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These 46 comments are related to an article called:

Brilliant Mick !!

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posted on 8/11/13

posted on 8/11/13

Wish RoI well, but don't like O'Neil and can't stand Keane. 'Nuff said.

posted on 8/11/13

Micks just bitter cos he didn't get the job! Get behind your country Mick

posted on 8/11/13


posted on 8/11/13

comment by Wild_ Rover (U5211)

posted 18 minutes ago

Micks just bitter cos he didn't get the job! Get behind your country Mick

Mick is too intelligent to be drawn into saying something that will be held against him in the future by some smarmy reporter trying to make a name for himself.
When it comes to dealing with the press there are several other managers and a lot of players who should take a leaf out of Mick's book.

posted on 8/11/13

Handled very well. I'm sure he was expecting to be questioned on the subject by the mischief-making media.

comment by (U17339)

posted on 8/11/13

Such a great guy, there is no manager in the game that I like more.

posted on 8/11/13

Treated the idiot with the contempt he deserved. Had the cameras not been there I don't think the interviewer would have dared to be so confrontational.

posted on 8/11/13

Just a weird interview altogether, large helpings of arrogance, ignorance, humour and bitterness.

Not sure why it would have been so difficult just to say ''yeah, i hope they do a good job''.
Rather than ''look i wanted the job, sorry Ipswich fans to show it so clearly, but thats how it is''.

Doeasn't he say he ruled himself out of it as well?!?!

Ah well, he keeps it interesting i suppose but overall came across as a bit of a díck in this one.

posted on 8/11/13

Stale would have answered the question, only it would have taken four hours and nobody would be any the wiser what the hell the question was by the time everybody had to go to bed.

posted on 8/11/13

Stale would have been given the job

posted on 8/11/13

In cloud cuckoo land, perhaps.

posted on 8/11/13

not that job by the way, i meant international job of his country

posted on 8/11/13

Cloud Cuckoo have a national team?

posted on 8/11/13

nicknamed the ''clocks'' which is unfortunate as it breeds some unfortunate songs.

comment by (U17339)

posted on 8/11/13

I've never known a person divide opinion so much, if I strain and strain until my eyes hurt I cannot see a single ounce of large helpings of arrogance, ignorance or bitterness in that interview.

I see someone responding firmly but not rudely to a stupid, provocative question. If you see arrogance, ignorance and bitterness in that, do you see hatred and pure evil when Wenger is interviewed?

posted on 8/11/13

Cinci does, yes

Mention Wenger and his head falls off.

posted on 8/11/13

Wenger <angry>

I don't really see why the reporter was out of line?
The big story in Ipswich the last 3 weeks has been whether Mick was going to Ireland, something which Mick made a point of not ruling himself out of despite plenty of opportunities.
So it reaches a conclusion and now he says he ruled himself out, took Ireland to the quarters so there(beat that roy) and tries to make a guy who is just trying to do his job look stupid.
For me on this occasion it was a little embarrassing and seemed like sour grapes.
If i were an Ipswich fan the body language and words of that interview would have me questioning how long he is going to stick around as he showed them no respect yesterday.

posted on 8/11/13

Found this whilst searching for Cincinnati man loses head:


posted on 8/11/13

The reporter was not just trying to do his job, Cinci. Like journalists the world over, he was trying to create a story where one didn't exist. He wanted Mick to revive the spat with Roy Keane. This had been dealt with years ago. Had Mick responded to the journo's provocation, the story would not have been about Mick, Roy Keane and the ROI's management appointment but about a long since dead row that would have done no one any favours. Mick handled this provocation, responsibly and maturely.

posted on 8/11/13

Here's the other occasion caught on film regarding the same line of questioning:


posted on 8/11/13

How is it mature to say ''well i took them to the quarters, its their mistake not mine'' ''i took them to number 13 in the world, i was the obvious choice''?
That ignites the spat, not defuses it.

Defusing it would have been ''i hope they do a good job a revive Irelands fortunes''.

posted on 8/11/13

He has most likely been asked the same questions regarding the ROI - as well as the same motive behind the questions - dozens of times over the last few months.

There comes a point when you just tire.

posted on 8/11/13

nervously leans forward, grabs a drink of water to block his obviously awkward body language.
Its like watching poker.

posted on 8/11/13

Entertaining to watch though.

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