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BT Sport step into the big time

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comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 12/11/13

comment by Darren The King Fletcher (U10026)
posted 24 minutes ago
JFDI, clubs won't lose out on money as a result of this. They'll probably gain more if BT start a monopoly on the football rights if Sky can't compete with them.
I hope you are right, the previous attempts to muscle in on this have failed miserably and the SPL and Championship suffered. I hope this new arrangement is more successful for all, though I still do not see how we the consumer benefit just yet,

posted on 12/11/13

must admit I've streamed a couple of BT games lately...& to be honest they were good quality

If Chelsea TV had the rights to live coverage I'd chuck the sports in...guess that'll never happen tho

My only choice will be to pay the £15 for the BT Sport channel...I got £10 a month back when ESPN dropped the Prem games in summer so...swings & roundabouts I guess

What I hope is that BT Sport cover these games with some amount of quality ESPN was quite good & lets be honest they've gotta be better than ITV anyway

posted on 12/11/13

yo admins...what happened to you multiboarding this then...

posted on 12/11/13

JFDI, I suppose the difference was that the other companies that tried to muscle in just weren't able to compete financially with Sky in the long run.

BT are another kettle of fish and I'm surprise it's taken them this long to get in on the act.

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 12/11/13

I hope you are right, but even if they do I am not sure how this benefits us in the short term, if it does work out and we have a longer term gain that doesn't adversely affect the teams then great, but I am not going to get excited just yet.

posted on 12/11/13

like I say it's the thick end of two seasons away....but it will be around like a $puds Premiership in January before we know it....

posted on 12/11/13

By us who do you mean?

posted on 12/11/13

It wont benefit consumers at all

BSkyB could face Premier League premium
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posted on 12/11/13

Depends on who the consumer is. It will benefit consumers of BT but not consumers of Sky.

posted on 12/11/13

Well, BT will need to charge the consumers when it comes down to it. Not sure how much they charge now etc.

I dont see Sky dropping their prices either.

posted on 12/11/13

I think a lot more people will switch to internet streams now.

posted on 12/11/13

comment by Darren The King Fletcher (U10026)
posted 59 seconds ago
Depends on who the consumer is. It will benefit consumers of BT but not consumers of Sky.
Sky have got to be clever here...they've had it to easy far too long probably...& i've been a sky customer for probably 18 years or more...if they want to retain me on the sports front, it's got to be worth it

posted on 12/11/13


Mr. C, yeah they may do but it depends on BT's angle.

It's unlikely that they'd be charging what Sky have as they do not actually need to charge that much to justify the outlay on the football package.

If it's to regain internet customers, as well as getting new ones from Sky or any other provider as a result of the package, then by not charging a lot (or anything as it is at the moment, and I know people that have got BT just for the sports), then in the long run BT will benefit.

posted on 12/11/13

Yeah Darren that's what it is. This whole thing is to regain broadband customers.

posted on 12/11/13

Sky internet is crap anyway.

posted on 12/11/13

Bit shocking 5 million idiots signed up to it though

posted on 12/11/13

Dougherty Dany

11 November 2013 11:00am

I cant see this really effecting Sky in the long term.Most Champions League games on Sky attract a small audience.The cash cow is the EPL as long as Sky has the Gold picks cant see a big change.BT coverage is amateur and their presenters are trully awful.

Technically the lack of fiber roll out over the years and the lack of finacial investment in equipment at the exchanges by BT is now causing them major issues.

Advertisers are certainly not going to be happy with sub 500,000 audiences and I can see this deal killing interest in the Champions League that is allready dwindelling.

Sky are no mugs and know that the figures dont add up.If one actually looks at this deal its awful for BT and their board should be looking long and hard at the money they will lose.

posted on 12/11/13

Yeah but if BT then go and buy up the rest of the premier league games the next time round then that might not really matter.

posted on 12/11/13

This means if you want to watch PL and CL you have to buy BT and SKy.

posted on 12/11/13

Hmmm depends if Sky just bend over and let BT screw them over. Doubt it to be honest. I expect Sky to not be so complacent next time.

posted on 12/11/13

They may not have a choice.

posted on 12/11/13

This is a good deal for UEFA and its bigger clubs, it's a bad deal for football fans as sooner or later the World Cup will be Pay-TV too. In fact didn't UEFA and FIFA try to implement that in the UK and the European Commission had to stop it?

Football would be remarkably different now had Thatcher not given Murdoch the license to take English football to Sky under the grounds of "competition" when the first thing he did was get exclusivity.

posted on 12/11/13

This is a good deal for UEFA and its bigger clubs, it's a bad deal for football fans as sooner or later the World Cup will be Pay-TV too.
This would mean no Lawro at the world cup.

posted on 12/11/13

I wouldn't watch it if that happened, I'd probably just die.

posted on 12/11/13

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