all about opinions,there's debate and then there's you with personal attacks on anybody who dares have a different point of view!

I'll leave you to have the last say on the matter,you win or whatever the game is!
You win!

posted on 6/11/12

All you have to say is you were talking crap. If you can't back up ridiculous statements, don't make them. It only makes you look more stupid than you were already looking.

posted on 6/11/12

You asked me to provide proof of br being asked about kjh,and then said "yeah I know about that" later on!

posted on 6/11/12

Mate,you'd cause murder in an empty house,and start a fight with ya own shadow!
Finish the thread now and do us both a favour!

posted on 6/11/12

comment by Transalpinotrails (U7475)
posted 22 minutes ago
Wow mate ya giving me a headache!
Anybody else find this guy self important and obnoxious??


he is tedious, never giving up trying to force his opinion down your throat

posted on 6/11/12

comment by Transalpinotrails (U7475)
posted 20 minutes ago

You asked me to provide proof of br being asked about kjh,and then said "yeah I know about that" later on!
Yes, great. We established that and also that things have changed since then, we've moved on from that, do try to keep up. We're on the second part of your ridiculous statement.

So moving on(or trying to) what makes you think the following:-

"We seem hamstrung by FSG's stance's and policies on recruitment,and we just seem to be going around in a vicious circle."

posted on 6/11/12

Cheers for the request.

posted on 6/11/12

There's no point arguing with TOOR.
He believes every word churned out from the FSG PR machine even though their chronic under-investment in the squad is soon to stretch into it's third transfer window, leaving us marooned in mid-table. And our points total under BR is worse than under Hodgson after the same amount of games.

posted on 6/11/12

Chronic under-investment? Around £130m in players isn't it? Debts written off. Old stadium plans written off. Stadium improvements coming up, which of course will be paid for. January coming up when they've said they'll fix mistakes of the summer window. Yeah a real underinvestment there. Most clubs would kill for that kind of investment.

Why do you try to hide it behind other nonsense? Just say it, you hate FSG because they sacked Kenny. We all know it, there's no point hiding it behind nonsense, especially considering the facts say otherwise.

The FSG PR machine? Everything they've said they'd do, they've done. They said they are going to build the club to be sustainable, done. They said they are going to build for the future, done. They said they're gonna get a manager with a long term plan, done. They said they're gonna sort the stadium issue, confirmed and will begin soon.

posted on 6/11/12

I suppose I'll just have to agree with everything the ja606 cosa nostra say if I want to live!
Hope there isn't a horses head on my pillow when I go to bed!

posted on 6/11/12

I don't mind if you agree with me or not, what I hope for is that you have something to back up your claims, you don't.

posted on 6/11/12


I said 'chronic underinvestment soon to stretch into it's third transfer window' i.e, the past two windows - where the net spend has been approx. £18m.
I distrusted FSG before they sacked Kenny but the fact that they did that did make my mistrust turn to hostility as Kenny was, and still is, the best man to bring us back to our rightful place at the upper reaches of the league.

Basically mate, if you're happy that FSG have turned us into a mid-table laughing stock then I'm happy for you.

posted on 6/11/12

They inherited a mid table laughing stock and instead of ploughing us into debt to get out of it, they made us sustainable and implemented a long term plan.

If you're more happy with debts that cripple the club, just so you get shiny new toys and a quick fix, rather than long term success, then I'm happy for you to start a campaign to bring back H&G.

posted on 6/11/12

Never said anything about 'new toys' or 'quick fixes' or 'debts that cripple the club'. I'd just like them to be honest enough to admit they haven't got the money to make us genuinely competitive and they should stop pretending they have.

posted on 6/11/12

Why would they do that when it isn't true? When they've already ploughed money in and proved that they do? Why would they lie?

Instead they've been honest from the beginning without false promises and have done everything thus far that they said they would. Whether it works or not, or you agree that it will work, is a different matter. However they have a plan and they have used their money in implementing that plan so I'm certainly going to afford them the time to see if it works, so far I'm hugely optimistic about where it's going.

posted on 7/11/12

I see Shortlight is still pining for a sugar daddy.... I don't understand why some people can't accept that mistakes are going to be made, the owners know they're not football experts and admit to, and seem to be learning from their mistakes.

Look at Man City. They've had an unlimited budget for several years and still can't get out of the CL group stages. Does that not tell you that maybe it's better to grow slowly so that you're only bedding in a couple of players at a time, rather than buy a new team all at once?

I can't believe that some of you are still raging over Kenny, when its clear he wasn't capable of handling any sort of transfer budget. We are still paying the price for buying Carroll. I'm not saying he's no good, but we paid 35m for someone who hardly played for the rest of that season. Kenny knew he was injured. Why not wait until the end of the season and get Carroll for half that price, or better still, someone who actually suited how he wanted to play? Maybe, just maybe, he'd still be here and you wouldn't be crying yourself to sleep every night....

comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 7/11/12

Terminator, John Henry claims the 'glory' for paying 35Million for AC. Nothing wrong with buying AC. A lot wrong with paying 35 Mill for him.

Read the article below where he states that spending 35 Million on AC was a great deal because he fitted their preferred player profile. Not Kenny's profile - FSGs. Was the fact AC fitted the profile just a happy coincidence or was Kenny limited to buying players who fitted this profile. If that profile was inappropriate, as appears to be the case, why blame Kenny? What was Comolli's role? I don't know the answer to these questions but you apparently do because you attribute blame to Kenny. Can you share your evidence?


posted on 7/11/12

FSG. All fair points and the honest answer is I don't know for sure who is to blame (I am not blinded by fury towards anyone, unlike some, and am open to all relevant opinions!)

But I'm pretty sure I read that Kenny had the ultimate sanction on transfers, and nobody would be signed without his approval. Don't get me wrong, I love Kenny and wished he had succeeded, but I honestly think it was the right time to replace him. If indeed it was Henry's fault, then fine, I've also stated they have made mistakes and are learning from them. Hence, our refusal to pay over our own valuations in the last transfer window

posted on 7/11/12

Wonder who they will get in over January to solve the striker issue, with it being a known problem and January.....will the owner be willing to pay the higher prices? Or will they be willing to take a risk on a striker from a lesser league who may or may not deliver the gaols required?

Will be an interesting Jan window for some sides and a nice race to may and the important league spots

posted on 7/11/12

>>Why not wait until the end of the season and get Carroll for half that price

because he was the main target for summer and we asked Roman to go get us Carroll and 15mil for Torres and he did.

The PR over 'the 35mil' has been bad but at the end of the day we would have been lucky to get 40 for Torres without using the Carroll clause and there is no way Newcastle would have taken less than 25 in summer.

So the financial result and player movement was exactly as we wanted.

We just didn't think Newcastle would be able to fleece Chelsea for that much. It's shocking really.

The maths & player was exactly what we wanted - the PR fallout was an unintended consequence.

posted on 7/11/12

I cant believe you really fell for that rubbish....

posted on 7/11/12

For once I agree with you Fell! It sounded good at the time, but the longer time goes on, the more I think it was a simple panic buy or 'kid in a sweet shop' syndrome. In fairness, if someone shoved 50m into my hands, I'd find some pretty stupid things to waste in on!

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