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A defence of the Xbox One, and the future

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posted on 13/6/13

Unless you buy them off PSN and download them, like I said. If you don't want disc based games you don't have to get them that way. It's like that already on PS3.


Exactly how it is on Xbox as well.

Look at it like this: Microsoft want to become digital copy only, but can't because internet speeds are still crap and some people wouldn't be able to download them because of usage caps. In addition, it would put GAME and similar out of business (not sure they'd care, but still.)

It's a console too far ahead of its time but the industry will eventually head the same way. It's happened to MUSIC and it's going to happen to GAMING as well, but it hasn't yet because of download speeds. When that improves, we'll see the end of high street stores.

posted on 13/6/13

You have a good point penguin, the point is right now 90% gamers just want to play off the disc, want to be able to easily lend them to other people. Xbone hasn't gone with what the customers want.

posted on 13/6/13

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posted on 13/6/13

They should have waited for internet to improve before taking such a bold step forward. In, say, 2018, they could have done away with physical copies completely.

posted on 13/6/13


Very, very good comment

Except XBL and PSN+ cost the same. Now they're both compulsory for online play, will be interesting to see how that changes the console battle.

posted on 13/6/13

I don't thin it was a good move from Microsoft with the one connection every 24 hour thing. You say that having that restriction in place allows for the game to be installed in the system and the disc not to be needed again. However I do not think this feature will be something people are willing to have a restricted access to a game system if their connection is down.

It may be easy to understand for us living in a big city in a developed country, but developing countries have problems with internet connection amongst many regions. Even developed countries have problems in some areas with a fast and stable connection. This is where I see Microsoft lose out big time, maybe this idea is a generation to early.

It'll be interesting to see the sales of both devices once they launch, I just think PS4 will wipe the floor with Xbone this time round.

It does not matter what kind of PR they used, this always connected to internet once every 24 hour will be a major stumbling block for them.

posted on 13/6/13

Once everyones on fibreoptic, this would have been the obvious choice. Much of America's internet services are worse than ours. It was foolish too try this so soon.

posted on 13/6/13

Yeah, they should have waited for speeds to improve.

Though, I recall when the PS3 was released people were saying "What's the point of blu-ray, it just adds onto the cost and no-one needs it" and now it's seen as pretty much essential for the new console.

posted on 13/6/13

Xbox took a gamble with HD DVD and Sony took one with Blu-Ray. The Blu-Ray won, and the amount of data yu can store in a Blu-Ray disc just makes it convenient for many that want to distribute.

posted on 13/6/13

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posted on 13/6/13

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comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 13/6/13

I don't know why you're attempting to defend a gaming console unless you're already dead-set on buying an Xbox One and you're trying to persuade others to do likewise.

Microsoft have made some rash moves that most console gamers aren't ready for, they've shown utter contempt for console gamers in their actions and Sony have profited from it buy playing to the people in their conference.

The best console to get is the one that everyone else is getting and, judging by the public reaction to the two consoles, that will be very much in favour of Sony's console.
I honestly don't see why anyone would choose the XboxOne over the PS4.

posted on 13/6/13

comment by Sideshow (U11809)
posted 4 minutes ago
I mean actual Internet eg BT, SKY etc. My dad used to moan at me as apparently being connected to it/playing online games increased the bill he had to pay for it. So being connected everytime you go on the Xbox might have an effect on it.


Probably had a broadband deal with a usage cap, this a problem many others will have.

posted on 13/6/13

If someone really wants to just have the digital copy then why not just download the digital copy in the first place? Next gen surely all publishers will make a digital copy available for their games.

posted on 13/6/13

SKA wants the PS4?

I'm getting an Xbox

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 13/6/13

I'm not getting either.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 13/6/13

Also, having a hard copy and a digital copy of a game is far superior to just having a digital copy.

posted on 13/6/13

comment by Super Keith Andrews (U3522)
posted 1 minute ago
I don't know why you're attempting to defend a gaming console unless you're already dead-set on buying an Xbox One and you're trying to persuade others to do likewise.

