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Sacking not the answer

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posted on 12/1/15

Well said - was thinking the same last night.

Having said that, I fully expect Pearce to be sacked by the end of the month.

I'm starting to doubt that we'll ever really succeed under Fawaz to be honest. Hate saying it, because I love his passion and was very optimistic when he joined.

But look at the facts - sacked SOD when in 7th and brought in Mcleish. Never a good appointment, but given no chance. Buckles under fan pressure to bring back Billy despite his previous failure - then allows him to sack everybody and put Jim bloody Price in there. Sits and watches while Billy runs our club like a dictatorship and makes us look ridiculous. Then brings in someone to try and repair our reputation, now looks like he'll sack him as well.

And to that his failure to control his family and friends on Twitter and the fact that he's allowed us to fall short of FFP - have to say, I'm starting to really doubt him.

Probably not going to be a popular opinion, but there it is.

posted on 12/1/15

We need a manger to instill confidence amongst the players, have some technical nous, bring the potential out of the good players we have and provide some inspiration.

posted on 12/1/15

Sacking not the answer

I'm afraid it is, its the only answer at this time unless we have a desire to be back in the bare pit of league1

posted on 12/1/15

Wholeheartedly agree RAE. It's plain to see that without ever allowing a manager to build this club up and be patient during the process, Forest are destined to repeat the same mistake over and over again.

Also think you have a point SHH. Fawaz has gambled with FFP and has painted Forest into a corner. Reckon he should consider his postition if Pearce was to go as I can't see that there would be a flood of quality applications for the managerial position and I'm afraid he would have to bear the brunt of responsibility for that.

posted on 12/1/15

We need a manger to in still confidence

It's not that simple though is it? Managers don't just come in an I still confidence straight away. There are also so many other factors involved besides the manager. Plus confidence goes up an down, no matter who the manager is. We got to the top of the league on confidence so SP can instil confidence.

It's the same old reactionary fans trotting out the same rubbish. Not prepared to wait for success or to wait for something to be built. Hey all want it now. It doesn't work like that!

posted on 12/1/15

Would Clough come and work under S.P?

That might, just might get us out of the snake pit that the club seems to be sliding toward. Also the corner that the owner has boxed himself into. Because ultimately the buck stops with him.

I don't like Clough jnr after the comments made during his time at Derby but if they could work together and Clough could be persuaded to leave the Blades, it might well save our Championship status and prevent the bloodletting that will follow Stuart's sacking.

Fawaz is walking a tightrope here, desperate times at the City Ground I'm afraid.

posted on 12/1/15

I think that whatever happens at The iPro on Sat you should stick by Pearce. After that game you have the bottom 3 to play in the following 5 games. They truly are crap so I would expect 3 wins. You should have the fat boy back by then too so your ship will have been steadied and no longer looking at relegation. You will then have plenty of time to reassess for next season.

posted on 12/1/15

You mean the fat boy who hasn't actually been overweight for a couple of seasons? You need to update your material

posted on 12/1/15

For what my comments are worth, you really think that Clough jnr would go for a demotion to be a no2 from being the Manager of Sheff United. No, I dont think so. The majority are saying to give the gaffer a chance. Knee jerkers are saying different. They are the minority.

posted on 12/1/15

I'm happy to keep using 'fat boy'. You know who I mean so no confusion.

posted on 12/1/15

How exactly would NLN help?

He wasn't exactly renowned tactically from his time at Derby and he won't exactly be welcomed by a lot of our fans anyway. The quality that is talked about from his time is working in the transfer market under a lack of investment over a period of around four years. I don't think that's a pressing concern at the current time.

Maybe we need someone to tell our European players to clear off to where ever they came from. As he did with Cwyka I think it was

posted on 12/1/15

I keep forgetting that relevance or accuracy in "banter" isn't something you are bothered by, constant repetition is much more important.

posted on 12/1/15

How about shooting yourself in the foot.

You still refer to Nigel Clough as NLN yet I mention the Fat Boy and you get on your high horse.

posted on 12/1/15

Iwas is right, things might seem different in 5-6 games time.

I think we thoroughly expect to lose on Saturday but there is no disgrace if we do. As long as we don't just give up like last year. I do t see why anything should change if we lose there. It will be expected .

posted on 12/1/15

Shut up Iwas. Reidy is not fat at all..in fact he is quite dishy and if he was a bit younger I could fancy him myself.
You lot must have the ugliest thugs in the division..Keogh is a what the stuff of nightmares is made of and do not even mention Buxton and Martin

posted on 12/1/15

If he was a bit younger

posted on 12/1/15

He's still NLN because the reasons behind it are still valid. He even signed a player from non league recently and he played in the cup. Literally have to explain everything to you

posted on 12/1/15

Some good debate in match talk. Most valid point for me is the deafening silence from the chairman. This is a crisis yet the leader is nowhere to be heard. Did he tweet about the two new loan signings last week like he was doing in the summer when Antonio and Assombalonga were signing. As the club leader he should come out and nail his colours to the mast. The silence just causes every Forest fan to feel uneasy about things.

I appreciate the massive investment he has made in Forest and will always be grateful he saved us from limbo after the Doughty years but I have a feeling that he may be slowly starting to lose interest. He failed to sort out a club sponsor so had to put his company in there again and hasn't even been at a game for weeks before Saturday. Not saying he has to attend every game but in the context of what has been going on, I feel it could be telling. Another good point was whether the chairman would lose a bit of heart and interest with the FFP restrictions meaning he can't splash the cash on players until summer next year? He likes a grand gesture but the playing field has been levelled and it will be interesting if Fawaz's game changes IMO.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 12/1/15

How. Indeed why does Iwas know who Forest have in the next few games?

I nether know not care who Derby have.

posted on 12/1/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 12/1/15

Sheepy Iwas=closett Redun!

posted on 12/1/15

You won't be saying that on Sat if you are stood next to me.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 12/1/15

Why would we be stood next to you on Saturday?

Are you in the Forest end Iwas?

posted on 12/1/15

You go on to the BBC site you can see fixtures for your own team fairly easily, it's if our (at least) daily visitor has been checking ours out. Well, I bet most of them do and are on the NEP site pretty early on. It's not obsession of course.

FAH has been fairly quiet for a while to be honest, not been on it as much even in our decent run.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 12/1/15

Will you be wearing a red thong?

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