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Robins ~ Butt ~ Jones ~ or Lillis .. ?

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comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 10/2/13


posted on 10/2/13

A Profound comment indeed Jacko .. ..

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 10/2/13

I posted earlier that I thought if Deano wanted potential managers to buy into the pathway concept, a la Southampton, then how come this concept does not apply to management. Can we not develop our own staff to take on management jobs ?

Liverpool did this in their most successful era, and of course succession planning is normal in businesses.

While not quite on topic Bootsie, I guess where I'm going with this is that if Dean has bought into pathway, which in it's fullest form is one style of play from Under 11's to senior team (as per Barcelona), then surely the management 'team' should also follow suit.

There are enough coaches at various age levels to surely develop a progression into 1st team management. Why would it be any different ?

Given this, then would Lillis fit the frame for the job. he certainly has some attributes, as we've seen. maybe it's too soon and an outsider is needed at this time.

When Gerry Murphy did so well at Town, surely some little bells should have been ringing...like...hey, we've probably got some pretty good 'managers' already in the club..

Whoever comes in though, Jones, Butt (unlikely)...will know nothing of the players characters, strengths and weaknesses..the best formations and the most suitable style....with 15 games to save our season, how many games can we afford for a new comer to find his feet ?

posted on 10/2/13

I take your point Jacko which tbf you expound so well in your last post (tho with a little more luck we'd av taken 3 points yesterday) and i'm grateful for you sharing that phylosophy with me .. but you know .. the trouble with Family Businesses which in essence is what your describing is that they suffer from such stifling incestuousness

If ever there was a time for a show of Courage & Creative Bravery
to be demonstrated by Dean it is now .. Although like Gerry before him I love Lillis & the ethos you describe to bits ~ Didn't he look the Spit & Image of Bill Shankly Yesterday ~ dressed with scarf around his neck & slightly stooped over on the touchline as he was .. I do feel we need Fresh Outside Blood bringing in Urgently at this time..

Again like Gerry before him I believe Mark is an out n out CLUB Man and tho he's enjoying his moment in Town Time his altruism tells me he's of like mind ..

posted on 10/2/13

Bit confused with Deano's requirements for the new manager........
Among other things, he said something like "He would need to be experienced in football management, and be used to winning".....

Now am I right in thinking that the 'short list' still contains names like Nicky Butt......(his only experience is Man Utd U11s)
And at the same time he has ruled out Owen Coyle & Nigel Adkins.......

All in all it makes it pretty obvious that only person on his short that comes close to his managerial 'requirements' is Mark Robins.........But he is still in a job? So Deano will end up paying loads of comp if he is going for Robins...

The way this is all looking is that the only person who will end up as manager is Mark Lillis.....Shimplez...

posted on 10/2/13

Thanks for that Myth, I'd missed the importance and real relevance of Robbins and so if you don't mind I've much amended the article to reflect your comments .. ..

posted on 10/2/13

Mark Lillis distances him self from the job when interviewed, which was reflected at the bookies, where he now resides as a 20/1 outsider.....
Which is exactly what he needs to do if he wants to negotiate any kind of decent contract. I mean if he appears to go cap in hand for the job, he'd end up with a poxy £grand a week x one year deal......
Whereas if we somehow get a couple of unexpected results in the next week, you just never know....

Theres only one Mark Lillis

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 10/2/13

My God...I've just sussed it...

Graeme Jones is the man...but not before a potential cup tie against his current club next Sunday...to be decided by Tuesday night, 2 or 3 days to finalise terms, and up and running for next Saturday..(if we lose)

otherwise...after Sunday...

is this why we've had what seems such a long delay in announcement ?

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 10/2/13

...and he shares my date of birth.....

posted on 10/2/13

I'm completely confident in my mind it won't be Lill's Myth though thats not to demean in any way his Spirit Building amongst all the Players within the camp as well as rolling it out to the fans ..

