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These 121 comments are related to an article called:

Ohara is no more

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posted on 28/8/14

Give me the current squad any day.

Come on Mr Morgan and Mr Moxey bomb the other 2 out

posted on 28/8/14

perton I'm a Wolves fan and have seen first hand how fans can be once they turn on a player, I am not defending O'Hara but by the same token the fans need to take a long hard look at themselves sometimes.

O'Hara is not the anti christ some fans would have us believe, I can make my own mind up about a player and that doesn't mean following the crowd.

posted on 28/8/14

comment by pertonwolf (U17284)
posted 20 seconds ago
It's just beyond me why some people defend these players especially when the club don't want them.

The badge on the front of the shirt is more important than the name on the back......
Perton, that's probably the most sensible comment I've read on here for months.

But try convincing the likes of our man North of the Border that.

posted on 28/8/14

My take on this is that , as the statement says, the cotract has been mutually cancelled and O'Hara gets nothing.
Why O'Hara would do this I don't know but Wolves approach has if anything hardened with him not being in the U21 squad.
Morgan has always said that there is no question of the contract being paid up.
Maybe lawyers acting for Wolves have said that with his recent behaviour there is a case for breach of contract re bringing the clubs name into disrepute.

posted on 28/8/14

I wouldn't worry about it Amiga, we can all have our own views on the guy, and it is fair to say there is reason to dislike what he has become at our club.

The bottom line is that we are better off now he has gone, nothing else really matters, we as a club are moving forward and looking good in the process, THAT is what needs supporting, nothing else.

posted on 28/8/14

The thing is wolfie it's true

posted on 28/8/14

He got paid a little Wolfgang, it just won't have been the whole lot, it is likely he was as keen as we were to get rid.

The clubs actions clearly show they had had enough, that is for sure, he has let himself down badly in recent months.

posted on 28/8/14

Spot on Cinci.

Viva la clear out.

posted on 28/8/14

Cinci I can agree we are better off without him, but looking back over the years I can think of a number of players that are far more deserving of the stupid hate some fans seem to vent towards O'Hara, to me he was the unfotunate casualty of cicumstance joining the club at the wrong time with injury playing a major role in his non performance here.

posted on 28/8/14

But he did act a complete wánker at Brighton Amiga, that isn't made up.
And he has had two affairs the last 6 months and been drinking midweek instead of focussing on getting himself match fit.

That isn't professional in any language.

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 28/8/14

I hope Redknapp signs him.

posted on 28/8/14

Cinci, In some ways I don't blame him, his career was going nowhere the fans on his back, with injuries and everything else in his life it's hardly surprising he would struggle to keep his chin up.

Wolves have done more harm to O'Hara than he has done to our club, I think he will regret ever coming here and I don't blame him.

posted on 28/8/14

Fair enough Amiga

I get some of the points raised, Mick playing him through desperation didn't do him any favours and it seems he still has injury/fitness issues since that time.

For me, clubs like ours just don't need the circus that he came with, it does nobody any favours and he himself touched on those problems in his last interview.

posted on 28/8/14

Wolfgang, I think the term contract cancelled by mutual consent means that he would have got some kind of payout.

So lets move forward and get rid of the others.

Footnote:- 3 days to go.

posted on 28/8/14

Like I say Cinci O'Hara is not the anti christ some would have us believe, good luck to him but as you say his time was up he had to go.

posted on 28/8/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 28/8/14

Wolfie everything else in his life is a naive statement.

posted on 28/8/14

comment by Amigawolf no longer MIA (U18508)
posted 28 minutes ago
perton I'm a Wolves fan and have seen first hand how fans can be once they turn on a player, I am not defending O'Hara but by the same token the fans need to take a long hard look at themselves sometimes.

O'Hara is not the anti christ some fans would have us believe, I can make my own mind up about a player and that doesn't mean following the crowd.
Well said Amiga. Better to make up ones own mind, than be lead like blinkered sheep. Witless has actually called Perton's comment about the badge being all that matters, the best he's seen. That's a bit like being a slave to the EDL.

We can maybe forgive witless having been institutionalised, but personally I prefer to assess things my way, and not be part of any "angry mob".

posted on 28/8/14

But yet you try and bully that opinion into others

That's irony isn't it?

posted on 28/8/14

comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 15 minutes ago
Fair enough Amiga

I get some of the points raised, Mick playing him through desperation didn't do him any favours and it seems he still has injury/fitness issues since that time.
Excellent dig at Mick.

posted on 28/8/14

Unless he was having his affair at Compton or in the board room at Molineux, it is completely unrelated to his employment at Wolverhampton Wanderers and should not be brought up or used to judge his ability to do his job.

The fact is, through injury and possibly attitude he has not be good enough. It was best for both parties that he moved on and fortunately he has. I wish him all the best for the future and hope he can rekindle some sort of career in football.

What he does in his personal life is his business and I couldn't care less. In fact, the whole of our first team could have affairs for all I care, so long as it doesn't impact their ability to perfom their roles at the club. In fact, if it were to make them play better, I'd be all for it.

posted on 28/8/14

Cinci honestly your better than that, you got caught up in the O'Hara hate like so many others, O'Hara's gone good luck to him leave it at that.

posted on 28/8/14

if it were to make them play better, I'd be all for it.

But yes Tam I agree his personal life is his own.

posted on 28/8/14

I assume mutual consent means between Wolves & Danielle.

posted on 28/8/14

If it doesn't matter, why do managers like fergie come out and say they would rather 20 Denis Irwin's than 20 George bests or whatever player he used at the time.

Because a players private life has a massive impact on his professional life, to say it doesn't matter is a little naive, it matters greatly surely.

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