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posted on 11/11/12

Mexican, the fact that they are praising Webb in general is shocking. He's not very often involved with the contentious decisions? Give me a break Niall.


im not arguing about that, but to blame webb for the first goal when terry had a free header from 8 yards is ridiculous, if it was defended well, webb wouldnt have been an issue

posted on 11/11/12

As soon as we win the ball back we need to play it faster. Too slow and there players get back and were outnumbered again

posted on 11/11/12

So it doesnt matter they had a corner because the ref blocked a pass? just because they scored?

posted on 11/11/12

Allen having a shocker. We need Lucas like greece needs a bailout.

posted on 11/11/12

Oh ok. Well fair enough, we should have defended better.

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 11/11/12

do we drop Allen or Sahin when Lucas comes back?

posted on 11/11/12


posted on 11/11/12

im not saying that suso, just that the corner could have been defended better and that the fact that you are 1-0 down is not due in the main to howard webb

posted on 11/11/12

Or a bailout like the banks would be better,win win win then.

posted on 11/11/12

They're much quicker to close down and we just stand off, that's the real issue.

posted on 11/11/12

Why should I support Man City? Are you one of those fans who actually thinks Fair-Play is going to work?!

These clubs have some of the best accountants in the world working for them.

posted on 11/11/12

Half time changes - revert to 4-3-3, Carra for Assaidi, Allen for Suso (Sahin to play deeper in midfield)

posted on 11/11/12


posted on 11/11/12

Played suarez.

posted on 11/11/12

Terry injured, what a shame.

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 11/11/12

Nice one Luis

posted on 11/11/12

That's a nasty fall to be fair

posted on 11/11/12

Irony, croud chanting racist at Suarez when Terry was the victim

posted on 11/11/12

Ouch, that looked a painful one.

posted on 11/11/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/11/12


god i feel dirty after that

posted on 11/11/12

comment by Just remember that: 18 + 5 > 19 + 3 (U13064)

posted less than a minute ago

Why should I support Man City? Are you one of those fans who actually thinks Fair-Play is going to work?!

These clubs have some of the best accountants in the world working for them.


Accounts work to rules. we dont defraud systems, we use the mechanisms the laws in society provide to get our clients a fair deal..

And i dont give a shít if FFP works or not, what i care about is the club never being on the brink of colapse again because idióts like you want them to mortgage up to sign the latest wannabe, when we can build a successful teams slowly while protecting our financial future

posted on 11/11/12

Hard to feel anything for Terry.

posted on 11/11/12

Suarez slipped and fell of Terry's knee

posted on 11/11/12

couldnt happen to a nicer unt

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