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Exciting times?

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posted on 2/9/13

Danns, Gally and Waghorn will now see out the remainder of their contracts playing virtually no part in our season which is frustrating.

What's happened to Konchesky?

It's a shame we couldn't offload any of these and srengthened but we've kept our main players which is key.

Hopefully Hammond will add a new dimension to the midfield (it needs it) so I guess we sit tight and see what happens.

posted on 2/9/13

I think Marshall's own words have dropped some players in it: There are players at our club (fairly obvious who) that are privately complaining about not getting any games and want a move, but don't really want a move because they're not willing to take a wage drop.

That's not to say that sitting on their contracts and doing nothing isn't their right, but hopefully they can't expect the respect of the fans for it and moaning about wanting a move is actually quite pathetic.

Still, on the bright side, there are plenty more players at the club who it seems do want to be here and make up a decent squad that are showing early signs that they may be able to sustain a push at the playoffs. It would also appear, from the signing there have been, that we just about have FFP under control. So not bad over all and I agree with your article.

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 3/9/13

We weren't completely inactive yesterday, the beanpole, Marko Futacs has gone to Hungarian club Diosgyori VT on loan.

Will anyone notice his absence I wonder?

posted on 3/9/13

We have a group of players here now that don't want to be here,no they won't get half the money elsewhere and are going down the division now in their career.
People like Youngy who seem jealous of footballers today can't no expect them to walk away from their contracts. So managing those players will be not easy.

comment by Fox_14 (U2869)

posted on 3/9/13

Nev, I would imagine we'll try and ship the likes of Gally, Danns and Waggy out on loan for a couple of months to see if they can find a bit of form ready for the January transfer window to open.

These players can sit and stew for all I care, but the best hope is that the first team regulars continue to do well, stay around the top end of the league and then the fringe players will want to be a part of a successful team and might start trying a bit harder in training.

posted on 3/9/13

Fox my point is thats ok but with our limited squad its taking places that players could fill. There is nothing we can do about but just suck it up.
At least and more important we did not lose anyone we wanted to keep.

comment by Fox_14 (U2869)

posted on 3/9/13

Yep that was the main thing. Keeping Kasper, Wes, Nuge, King & James was vital, and almost as important was Vardy, Knocky, Schlupp and the rest of the first team.

They can all concentrate on performing now, as having a transfer window still open when the league has started is bound to affect a players mentality. The sooner they change it so that the transfer window closes before the season starts, the better.

comment by fatfox (U4031)

posted on 3/9/13

Fans only ever get enthusiastic about new arrivals, and so generally moan if there is a lack of activity in the transfer window. But this thinking isn't necessarily rational – it's driven by the excitement of novelty, not the effectiveness of the squad we end up with.

Over the last decade we have often seen a substantial turnover of players during the summer, and usually the outcome is a poor autumn as the new faces take time to 'gel' with the old hands. Sometimes, the team seem to have still not been properly introduced to one another at the end of October.

After this, we either go into catch-up mode for the next four months or more (because our unfamiliar side has drifted into the bottom six) or we sack the manager in time for a new one to go on another shopping spree in January, and start off a whole new round of 'gelling'.

The year where I recall us all being really thrilled by the summer transfer action was the disaster season. If memory serves correct, Martin Allen brought in 17 players including try-before-you-buyers and loanees. Can you remember how excited we were about the Hungarian wingers, the Iranian with the great YouTube video, the ex-Ajax/Anderlecht U21 that we 'beat Liverpool to signing' etc etc etc. (Like me, you're probably struggling to remember names like Zsolt Laczko now).

That's the kind of summer we all love – the one that results in us dropping to League 1! We celebrate the buying spree in haste, and repent at leisure.

Maybe this year we need to count blessings at the unusually low turnover. Last year's side wasn't all that far off the required quality. It was good enough to get to second in the league before losing the plot late on. This season, they'll all be a year older, which I know sounds a bit fatuous when you first hear it, but think how many regulars were in the 19-23 bracket this time last year – the 20-24 bracket now. At that stage of their careers, another year under the belt is almost always a positive thing – a touch more savvy, a touch more stamina, a touch more resilience.

Yes, it would have been great to make an exciting signing or two but maybe, come the end of the season, we'll be thanking Financial Fair Play for forcing our hand into 'experimenting' with squad stability for a change, and having a side that actually all know each other's names before Guy Fawkes' Night.

posted on 3/9/13

Wise words from the Fatfox

posted on 3/9/13

Good post fat fox. I'm certainly in agreement.

Most of our losses last season were tight games, all bar 1 by a single goal.

That extra experience for this season may just turn those tight games in our favour more often this time

posted on 3/9/13

Fatfox - spot on

I'm quite happy with the transfer window. Critically, Kasper, Wes, Kingy and Nuge all kept. Beckford and Wellens have departed as well as Marshall, and Futacs is on loan. We've acquired Zoom, Hammond and Miquel (wait to see how they fit in).

