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These 191 comments are related to an article called:

Nuclear War

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posted on 3/2/15

sword fights >

posted on 3/2/15

comment by πŸ”₯πŸ’©He's French, He's Flash... I'm sorreh teh say it's Moyseh... (U9335)
posted 1 minute ago
You'd like to think that if the Taliban ever procured Pakistan's nuclear arms that the USA and UK would take the Utilitarian decision to nuke the region immediately for the greater good.

The Taliban could not even control all of Afghanistan but they will take over Pakistan

posted on 3/2/15

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 24 seconds ago
comment by πŸ”₯πŸ’©He's French, He's Flash... I'm sorreh teh say it's Moyseh... (U9335)
posted 1 minute ago
You'd like to think that if the Taliban ever procured Pakistan's nuclear arms that the USA and UK would take the Utilitarian decision to nuke the region immediately for the greater good.

The Taliban could not even control all of Afghanistan but they will take over Pakistan

I was responding to the hypothetical posed by the OP...

posted on 3/2/15

On a separate note, when the Taliban were running Afghanistan, how many countries did they attack?

They've already attacked Pakistan though unless those hundreds of school kids who were murdered were accidentally shot.

They run large swathes of Karachi and this is confirmed by Pakistani's I actually know who live in Karachi.

posted on 3/2/15

comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 35 minutes ago
Kung Fu Cantona

You're missing the point. Japan's military might have been on it's knees but Japan wouldn't surrender. The US were going to launch a land invasion but couldn't do so if the entire Japanese nation were going to use men women and children to stop the invasion from happening which would have cost the US if they had invaded.

Google 'Operation Downfall'.

The US predicted that invading Japan would have cost 267,000 US lives. Just invading Iwo Jima alone killed 18,000 Americans.

Without unconditional surrender the US had to end the war as quickly and with as little death to themselves as possible.

Thats not my point though.

The USA, Russia and China were fighting the Japanese and they were totally defeated.

They couldn't have ever considered invading anyone in a long time and in the wake of the U.N. would never be able to because they would have been sanctioned the schit out of.

America didn't even warn them that they would do it if they didn't surrender Robb. Surely anybody with any respect for life would warn them first that they would do it if they didn't surrender.

This is also a country with a history of genocide, why would they care about destroying another race, a perfect opportunity to test a weapon on live subjects.

The fact that they didn't warn Japan and that Japan didn't have a military left to resist a ground invasion should cause alarm bells to ring.

posted on 3/2/15

comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 41 seconds ago
On a separate note, when the Taliban were running Afghanistan, how many countries did they attack?

They've already attacked Pakistan though unless those hundreds of school kids who were murdered were accidentally shot.

They run large swathes of Karachi and this is confirmed by Pakistani's I actually know who live in Karachi.

Are there "no go zones." Like the ones in Paris?

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 3/2/15

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Albert Einstein


The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity" - Abraham Lincoln.

posted on 3/2/15

This is also a country with a history of genocide, why would they care about destroying another race, a perfect opportunity to test a weapon on live subjects.

One of the most odious things you've ever said on these pages and that's saying something.

Oh, you do realise that the war between them and the US started because Japan bombed them without warning?

posted on 3/2/15

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 41 seconds ago
On a separate note, when the Taliban were running Afghanistan, how many countries did they attack?

They've already attacked Pakistan though unless those hundreds of school kids who were murdered were accidentally shot.

They run large swathes of Karachi and this is confirmed by Pakistani's I actually know who live in Karachi.

Are there "no go zones." Like the ones in Paris?


Ah MuDD, laughing at something which is a serious problem for those who live in Karachi.

posted on 3/2/15

America didn't even warn them that they would do it if they didn't surrender Robb. Surely anybody with any respect for life would warn them first that they would do it if they didn't surrender.

This is also a country with a history of genocide, why would they care about destroying another race, a perfect opportunity to test a weapon on live subjects.


Political necessity forced their hand. Russia needed taming and the bomb was the USA's way of saying 'we're the daddy.'

posted on 3/2/15

comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 40 seconds ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 41 seconds ago
On a separate note, when the Taliban were running Afghanistan, how many countries did they attack?

They've already attacked Pakistan though unless those hundreds of school kids who were murdered were accidentally shot.

They run large swathes of Karachi and this is confirmed by Pakistani's I actually know who live in Karachi.

Are there "no go zones." Like the ones in Paris?


Ah MuDD, laughing at something which is a serious problem for those who live in Karachi.

Really? Are you mixing your religious extremists up Robb?

posted on 3/2/15

comment by πŸ”₯πŸ’©He's French, He's Flash... I'm sorreh teh say it's Moyseh... (U9335)
posted 7 seconds ago
America didn't even warn them that they would do it if they didn't surrender Robb. Surely anybody with any respect for life would warn them first that they would do it if they didn't surrender.

