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Poor decisions against us this season

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posted on 6/3/13

I have an extra question... was Nani somehow hurt in the incident?? he didnt seem to get cuaght anywhere yet seem to act like he was injured for a while? Not like him

posted on 6/3/13

shoulder and its never a red card. Changed the whole game. Poor ref. The crowd actually weren't angry / weren't shouting they were just open mouthed and in shock. 


posted on 6/3/13

I have an extra question... was Nani somehow hurt in the incident?? he didnt seem to get cuaght anywhere yet seem to act like he was injured for a while? Not like him


I was wondering this as well.. Is Arbeloa made of steel?

posted on 6/3/13

comment by scouse-heart (U3234)

posted 6 minutes ago

If you think that was a red, you're an idiot. He had his eyes on the ball and the ball only. It's not his fault Arbeloa ran into his leg
It was a red... no law suggests anything about intent. Dangerous play is exactly that regardless of what you are looking at or what you are trying to do...

if I remember correctly a few united fans on this board were all for telling us that when Shelvey got sent off against you lot an Anfield??? It doesnt matter what he was trying to do (which was controlling the ball) it only matters what did occur (which was his studs in the chest of the defender). I dont agree with the law as I stated in Shelvey's case but it is the law.


Yeh cause Shelvey's incident was similar to Nani's. Shelvey jumped in with malice and is a known thug.

posted on 6/3/13


comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 6/3/13

Most likely got caught at a weird angle or something while it was happening Scouse.

comment by (U6913)

posted on 6/3/13

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posted on 6/3/13

I kid, I wanted Man United to go through

But you lost so take it on the chin and dont blame it on decisions

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 6/3/13

comment by Céltiçßhðý † (U15888)

posted 3 minutes ago



I really don't think you're in any position to be laughing at anyone Even Arsenal have more chance of progressing than you.

posted on 6/3/13

It was purely down to a shocking decision though, so it's hard not to.

posted on 6/3/13

if it was a red (which it wasnt) then their keeper punching Vidic in the face was a red and a penalty. Both were completely accidental, both were dangerous and could have caused serious injury. The keeper went on to play a blinder.
Either both were reds or neither were reds, and I would like to hear the ABUs arguments to the contrary.

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 6/3/13

We played exceptionally well and did exactly what we set out to do. Our tactics were bordering on perfect and we contained Ronaldo brilliantly. I'm not saying we'd have won easily, or even that we'd have won in the end. But we had absolutely no chance after that red card, and if it had been the correct decision, we'd hold our hands up and say we were outclassed.

We weren't outclassed, we were robbed.

posted on 6/3/13

Yeh cause Shelvey's incident was similar to Nani's. Shelvey jumped in with malice and is a known thug.
Yeah in a law that makes not suggestion of INTENT your comments do not even make sense!!

It doesnt matter the reason of the intent you go in with whether it be to control the ball or to break someones leg THE LAW DOESNT MAKE A DISTINCTION FOR INTENT!

So your comments that Nani should not have been sent off as he is not 'a known thug' makes you sound very silly indeed.

you cant even seem to make the distinction between my opinion of the law and the law.

I disagree with the law but it is the law...

im not sure how you know how Shelvey went into that tackle by the way..you spoke to him about it???

posted on 6/3/13

well said Siempre and Jay.

posted on 6/3/13

even Mourinho said United were unlucky and the better team and I prefer his opinion over Céltiçßhðý's.

posted on 6/3/13

ok scouse heart, why wasnt their keeper sent off for punching Vidic in the face ?

posted on 6/3/13

ok scouse heart, why wasnt their keeper sent off for punching Vidic in the face ?

I dont know im not the ref, but if that was the same then under the law...That i will again state i dont agree with maybe he should of been but i wasnt talking about that...

posted on 6/3/13

But you could also ask was wasnt RVP flagged offside for your goal..you could go on all night i was just addressing the main talking point and now we are deviating into all the decisions... which is a bit sad.

posted on 6/3/13

you lost that argument scouse heart so just admit it

posted on 6/3/13

what did I lose??

you ask why wasnt the keeper sent off, i say i dont know he should of been..and I lose...???

posted on 6/3/13

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 6/3/13

because either both were reds and we were unlucky not to get a pen and play against ten men most of the game, or neither were reds and we were unlucky to play with ten men, or the ref got it wrong or your interpretation of the law is wrong. Take your pick.

Oh and putting a laughing face doesn't make you right.

posted on 6/3/13

'boot someone in the chest'

At least try to use objective language. 'Boot' suggests kicking with force. Nani leapt in the air to try to trap the ball. His leg wasn't moving towards Arbeloa. His foot was high but there was little force behind it, as the leg wasn't straight. It was a glancing blow with most of the force coming from Arbeloa's movement rather than Nani's. There was clearly no intent to foul. And it was clearly not 'violent' or 'brutal' force as in the laws discussed by the ITV team. There was an accidental clash in which Nani could have been rightly punished for failing to take enough care to avoid. Not a single person in the stadium expected the red card. As a United fan watching the ref stand there, it didn't even occur to me that a red would come out. All the subsequent 'clearly a red' rationalising is just the sort of remoulding reality to suit wishes that fans of all clubs do.

Kompany's harsh red card in the cup last year was treated in much the same way by the majority of United fans.

posted on 6/3/13

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posted on 6/3/13

ok scousers I am off. But dwell on this , it will be a long long time before you see your team even get the chance to compete in the champions league. If one good thing has come out of this, it is that the English teams poor showing this season will mean only 3 premier league clubs will qualify in the very near future. no problem for us, but lets face it Liverpool can't even qualify when there are four spots.
No Europe and increasing debt, a downward spiral for you guys.
Oh and to rub it in, we will be lifting number 20 this season. I think the Premier League will put a permanent golden trophy on the sleeve of our kit to commemorate the first English club to achieve such an amazing feat.
Who would have thought in 1990 when Liverpool had 18 titles and United only 7 that we would beat you to getting 20 ??

oh and I nearly forgot .......

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