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These 121 comments are related to an article called:

Ohara is no more

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posted on 28/8/14

I'm sure it does Cinci but it's their life, what do they say about people who throw the first stone.

posted on 28/8/14

I don't think having affairs matters... but drinking and partying too...

I remember Giggs having an affair once that coincided with a decent run of form for him.... so I couldn't really care less about affairs, good exercise... maybe Anderson should have had a few...

posted on 28/8/14

drinking and partying do instead of too

posted on 28/8/14

Well it depends on when and how much, we cannot expect players to be angels all we can ask is they are professional.

posted on 28/8/14

This is it SAF, its the lifestyle that veers away from being professional, made worse when your life is in the public eye.

Common sense and a huge paycheck should be enough to keep you focused on the goal, not to mention the kids and so on.

Ah well, who cares, he is gone and for that we can all be truly thankful.

posted on 28/8/14

This is it SAF, its the lifestyle that veers away from being professional, made worse when your life is in the public eye.

So true

posted on 28/8/14

Maloney needs to be evicted on Friday.

posted on 28/8/14

The response of the fans...


posted on 28/8/14

Yeah, and look how it turned out, never mind, shít happens.

Been a pretty damn good week this one, a good win Saturday, a good signing Tuesday, and a massive liability gone on Thursday, lets hope we top it off with a win on Saturday for the 125 year anniversary.

posted on 28/8/14

Fickle would be a good word.

posted on 28/8/14

We should be actively seeking a striker and a centre back before the window closes.

That said, O'Hara is available on a free and could fit in well with McDonald, Rowe, Saville, Evans and Price.

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 28/8/14

Also, I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but I think Johnson could do a job up front for us now we 2 fast wingers putting a decent amount of balls into the box ?

What ya'll reckon ?

posted on 28/8/14

Not sure what is fickle about it?

We thought he would be a good signing, it turned out to be a complete and utter disaster that cost the club in excess of 9 million quid.

posted on 28/8/14

might work halfy, he hasn't been a defender for a few years

posted on 28/8/14

comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 3 minutes ago
Not sure what is fickle about it?

We thought he would be a good signing, it turned out to be a complete and utter disaster that cost the club in excess of 9 million quid.
Read the comments of exaltation.

posted on 28/8/14

I did, we were happy about what seemed to be a great signing, that part isn't fickle.
A majority of us now recognize what a complete disaster that signing was, that part isn't fickle either is it, wouldn't fickle be changing your opinion one way then another based on very little?

Maybe i need to pick up a dictionary and learn my words.

posted on 28/8/14

Remember O'Hara did pretty well on Loan for you first before you signed him...

Spurs used black magic on him and tricked you!

posted on 28/8/14

comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)

Maybe i need to pick up a dictionary and learn my words.

posted on 28/8/14

Another £5m well spent boys

posted on 29/8/14

comment by Those Were The Days (U16473)
posted 40 minutes ago
The response of the fans...

Why am I not surprised that the only poster who lives in the past, drags up this article from 2011.

In response to a footballers life being kept personal, I totally agree, it should be kept private.

However, the antics of O'Hara have been made public by persons not on this forum and have been brought to the attention of the public at large. Reason enough to get rid of him, despite what he may or may not have done for our club. The guy is a complete embarrassment.

posted on 29/8/14

And watch him come back and haunt us. He'll end up going to Cardiff, or similar, and play the game of his life in the play-off final - costing us £70m - before waving his dongle at 50,000 Wolves fans with a huge smile across his toady face.

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 29/8/14

More Mick nostalgia from Bute from the article he quotes:
And manager Mick McCarthy insists O’Hara, who follows Wayne Hennessey and Matt Jarvis to sign for five years, will improve the squad. McCarthy said: “Jamie is a quality player – a Premier League player – and just the sort we need to bring in to strengthen the squad..."
- exactly the sort of player Mick bought, and is why Wolves lost their PL place and Bute's hero will be a Championship manager forever.

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 29/8/14

And was it £5m or £3.5m?

posted on 29/8/14

I get your point about the fans scapegoating O'Hara and I've always said that if the fans tell a player to f off it's only fair if the player tells the fans the same

But O'Hara has taken £1.8 mill a year ( Wiki figure) off Wolves for 3 years and in return played 51 games, many with a contempt for the supporters, highlighted by his deliberately getting himself off at a time when we were still in with a chance of avoiding relegation, who ultimately pay that Kings ransom.
I don't wish him ill, but I do hope he gets what he deserves, that should be bad enough.

posted on 29/8/14

We didnt pay 5m it was more like 3m and who cares where he goes or what he does elsewhere, the main thing is he's gone ...at last.

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