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These 166 comments are related to an article called:

Ah Deary Me ... Arsenal

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posted on 31/7/11

"Shut up u stupid fool,you lot did boo the team off,even keane was Disgusted by it"

What on Earth are you talking about?

comment by (U4053)

posted on 31/7/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 31/7/11

forzanapule (U4053)
UTD fans are very very Fickle,they like to forget the Bad Times.

posted on 31/7/11

UTD fans are very very Fickle,they like to forget the Bad Times.

I imagine it's rather easy to forget something which never actually happened.

posted on 31/7/11

Liverpool are our rivals, city are just noisy neighbours (U6419)
ive told u already,it happened when the Chavs won the Title back to back, listen boy.

posted on 31/7/11

ive told u already,it happened when the Chavs won the Title back to back, listen boy.

No it didn't. Stop lying you tedious oaf.

posted on 31/7/11

your a Loser and a Glory Hunter,and your far from u true UTD fan.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 31/7/11

posted on 31/7/11

WengersMoneyGrabbers (U9154)

Give me the name of your English teacher and i'll see if i can track him down and give him a slap on your behalf, for he has failed you.

posted on 31/7/11

comment by Liverpool are our rivals, city are just noisy neighbours (U6419)

posted 21 seconds ago

WengersMoneyGrabbers (U9154)

Give me the name of your English teacher and i'll see if i can track him down and give him a slap on your behalf, for he has failed you.

comment by Sanj (U1142)

posted on 31/7/11

When did people start taking pre season results so seriously? Never used to be like this. I thought it was all about getting your fitness up. Then again wums will take anything to use to use as material.

posted on 31/7/11

comment by SuperSamirNasri8™© (U1142)

posted 22 seconds ago

When did people start taking pre season results so seriously? Never used to be like this. I thought it was all about getting your fitness up. Then again wums will take anything to use to use as material.
Nice stutter

posted on 31/7/11

Liverpool are our rivals, city are just noisy neighbours (U6419)
u Plastic Gloryhunter

posted on 31/7/11

u Plastic Gloryhunter

Please note, putting a "" at the end of your comment does not automatically make it funny.

posted on 31/7/11

another Plastic dear me

posted on 31/7/11

WengersMoneyGrabbers (U9154)

Funnily enough nobody called me that when i stood on a terrace at Vetch Field on a freezing cold January in 1982 and saw United lose 2-0.

posted on 31/7/11

Liverpool are our rivals, city are just noisy neighbours (U6419)
Stop lying you tedious oaf,u started supporting UTD in the 90's

posted on 31/7/11

Oh dear, i've been rumbled

posted on 31/7/11

your not alone,there are plenty out there like you.

posted on 31/7/11

The gooner thinks repeating the same rubbish makes his team better.Thinks redbull gives him wings.Their BINGO WINGS.Tic.........toc sad lad.

posted on 31/7/11

Its pretty sad and very fickle booing your own team after a friendly!
True definintion of a glory supporter!

posted on 31/7/11

Just as long as there's not plenty out there like you, who insist on lacerating the English language.

posted on 31/7/11

The Singing Flame (U5603)
i never said my team is better u Dummy,run along now you Plastic Wum.

posted on 31/7/11

Only plastic fans boo their own team after a pre-season friendly!

posted on 31/7/11

™ju§t another ålbooney© (U1565)
i remember when u lot wanted Fergie out and used to boo the your team when the Chavs won the title back to back,it just shows what Gloryhunters you lot realy are,i feel sorry for Fergie for having to put up with u lot.

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