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These 77 comments are related to an article called:

Well Done Wenger

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posted on 5/6/14

comment by Arsene's Optomerist (U5230)
posted 1 hour, 23 minutes ago
Yeah if Wenger doesn't sign Cesc he should be shot!!!
Get a grip we, have an embarrasment of riches in midfield and our MF is the envy of pretty much every club in Europe never mind the PL. Why should AW buy Cesc when we desperately need a top quality striker (or two), probably a CB, a RB, and a Defensive MF (which Cesc definitely is NOT !!!!). Forget sentimnet spend the money in areas where it is needed

An "embarrassment of riches" that meant Wenger felt the need to sign an injured over-the-hill Kim Kallstrom last season to provide depth and cover?

It's perfectly feasible that we could sign Cesc AND strengthen in other areas, and it would have the added benefit of not making Chelsea better.

Ignoring any emotional ties with the player (positive or negative), I would have to see this as a very bad decision. Wenger and the management better get some damn good deals done this Summer if they're letting this happen.

comment by Tyke (U9181)

posted on 5/6/14

After giving this matter some considerable thought and careful reflection, I have come to the following conclusion.
Arsene Wenger is a

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