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Chelsea to gazump Liverpool over Salah

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posted on 23/1/14

Might be time to let Ian Ayre put on his leather chaps, and ride off on his mid life crisis mobile for good.
Not the end of the world that we didnt get Salah, but it once again shows Ayres ineptitude in terms of getting deals done.
This deal could have been done on January the 1st, yet it seems once again the club dragged their heels over a a million here or there, and once again will lose their man.

posted on 23/1/14

you say a million here or there as if it is a drop in the ocean, if you were buying a car would you haggle of a hundred here or there or would you just buy it ?

posted on 23/1/14

Mata for £40m just shows how this window is poor for value.

If we don't get Salah it's not the end of the world. We do have Jordan Ibe waiting in the wings. At the same age as Salah, Tom Ince is also someone we could/should sign.

posted on 23/1/14

It all depends on how much the lad wants to play, if he just wants money then theres only 1 place he will go. Its frustrating for sure but mercenaries are not worth the hassle. I do wish Spurs had gone for him in the summer as was rumoured but under AVB I doubt we would have seen the best of him

posted on 23/1/14

I wouldn't be critical of Ayres, he has been a good servant of the club.its not his fault that Maureen, with the Idiot's billions behind him, comes in to make a bid. And, if the story is true, why £12M? why not nail it and go the whole hog and go for £16M? I personally think it is a move done purely to screw us up, let us know who the big kid on the block is. That's how daft I think Maureen is. We've made our bid allegedly, let it stand. If Salah is true to his word he can still hold out for LFC.

Ayres, I am sure like every other employee of the club works under very strict management. Money talks. I still hope Salah comes to us, lets wait and see.


posted on 23/1/14

you say a million here or there as if it is a drop in the ocean, if you were buying a car would you haggle of a hundred here or there or would you just buy it ?
Nobody said it was a drop in the ocean.
We have seen enough in terms of football finances to understand that the game, and the money involved, bares no comparison to the everyday financial concerns of the man in the street.
In a purely business sense, Liverpool obviously felt that this player might help them regain a place back among Europes elite, in the champions league, so therefore it makes no sense to mess about and haggle over such amounts, when there is a chance somebody else may decide to show an interest, which could lead to you losing the player, and maybe losing what you may of thought was an asset that might see you increase you revenue, and standing within the game over the long term.

posted on 23/1/14

If we don't get Salah it's not the end of the world.
I agree, what concerns me more, is that the club have been supposedly in contact with both Basle, and Salah since December, have let the negotiations drag on, rather than closing the deal as soon as possible.

posted on 23/1/14

we need center/dm midfieders ffs, if we don't get some support we will not make 4th

posted on 23/1/14

Jlou. You say it as if Chelsea have only just started an interest in Salah. It's more likely that they have been waiting for us to make a solid move to see where the bar is set. They've basically bid one million over our reported bid. If we'd of bid 12 million, they'd of probably bid 13m..... I don't think it's relevant when we put our bid in.

posted on 23/1/14

I hope the estate agents keep Salah's first months rent and deposit if he goes to Chelsea

posted on 23/1/14

comment by pranksteroflove-angry-dragon(mashing.up.$puds@5.hart.lane (U6283)
posted 2 minutes ago
we need center/dm midfieders ffs, if we don't get some support we will not make 4th
My Liverpool supporting mate said exactly that yesterday at work, he seriously thinks losing lucas could be monumental in achieving top 4.

posted on 23/1/14

No its not losing lucas, its that we have no other dm.

posted on 23/1/14

Jlou. You say it as if Chelsea have only just started an interest in Salah. It's more likely that they have been waiting for us to make a solid move to see where the bar is set.
I doubt that Chelsea have a transfer policy that looks long term to waiting until the last minute, when a player is talking to a club, or is supposedly due to fly in for a medical, to then make their move.
As regards setting the bar, Chelsea are not a club who need to see where the bar is set, and if that was the case, could have just asked Basle, and set about their own negotiations.
Probably more to do with the imminent sale of Mata to United, which has only really gathered pace over the last 5 days.
As I said, if Rodgers really wanted this player, and the club were in discussion for the last 3 or 4 weeks, then the deal should have been done.

