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These 166 comments are related to an article called:

Ah Deary Me ... Arsenal

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posted on 1/8/11

what are you going on about?!
show me where that has happened, oh wait you cant, because it never did!
grow up kid, ive supported united since the 70's and have never booed them and never wanted fergie out.
unlike you who is such a plastic, glory hunting fan he boo's his own team after they fail to win a pre-season tournament!

posted on 1/8/11

™ju§t another ålbooney© (U1565)
you booed your team off in 2005 alright, u just couldnt handle the fact that the Chavs were way to good for you,and instead of taking it like a man u started to boo the team and u wanted Sir Alex out,shame on you, you Plastic

posted on 1/8/11

i booed them?!
where you behind me or something when i supposedly did this?!
you are a clueless, idiotic, plastic, glory supporting fan who clearly has no idea what he's going on about!
cant wait for the holidays to finish so you can go back to school!

posted on 1/8/11

™ju§t another ålbooney© (U1565)
u was part of the section of Glory hunting utd fans who booed the team off and also want Fergie out,you Plastic Glory Hunter, who like i said only supports who ever is on top,Typical Glory Hunter

posted on 1/8/11

what an idiot!
because supposedly some fans did this according to you, that means i did it too?!
what a tool!

posted on 1/8/11

it took u long enough to respond, Typical GloryHunting Plastic WUM

posted on 1/8/11

you get more stupid with every post!

posted on 1/8/11

posted on 1/8/11

™ju§t another ålbooney© (U1565)
not as Stupid as you

posted on 1/8/11

comment by WengersMoneyGrabbers (U9154) posted 20 hours, 15 minutes ago

forzanapule (U4053)
UTD fans are very very Fickle,they like to forget the Bad Times


We don't remember the bad times. We remember when Arsenal fans dished it out when it was 26 years since we'd won a league title. We remember those times well, particularly for me my Gooner friends who went on and on and on about it. Of course, all we could do was laugh and take it.

But now the shoe is on the other foot, the Gooners don't like it! Contrary to popular belief, in my opinion and experience, it's the Gooner fans who are the worst losers in the game. They don't like criticism, they don't like being beaten or being labelled chokers.

But then your point is that we forget the bad times. Of course, none of us remember them because we were Liverpool fans back then. We're glory hunters after all!

posted on 1/8/11

By the way, it's going to be called the Red Bull cup next year. I hear the Emirates are furious that their own sponsored team failed to win a cup they sponsor for them! It must be incredibly embarrasing for them!

City, Liverpool, Spurs and even Sunderland are improving all the time. Arsenal are going backwards. Wenger won't splash the cash because he knows if his team still fail, he will be gone. Besides, players don't now want to play at a club with no prospects!

posted on 1/8/11

JeremyKyleNation (U1041)
you should stick to going on the Jeremy Kyle show you Chav

posted on 1/8/11

wmg....I'd have thought you'd had enough last night when you were sent packing with your tail between your legs but it appears you enjoy looking ridiculous.

posted on 1/8/11

billybob.....for years you just rambled on against United day in day out, and that's what's sad! Now you say you were there at a Sunderland game....I think not! You are and have always been a liverpool fan! And for Giggs being booed maoned at becaiuse he couldn't cross a ball, but trying to make out he was booed so you can have a go at the United faithful is equally pathetic! As for Gibson, not best I must admit....but again, he has never been booed at a game, moaned at but never booed......there's a bog difference! And Billybob, the topic was booing which I kept to, so God knows what post you were reading or do I have to put it into English for the simple!?

posted on 1/8/11

ShevyMoorDevil (U1429)


I never said i was at the game!!!

My post contained a comment from a United fan on a United website, i thought i made that clear enough! I also never mentioned Giggs or Gibson, i imagine you are getting confused so i suggest you read my post again!

Also, the reference to going off topic was referring to you commenting on me personally and my posting habits!

Hope this helps!

posted on 1/8/11

w.gummidge (U1449)
nobody on here looks more stupid then u,your just a WUM who nobody likes and who goes on the Arsenal board seeking attention because your a LOW person,now shove off and pester the UTD fans

posted on 1/8/11

comment by WengersMoneyGrabbers (U9154)

posted 17 seconds ago

w.gummidge (U1449)
nobody on here looks more stupid then u,your just a WUM who nobody likes
And there's me hoping you'd let me be part of your gang.

posted on 1/8/11

I think we're all agreed the most stupid person on here is WengersMoneyGrabbers and no one likes you not even on the arsenal board!

posted on 1/8/11

™ju§t another ålbooney© (U1565)
the reason u aint on the UTD board is because your not liked there,especially after you wanted the great man out and booed your own team,shame on you mr WUM

posted on 1/8/11

Don't you ever get tired ratchetjaw ?

posted on 1/8/11

w.gummidge (U1449)
o no not a Spud WUM

posted on 1/8/11

He's finally flipped

posted on 1/8/11

anybody would flip talking to a Spud WUM

posted on 1/8/11

Come on then confucius explain, and do try to be clear.

posted on 1/8/11

Free LUKA,enough said

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