In an ideal world Danns, Gally, Waggy and Konch would have moved on, but they can hardly be blamed if they want to see out their (generous?) contracts. Also one or two more in would have been good, but overall it's not bad. There may of course be someone coming in on loan.

Slightly worried about the poor defending, it cost us a lot of points last year. I wonder if we would have lost two goals if Whitbread had been playing instead of the inexperienced centre backs? Shades of last year with Keane?

posted on 3/9/13

fatfox, giving hope to miserable Leicester fans since the old days of BBC 606 and beyond.

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 3/9/13

Very good post fatfox

I hope you're right, and this season the sun will shine on us at last.

It will be about time, we've had more false dawns than a French and Saunders themed fancy dress party.

posted on 3/9/13

Cant you blame the like of danns gally etc Nuneaton?

What do they do when their "generous" contracts are up?

They'll probably be off the radar and no one will be interested, their careers could be as good as over at the end of it

Surely they're better off finding a new club now, even if it means a pay cut! That way they could pro long their career at a decent level thus earning more cash in the long run.

I guess i'm not living in the footballers world here am I

posted on 3/9/13

ToTF No one i know has ever volenteered for a 50% pay cut! but seriously my concern is goalkeeper did anyone see Logans howler against Pool. it was a cracking effort but still made him look a chump!


posted on 3/9/13

Good post LCFC 93 with excellent comments from fatfox.
Top of the fox also has a good point with 'who will be interested in those that sit on a good contract,.

In the real world of civvy street, few managers would take on an applicant who had no ambition or little self motivation.
I have no sympathy with these greedy individuals, who earn as much in a year as we could ever hope to acquire in a pension pot for retirement, so don't give me '' It's only a short career''

posted on 3/9/13

Probably not in the real world nev, most working people like us will take the money over job satisfaction.

In football (and other sports) some players will for the good of their careers - there just isn't many

posted on 3/9/13

Top_of_the_fox - That is their choice; that is their right. But as a fan of Leicester City (who contributes to their wages through purchase of a season ticket), I don't respect them for that and would much rather that they all grew a pair and left.

posted on 3/9/13

Dung you are using intellect something footballers are not renown for also do their agents want a pay cut.
But if your best chance of earning serious wedge was over by the time you are 30, don't kid me you would give up 40k a week for the moral high ground hairy its never going to happen

posted on 3/9/13

The question here is: Can they look at themselves in the mirror, doing what they are doing?

The answer is clearly no, because there's too much money in the way.

posted on 3/9/13

What a good post with excellent contributions throughout. Agree, it's a shame we did not manage to get rid of some of the high earners, just hope we've done enough to get our accounts in a desirable state for the FFP panel.

I do think anyone on long contracts before this rule was instigated, should be exempted, especially if the club is trying its upmost to clear them out. Is that the club's fault, maybe it is for being too generous ?

Anyway, very pleased with the Dean Hammond signing, a player who has a good record and who should help a few of the younger players in the squad, especially Danny Drinkwater.

ps FatFox - excellent, totally agree.

posted on 3/9/13

Great post, Fatfox I agree too. It is certainly going to be an exciting season, the Championship is a great league for that

posted on 4/9/13

the net outcome of all this money sloshing around is a exciting season ahead of what i believe the Premier British league ( hello Nev's been in the desert to long).
With all the prem teams stuffed full of johnny foreigners.

The championship is like the pre-prem 1st Division yes forign players but mainly the best british players who can't get a starting place in a premiership team.

This year is going to be a buzz we need to keep in contact with the top two and push on in the second half of the season.

Although with the Jan window comes the worry of the top players whos contracts are up in May being sold !

posted on 4/9/13

I have no respect for a footballer that choses £20k per week to sit in the reserves over £10k to play the game they supposedly love.

As Dunge says, it's their right and if that's their choice then fine. It's also my right to have no respect for them.

These aren't normal careers and you can't compare than. Any footballer from the championship upwards will never receive anything less than a wage that would see then able to retire at 30 which is ludicrous.

I have no respect for someone who choses to take the money our fans work damn hard for, and make multiple sacrifices to follow the team, to sit on their backsides and count their obscene wages.

A personal view.

posted on 4/9/13

Mersey who are you to judge them? Its your right not to respect them. But using words like "the game they love" is emotive. especialy when you are talking about making a future for their familys with no education or career to fall back on. I do a job i love but hell don't ask me to take a pay cut.

As for sacrifice of fans again that's our choice to pay no one forces us. I think and i would not accuse you but alot of its about jealousy and a few get even more jealous if the player is not a white Englishman and again i am not accusing you or anyone on this board of racism.

What i mean is its part of the game once players owned to little Gibson as the captain would hand out the players wages he had some power over his teammates. Then the obscene payments to average players what next.

Your mate Pearson earns £1M a year should he take a pay cut? Are his wages not obscene. Do you want him to walk away from a payout or hold his ground knowing he might not get another job?

Up the Foxes!!!

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