So very well meant and as such infectious in a really good way .. It saddens me (just a tad as I know he can be mischievous) that Uncle D doesn't appear to buy or factor this into his post match comments

We Most All of us know things are far from perfect just now and when Dean writes his memoirs he won't look back upon this period overfondly (He's Making Pretty Naff Mistakes) however Yesterdays BIG Effort All Round Deserves Praise from all quarters ..

They (Cardiff) aren't TOP of our division for no reason .. We Held them and Held them well .. Credit & Encouragement where its due

posted on 10/2/13

Sound based deduction there Jacko .. Maybe your not so complicated as you sound & or funny as you look .. Hey, What do you like like .. ?

Closest description .. Paul Newman or Olly Murrs .. .. Clues .. ? Hey and i'm only Joking Jacko as I know you can be a bit sensitive ..

comment by jpHTAFC (U7619)

posted on 10/2/13

By Jove he's got it!

Think your spot on there Jacko

posted on 10/2/13

Brilliant m8 .. Real Sherlock Holmes Stuff (can I be your Dr Watson) there buddy .. JACKO .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Is this REALLY the breakthrough we've all been looking for .. ? ..

I Fuc----- Hope so as with all this indecision I don't mind admitting ~ My lifes a mess just now .. ..

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 10/2/13

More of a Rumpole of the Bailey type Bootsie...

posted on 10/2/13

Oh Sh-t Giants looking good for another Big Win .. Uncle D & Brycey gonna be all over these boards giving it LARGE tonite .. ..

Hey good on you guys BUT just make sure you sort the fickinn pitch out afterwards yeh .. .. As Clibbens says :--

"The Pitch is beyond our control. We have no say on maintenance prep of pitch. we can play first team games but KSDL permission 4anything else" ..

Pretty revealing I'd say eh .. ?

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 10/2/13

Not our stadium..We're just a tenant...we pay our rent, landlord needs to keep up with the maintenance..and 60% of that is Ken Davy...come on Ken, another £400k for a new pitch required cocker...haha

oh, and it needs repainting too..lots of rust on them banana things...and they hold the roof up !!

posted on 10/2/13

Nicky Butt was interviewed yesterday evening by the Town board...apparently

posted on 10/2/13

What for the painting job?

posted on 10/2/13

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

But isn't Ince ~ who clearly comes as part of the Butt package ~ already colourful enough Hydy .. .. Just saying like!!

posted on 10/2/13

Ince is a complete c oc k end of the biggest magnitude!

He hails from round here, Heswall to be precise (voted second best place to live by the sea)

Don't want him.

posted on 10/2/13

Ah well thats clear enough then .. I'd better pass your comments on to the bored .. Tbh and for what its worth he's not my cup o coffee either .. ..

posted on 10/2/13

Off subject chaps....But what happened to 'Royal Chandler Bling' has he changed hi name or has he forked off....

posted on 10/2/13

I think he became manager of The Grosvenor Hotel .. Torquay ..

posted on 10/2/13

I think Deano has finally realised what it takes to make the fans happy. The answer is to lower expectations to the point everyone believes we are simply happy to be in this league. Part of his new masterplan is to appoint a manager hardly anyone has heard of and inspires no one.

Had Clark/Grayson picked one up front, packed the midfield and scored one goal in 3 games, would they have left the pitch to a standing ovation?

I'm not moaning, playing more midfielders has been so obvious all season. We are simply not good enough to play 2 wingers and Beckford, we just didn't have the numbers where we needed them. We have some very good defenders at Town but you can't leave defending to the just them.

So that is what the last few weeks have all been about, making us all believe we are not very good, not spending loads of money and can only sign the players the "big" clubs don't want. It's the only way to keep everyone happy.

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 10/2/13

cop this you moaning minnies......

We r debating fan/club/owner/board communication including y we do it - but feel other clubs' fansmight welcome it more than some of r fans.. N Clibbins tonight.

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