Microsoft have made some rash moves that most console gamers aren't ready for, they've shown utter contempt for console gamers in their actions and Sony have profited from it buy playing to the people in their conference.

The best console to get is the one that everyone else is getting and, judging by the public reaction to the two consoles, that will be very much in favour of Sony's console.
I honestly don't see why anyone would choose the XboxOne over the PS4.


Sony are definitely ahead, I completely agree with you. My point is that Microsoft are not as far behind as people love to sensationalise, and that whilst I can see what they've done they've got a lot of work to do.

posted on 13/6/13

If someone really wants to just have the digital copy then why not just download the digital copy in the first place? Next gen surely all publishers will make a digital copy available for their games.


Because for some people it's faster to install a game than to download it.

The number of those people is reducing as more and more get fibre, granted, but for now Microsoft are between a rock and a hard place.

posted on 13/6/13

Because for some people it's faster to install a game than to download it.

The number of those people is reducing as more and more get fibre, granted, but for now Microsoft are between a rock and a hard place.

Surely you will be downloading the data from the CD as well if you're planning not to use that blu-ray again to play the game? Are you saying you will be able to play the game without the disc with just an install?

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 13/6/13

Sony are definitely ahead, I completely agree with you. My point is that Microsoft are not as far behind as people love to sensationalise, and that whilst I can see what they've done they've got a lot of work to do.

No, the point you're taking in this article is that they're not far behind in terms of console quality.

This doesn't mean a thing, it's public popularity that will determine sales and Sony's great PR along with the dreadful reception to Microsoft's console means that Sony are well out in front with the public.

Every poll I have seen has shown, at best for Microsoft, and 80/20 split in favour of Sony.

It's going to take a massive amount of work for Microsoft to turn public opinion around on that. I suspect it will take them either a good few years, a next generation of console or a monumental c-ock-up by Sony.

posted on 13/6/13

Surely you will be downloading the data from the CD as well if you're planning not to use that blu-ray again to play the game? Are you saying you will be able to play the game without the disc with just an install?


Yes, that is the whole point of the article Microsoft want to introduce this new revolution of all games being able to seamlessly switch. You will not have to put in the disc ever again after the first time.

And it's not 'downloading' if you're installing it from the CD. It takes about 10 minutes from the CD for a 6GB disc on the 360, compared to, say, 6 or 7 hours to download a game on a crappy sky connection?

Which is why microsoft have jumped the gun. They need to wait for broadband to improve before trying to usher everyone into the digital age.

posted on 13/6/13

It's going to take a massive amount of work for Microsoft to turn public opinion around on that. I suspect it will take them either a good few years, a next generation of console or a monumental c-ock-up by Sony.


Or them to bundle a load of stuff with the ONE, or reduce the price. I wouldn't rule them out of doing either yet, they might be forced to looking at sales at the moment.


You're making the point that Microsoft are far behind in the public's eyes. This is true for the moment, but I don't honestly believe sales figures will differ as much as the polls suggest. People are very loyal to brands nowadays. Witness how Apple are able to make the same piece of crap year after year, whilst HTC and Samsung release technically better phones, and yet they still sell the most phones by far. At worst I can see sales being 40/60 in Sony's favour.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 13/6/13

Whatever the sales outcome is, Microsoft have turned a large number of their fanbase on to the PS4 or PC gaming. They've probably just about undone the damage Sony inflicted on themselves with the whole credit card scandal.

I've heard absolutely no one say they want the Xbox One, at any rate. A lowered price might alter that a little, the bundle that you're suggesting will not.

posted on 13/6/13

Oh I get it now.

Fair enough, if this was the reason for the once every 24hr internet thingy, I don't think it was worth it at all.

They may have needed BB to improve before ushering everyone into the digital age, but they should have looked around the world to see how the internet infrastructures in many coutries is just not good enough/reliable enough for people not to get turned of by that feature.

Although I am sure they would have had many analysts working on this to see how much of a difference it will make, and forecast how many more customers they can bring in, through their extra features, to cancel out with the lost customers. We will have to wait and see.

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