This is also a country with a history of genocide, why would they care about destroying another race, a perfect opportunity to test a weapon on live subjects.


Political necessity forced their hand. Russia needed taming and the bomb was the USA's way of saying 'we're the daddy.'
Not a bad analogy French.

However as I stated earlier Japan would only have surrendered after it had been reduced to what the country was like in the stone age.

Surrender was not in these guys vocabulary.

posted on 3/2/15

comment by Park Lane Geezer (U10205)
posted 6 minutes ago
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Albert Einstein

Brilliant quote.

Amazing how anybody can condone the ownership of nukes let alone the use of them.

posted on 3/2/15

Plus you shouldn't have much sympathy for WW2 era Japanese people after Bataan.

posted on 3/2/15

comment by πŸ”₯πŸ’©He's French, He's Flash... I'm sorreh teh say it's Moyseh... (U9335)
posted 1 second ago
Plus you shouldn't have much sympathy for WW2 era Japanese people after Bataan.

Or Nanking for that matter.

They got what was coming to them.

posted on 3/2/15

French & KFC are here....

posted on 3/2/15

comment by πŸ”₯πŸ’©He's French, He's Flash... I'm sorreh teh say it's Moyseh... (U9335)
posted 59 seconds ago
comment by πŸ”₯πŸ’©He's French, He's Flash... I'm sorreh teh say it's Moyseh... (U9335)
posted 1 second ago
Plus you shouldn't have much sympathy for WW2 era Japanese people after Bataan.

Or Nanking for that matter.

They got what was coming to them.
Ever read the book "The rape of Nanking", unbelievable what happened.

posted on 3/2/15

comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 45 seconds ago
This is also a country with a history of genocide, why would they care about destroying another race, a perfect opportunity to test a weapon on live subjects.

One of the most odious things you've ever said on these pages and that's saying something.

Oh, you do realise that the war between them and the US started because Japan bombed them without warning?
Are you referring to Pearl Harbour Robb? It wasn't without warning (The US knew it was coming, but let it happen so they could join in the war, and get , well ,everything really)

posted on 3/2/15

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 40 seconds ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 41 seconds ago
On a separate note, when the Taliban were running Afghanistan, how many countries did they attack?

They've already attacked Pakistan though unless those hundreds of school kids who were murdered were accidentally shot.

They run large swathes of Karachi and this is confirmed by Pakistani's I actually know who live in Karachi.

Are there "no go zones." Like the ones in Paris?


Ah MuDD, laughing at something which is a serious problem for those who live in Karachi.

Really? Are you mixing your religious extremists up Robb?

Not at all. ISIS are making life a misery for a lot of people in Iraq and Syria and the Taliban are making life a misery for plenty of people in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

By belittling the existence of people who went into a school and murdered over 100 small children just because they wanted to learn you're taking your usual 'devils advocate' theme a little too far.

posted on 3/2/15

Are you referring to Pearl Harbour Robb? It wasn't without warning (The US knew it was coming, but let it happen so they could join in the war, and get , well ,everything really)

No evidence for that at all. Just the usual conspiracy theorists.

posted on 3/2/15

Are you referring to Pearl Harbour Robb? It wasn't without warning (The US knew it was coming, but let it happen so they could join in the war, and get , well ,everything really)


What a load of tosh.

posted on 3/2/15

I'm sure someone is piecing together a link that says the US knew about Pearl Harbour in advance from a website called...


posted on 3/2/15

comment by Robb - My good man. (U19350)
posted 2 minutes ago
This is also a country with a history of genocide, why would they care about destroying another race, a perfect opportunity to test a weapon on live subjects.

One of the most odious things you've ever said on these pages and that's saying something.

Oh, you do realise that the war between them and the US started because Japan bombed them without warning?

So are you saying that Native Americans just committed mass suicide?

How many black slaves murdered? How many murdered as "free men"?

Just as a side note, Japan did attack without warning but America knew about it....


Make of that what you will.

Regardless they were military targets not civilians, I see no difference between ISIS's actions and Americas in this instance. Both destroying innocent lives to gain advantage, only the nukes are worse.

People only did just die, but infrastructure destroyed and then entire generations of children born with deformities due to nuclear fall out.

Nuking two entire cities is entirely different.

posted on 3/2/15

comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 1 second ago
comment by Park Lane Geezer (U10205)
posted 6 minutes ago
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Albert Einstein

Brilliant quote.

Amazing how anybody can condone the ownership of nukes let alone the use of them.

I condone the ownership of nukes, they are a wonderful deterrent.

Using them is another question but regarding Japan, there is an italian proverb that states; Il meglio ricolga il peggio.

Means essentially sometimes doing a bad thing is the best choice. That act has kept everyone in line since then

posted on 3/2/15

why would they let loads of theie ships be destroyed, thsy dont have to be attackdd to join the war.

germany never attacked us first, we declared war on them when they wouldnt stop there European advance

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