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These 54 comments are related to an article called:

Put Into Perspective

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posted on 3/6/14


Don't have a go at me, I'm not the one saying Wenger is Cesc son but to say its childish or a player hasn't grown up if he says that is ridicules because many players say it especially when they made them who they are now. Not even in terms of football but in life.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 3/6/14

"Plus the way you explain why it bothers you, it strikes me you might not have a very mature relationship with your own father. It's all a bit weird, if I'm honest."

Very plausible. Actually that is not something to laugh at

posted on 3/6/14

Ok Ok look I find it daft but fair enough most of you see it as normal, wum patrol I don't follow other clubs that closley so Ok I was wrong abotu Cesc winning a cl with Barca I just assumed he had. You jump up and down about me being wrong on that if ot makes you feel better.

Allot of you can't take any criticism of Cesc and get really sensitive when it comes to him, I'll leave it be and you's continue to obsess over him

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 3/6/14

No, I just find it funny how you claim to know so much about his attitude and antics yet you come out with the "I don't follow his career closely" when you are found out to be an ignorant idiot.

posted on 3/6/14

comment by ☺ Wumpatröl - I know you put in the ho... (U5046)
posted 34 seconds ago
No, I just find it funny how you claim to know so much about his attitude and antics yet you come out with the "I don't follow his career closely" when you are found out to be an ignorant idiot.
How do I all I've said is I think the football father thing is a bit ridiculous, when have I claimed to know anything about how he thinks or feels? It's the Arsenal fans that seem sure they know exactly how the lad thinks and exactly what he will do.

Fecking hell Gooners take anythign Cesc related very seriously

posted on 3/6/14

"Fecking hell Gooners take anythign Cesc related very seriously"

I think it's more because you say the same thing, fairly earnestly, on every Cesc article - each time with the same incredulous tone, like it's the most ridiculous thing someone could say about a player.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 3/6/14

"How do I all I've said is I think the football father thing is a bit ridiculous, when have I claimed to know anything about how he thinks or feels?"

You are sure about that?

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)

posted 1 day, 16 hours ago

any lfc fans actually want cesc? I dont anyway, hes a decent player but his attitude stinks and hes not worth a bidding war with other clubs.

Again, stop embarrassing yourself.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 3/6/14

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)

posted 1 day, 17 hours ago

look how freaked out the g.o.o.n.i.e.s are a mere mention of us and Cesc and they're out in force doing their very best to quash our hopes

I doubt we even want him anyway he's a grotty little disrespectful toad.

You seem to know a lot about him without "following his career"

posted on 3/6/14

Eh all those quotes are about Liverpool not Cesc ya daft clown, again where in any of them have I claimed to know anythign about cesc himself, what I cleary say is I don't want him at LFC and that maybe LFC as a club don't.

FFS Wum do better, you claim I make all these claims that I know what cesc thinks etc. but yopu post the above, and you say I'm embarassing myself.

So lets get this clear here, where in the above quotes do I actually say anything about how Cesc himself feels, thinks etc?

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 3/6/14

"Eh all those quotes are about Liverpool not Cesc ya daft clown, again where in any of them have I claimed to know anythign about cesc himself"

"he's a grotty little disrespectful toad."
"hes a decent player but his attitude stinks"

posted on 3/6/14

No, I just find it funny how you claim to know so much about his attitude and antics yet you come out with the "I don't follow his career closely" when you are found out to be an ignorant idiot.

TO BE CLEAR - You said the above about me, but posted these quotes

any lfc fans actually want cesc? I dont anyway, hes a decent player but his attitude stinks and hes not worth a bidding war with other clubs.


look how freaked out the g.o.o.n.i.e.s are a mere mention of us and Cesc and they're out in force doing their very best to quash our hopes

I doubt we even want him anyway he's a grotty little disrespectful toad

Where in any of this do I "you claim to know so much about his attitude and antics"

Come on now WUM show me where it is in these quotes before callign me ignorant

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 3/6/14

"he's a grotty little disrespectful toad."
"hes a decent player but his attitude stinks"

If you really claim the above two quotes are about Liverpool not wanting him and not about Cesc's attitude then I really feel sorry for myself for wasting my time on an idiot like you.

posted on 3/6/14

"he's a grotty little disrespectful toad."
"hes a decent player but his attitude stinks"

my opinion of the player WUM, my opinion

Nowhere does that show anything you've accused me of, I have not once claimed to know what Cesc thinks etc which is what you said I did

FFS lad I know I've annpyed you on this but you're all over the shop. I don;t really like Cesc that's MY opinion.

But yeah I'm embarassing myself

posted on 3/6/14

comment by ☺ Wumpatröl - I know you put in the ho... (U5046)
posted 45 seconds ago
"he's a grotty little disrespectful toad."
"hes a decent player but his attitude stinks"

If you really claim the above two quotes are about Liverpool not wanting him and not about Cesc's attitude then I really feel sorry for myself for wasting my time on an idiot like you.
Hang on WUM explain yourself here, this is my opinion of the player, I'm obviously not a fan of him, but how does this equate to what you claim I've said i.e. "you claim to know so much about his attitude and antics"

It's mu fúcking opinion lad you cannot understand that?

But I'm the idiot you've yourself tied in knots here WUM, you tried to accuse me of someting, realised you're in fact wrong then try to claim my opinion on something is something enitrely different, I'd love to hear you explain that logically

posted on 3/6/14

Kneerash - a lot of players say this "father" thing, not sure what your big issue about it is.



posted on 3/6/14

Yeah I've acknowelded that I personally find it a bit daft but that's just my opinion on it, and it really has annoyed some gooners on here today

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 3/6/14

Honestly kneerash the only one who seems annoyed here is you.

posted on 3/6/14

I’m pretty angry too, a Sophie Ellis-Bextor just came on the work radio, set me up terribly for the next hour.

posted on 3/6/14

I'm not but I have annoyed several people, I'm just going to avoid Cesc articles from now on I seem to píss people off on them far too quickly.

posted on 3/6/14

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 1 minute ago
I'm not but I have annoyed several people, I'm just going to avoid Cesc articles from now onI seem to píss people off on them far too quickly.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 3/6/14

It's incredible that you are still taking that stance. Especially after all those literal essays you typed out on the subject.

posted on 3/6/14

Oh for goodness sake I'm about to lose it, Coldplay

posted on 3/6/14

It's incredible how annoyed people have gotten over my opinion on something

posted on 3/6/14

I'd incredible is exactly the right word.

posted on 3/6/14

I'd say*

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