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These 31 comments are related to an article called:

Transfer window

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posted on 20/11/12

Not to mention the media circus that is David Beckham.

The Venky's would just love to get their name linked to him now he is quitting LA.

In fact it is probably headline news in the Indian poultry farmers bimonthly magazine already.

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 20/11/12

"why he has chosen to alienate Morten Gamst Pedersen when they are both from Norway for example and probably have a good working relationship I'll never know"

When I got to that bit I stopped reading.

Should we bring in AHA the pop group as our defensive line-up, after all their from Norway too.
Been on the sherry early have we wow.
Come on Kean have you nothing better to do with your retirement than post dribble on here?

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 20/11/12

A few points:

Indifferent? No, not really. We've looked a lot better in such a small space of time.

Needing a new number 2? That's what the Sandomierski loan was for, to cover the loss of Bunn.

Alienating Pedersen? Why would he play him just because they're of the same nationality? When Berg feels Pedersen will benefit the side more than the current selection, Pedersen will play.

Now onto your other selections:

Kristiansen - Young, lots of potential and Danish. He fits a lot of my criteria but spending that much money on an 18 year old considering how much we spent over the summer may just be too much of a risk.

Mederos Rojas - Mainly the same as Kristiansen. We might be able to get him cheaper due to the meltdown going on at Malaga but I wouldn't be happy with us entering a bidding war for him (which may happen if he is actually highly rated) when we need the talent and experience to get us promoted.

Quentin Silva - We don't need any more strikers at the current point. We would only go in for him if we had a massive injury crisis up front before January.

Overall, I'm not sure about this window. I hope that Venky's will support Berg financially but, given the money spent in the summer, it would be understandable if they were tentative about shelling out so much money on new players. Especially when we don't know how efficient Berg is in the transfer market.

Right now, I'd be happy for a few lesser but solid, highly experienced signings for small fees to bolster the squad. Then we can look at highly rated youth prospects in the summer after promotion.

posted on 20/11/12

it had to be wow. I always knew he was a wum.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 20/11/12

Don't be too quick to judge the article. It could be the basis for a good discussion.

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 20/11/12

Not if wow's got anything to do with, the "Thick" insults won't be to far away in this discussion.

posted on 20/11/12

Exactly what part of the article could be described as 'wumming'?

Try reading it properly and offering a reasoned opinion, guys. If that isn't completely beyond you.


posted on 20/11/12

I doubt that Venkys will be willing to splash out much more after bringing in Rhodes in the summer.

posted on 20/11/12

Defensive positions need sorting out for me. We need to be able to keep clean sheets, not just to go up out of this league, but if and when we get back in the prem we need a solid, well established defense or we will be like Southhampton. Could maybe do with a mid feild 'bruiser' too.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 20/11/12

A right back (possibly a backup or very experienced, I think Henley is the future) and a left back are key in the defence. Possibly a new 4th choice centre back as I'm unsure about Henrique(s).

I think an extra DM wouldn't hurt, either.

Plus, Riquelme is a free agent right now!

posted on 20/11/12

Probably wow's best article to date in that no part of it could be classed as particularly ridiculous. Given that, the hostile response it still got is pretty amusing. Takes a while to shake off the Kean fanboy shackles!

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 20/11/12

Well I can't recall him ever calling Kean's tactics as "Beggering belief"
I still think he's Kean.

posted on 20/11/12

"Nearly that time of year again."

Relatively speaking, not that near is it...

"It's been an indifferent start to Berg's reign with only one win against a very poor P'boro side."

It takes time to recover from the worst managerial tender in the clubs history...

"Also some of his team selections have beggared belief...why he has chosen to alienate Morten Gamst Pedersen when they are both from Norway for example and probably have a good working relationship I'll never know."

You say some yet mention one and base it purely on Nationality a selection processation that would contravene hr laws...

"Nonetheless if Venkys have chosen Berg as their man"

If? They have...

"then he needs backing in the transfer market, just as Kean was."

Er not technically true. For a Kean lover you fail to realise he still operated on a negative transfer budget. Are you blindly supporting the Venkys now?

"Here's a list of potential targets."

Oh sweet Jesus, do we have to?

"This list is under the assumption that Venkys are looking for youth."

Why assume anything with the idiots at the helm - youth like Danny Murphy?

"Ruben, 23, goalkeeper, Santos. £1-2mYoung keeper, with Robbo not getting any younger and Jake Kean bereft of experience (only other option was the young guy Usai on the bench at the end of last season), we need to strengthen. No.2 keeper is a position where we've always struggled (Brown being the best I can remember in recent years). This guy from Santos is currently playing in their reserve team and is rated very highly."

So the way to replace an English reserve team keeper bereft of experience is to buy a foreign reserve team keeper bereft of experience?

Bored now... Try coming back when you've something interesting to say...

comment by handy (U16277)

posted on 20/11/12

I give up you guys only support and reply to a locally selected few.... ..Night all.

posted on 21/11/12

Hey Max I am here but I don't see anything posted from you, did I miss something?

No intention of snubbing you (until we find out who you are !)

Nighty night,


posted on 21/11/12

I give up you guys only support and reply to a locally selected few.... ..Night all.


Nicely summed up, Max.

posted on 21/11/12

Alternatively, wow is max and logged in as the wrong user. He is new agreeing with himself!

Wow, i addressed your points in quite some detail, feel free to discuss...

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 21/11/12

Juan Roman Riquelme is a free agent.

posted on 21/11/12

As is Robbie Di Mateo

posted on 21/11/12

I give up you guys only support and reply to a locally selected few.... ..Night all.


Nicely summed up, Max.


Bit confused by both those comments. Haven't seen you post anything in the last few articles apart from the I'm Lovin It one max. And I tend to leave that weirdo well alone as long as he stays on his own board.

As for the wowatron, on average I'd say your articles get more replies than any member. And unfortunately the lack of support for them comes as standard when you spend about a year championing a manager destined to relegate us.

posted on 21/11/12

Bwh - the context of the comment massively suggests it should have been posted under wow's name...

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 21/11/12

Kean is wow is max!

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 21/11/12

Anyway my cat is from the same country as me so i am going to take him to work tomorrow he should be an asset to the company.
And if my gaffer doesn't like it i'll tell him he beggers belief.

posted on 21/11/12

My cat can lick its own balls!

posted on 21/11/12

My balls lick the cat

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