posted on 23/1/14

Jlou, look no further than how they played it with Willian. This bears all the hallmarks of their modus operandi.


posted on 23/1/14

We may well need central midfield options, and proper cover for Lucas, but we are not overly blessed with creativity within attacking midfield positions either.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 23/1/14

History repeating? Chelsea moved for Wright-Phillips because Arsenal showed an interest. Whether true or not the common belief appears to be that Chelsea didn't need him and moved to stop Arsenal getting him.

If Salah wants to join the Chelsea bench then so be it. I'm not going to berate a player for trying to earn as much as they can. In terms of career development though surely we've got to be the better option.

Where is SW-P's now? A cautionary tale perhaps.

posted on 23/1/14

It's no biggie..

posted on 23/1/14

Jlou, look no further than how they played it with Willian. This bears all the hallmarks of their modus operandi.
I would imagine that was the exception, rather than the rule.
Obviously with the imminent sale of Mata to United, it would seem that Chelsea are somewhat pulling the same trick they did with William, but I dont really see that being the case, and dont see that as Chelsea new transfer policy either.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 23/1/14

* where is SW-P's career now?

posted on 23/1/14


QPR now

posted on 23/1/14

It's no biggie..
Maybe not as regard this player as an individual, but it may turn out to be a biggie if we fail to get top 4 due to an ability to secure signings in an ever moving January transfer window, where you have to act fast, if you identify a player you want.

posted on 23/1/14

comment by jlou1978 (U15376)
posted 1 minute ago
Jlou, look no further than how they played it with Willian. This bears all the hallmarks of their modus operandi.
I would imagine that was the exception, rather than the rule.
Obviously with the imminent sale of Mata to United, it would seem that Chelsea are somewhat pulling the same trick they did with William, but I dont really see that being the case, and dont see that as Chelsea new transfer policy either.
How can it not be the case? It's extremely obvious. Do you actually think that it's a coincidence that Chelsea made a bid shortly after we reportedly did?

It was fairly extensively written that Jose wouldn't sell Mata to us, and now it appears they're trying to stop us buying a player that would strengthen us. Like has been said, it wouldn't be the first time....

The evidence for this being the case is far stronger than the assumptions you appear to be relying on....

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 23/1/14

comment by Sturridge's dance (FSG, **** yeah! Coming again to save the mother****** day yeah) (U16034)
posted 7 minutes ago

QPR now

Wasn't an actual question mate, more a way of illustrating the cautionary tale!

posted on 23/1/14

omment by jlou1978 (U15376)
posted 8 minutes ago
It's no biggie..
Maybe not as regard this player as an individual, but it may turn out to be a biggie if we fail to get top 4 due to an ability to secure signings in an ever moving January transfer window, where you have to act fast, if you identify a player you want.
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comment by terminator1 (U1863)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by jlou1978 (U15376)
posted 1 minute ago
How can it not be the case? It's extremely obvious. Do you actually think that it's a coincidence that Chelsea made a bid shortly after we reportedly did?

It was fairly extensively written that Jose wouldn't sell Mata to us, and now it appears they're trying to stop us buying a player that would strengthen us. Like has been said, it wouldn't be the first time....

The evidence for this being the case is far stronger than the assumptions you appear to be relying on....

If that was the case why would we loan Moses to you?

Do you think Liverpool would actually spend or have the money to spend 37m on a player?

posted on 23/1/14

'I agree, what concerns me more, is that the club have been supposedly in contact with both Basle, and Salah since December, have let the negotiations drag on, rather than closing the deal as soon as possible.'

"supposedly " is the key word in that sentence!

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