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These 101 comments are related to an article called:

'We r'

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posted on 12/4/13

He completley dissapeared after it, you would imagine he would have been online for a while after defending Spurs from Arsenal fans.

posted on 12/4/13

I think he's been banned mate ....most people said it and i think Admins must of got straight onto it.

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 12/4/13

Yes don he got banned mate!!

posted on 12/4/13

not condoning what he said...but heat of the moment stuff.

had to laugh thou at mr.chels getting all moral...didn't he say summat about spurs a few months back that was well outta town.......

posted on 12/4/13

we r I don't think his comment was racist, he was just angry and although it was a bit out of order i don't think he meant it in that way. You know what it's like when passions are running high.

posted on 12/4/13

Yeh Mr chelsea calling him "poisen" ......I really don't think we r is that bad, he is just a passionate guy that says things in the heat of the moment.

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 12/4/13

He was on ades back all game which was pi$$ing me off!!

Ade had a fairly good game and didn't deserve the stick weare was giving! Nearly banned him from match thread a few times!!

posted on 12/4/13

I'm sure he will be allowed back on if he mails the Admins today to explain that he was píssed off, wasn't the nicest thing to say but he was hardly outright racist, we've all said some stuff in the immediate aftermath of a match we wouldn't normally say.

posted on 12/4/13

I know, people need to get off the moral high ground at times and stop with this racism sh it. If someone come on and said "Dempsey needs to go back and wash his tractor the hillbillly" ....would there be this uproar? No doubt there wouldn't. Now i'm not saying what 'we r' said was right but i think people need to calm down a bit with this whole racist bulls hit. He didn't mean it in a racist way.

posted on 12/4/13

Yeah agree Don some people go on like they are the chosen defenders of political corectness, and in reality it's all related to their own clubs and their support for them.

posted on 12/4/13

That's the problem with this forum isn't it. We r gets banned, not even given a second chance and Mr. Chelsea gets to spout his cr*ap time and time again.

posted on 12/4/13

we r I don't think his comment was racist, he was just angry and although it was a bit out of order i don't think he meant it in that way. You know what it's like when passions are running high.


I think the elephant comment isn't racist, no. However weare definitely meant it in a racist way. Heat of the moment, say the one thing that is most offensive to a black player like Ade so I am inclined to think it was racist.

posted on 12/4/13

I'm sure We are will be given another chance if he apologies, perhaps the admins may leave it for a while as a cooling off period.

The admins are fair and do give chances, they've given me a couple (both times banned when mad about a result and a bit drunk) and I've learnt not to say any thing too over the line

posted on 12/4/13

What did he post?

posted on 12/4/13

Yeh maybe Edin but all sorts of people spouting on the thread calling 'we r' racist are just using that as an excuse to bash him because they don't particularly like him as a poster in general. None of these people were bothered or offended by it in my opinion but took the moral high ground to make him look worse. What 'we r' said was wrong and it was deleted for that reason, he is not a racist though.

posted on 12/4/13

I missed the comment but I can gather what he said from the comments on here and I don't believe that to be racist.
Racism is a messed up word and needs to be redefined.

posted on 12/4/13

Well everyone knows the "dad washes elephants" song for Adebayor. We r basically in the heat of the moment told Ade to go back and do that with his dad. It was wrong and shouldn't of been said but i am not having it that he is a racist.

posted on 12/4/13

I guess its like Terry to a certain extent Don, he isnt racist but made a racist comment in the heat of the moment. Obviously I wasn't offended in the slightest but it gives a bad rep for us Spurs fans which was not cool in itself.

As a user he had been quite close to the mark with a lot of his comments I cant say his banning came as too much of a shock.

posted on 12/4/13

Shutup junction why you keep bringing my name up. Your own f uckin fans complained about what he said. If I really was a hypocrite I would have complained straightaway but I didn't and you can ask admin to confirm that I didn't. Everyone on ja606 had a problem with what he said and passed comment on it yet you see fit to bring my name up and dont compare weare's rap sheet to mine. You can bet that if I said what weare said, weare would be flapping his gums every 2 seconds trying to get me banned so quit bringing my name up you idiot.

comment by (U9213)

posted on 12/4/13

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posted on 12/4/13

because mr.chels...ya can't pick and choose morality.....

u wldnt have been offended.....if you wasn't on OUR match thread.....

posted on 12/4/13

He made a stupid comment so he deserves punishment, if people want to judge him on that let them because we all know if it was another user of another board he'd be the first one advocating that user be banned

comment by (U9213)

posted on 12/4/13

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posted on 12/4/13

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posted on 12/4/13

3rd place and it's funny because the $pud$ were crucifying Terry during that and defending we are, heat of the moment, do one.

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