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These 116 comments are related to an article called:

How is Mauricio Nicholson doing?

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comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

comment by theRC (U20472)
posted 39 seconds ago
Chronic, I have posted the article where you say AVB will take us to the next level before. I have posted the article where you say AVB is infinitely superior manager to Redknapp before. I am not doing it for the tenth time. Go through your own mug posts this time please

"Levy doesn't have a leg to stand on if he doesn't do anything in the transfer window"

What a hypocritical mug
why is that hypocritical?

anyway, poch has proved himself this season with sub par players and needs to be backed this summer properly……

or we could just bring in Pulis like you advise

comment by theRC (U20472)

posted on 25/4/15

a. Poch has done sheyt.

b. Levy will not do anything.

c. You will continue to back both failures next season regardless.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15


comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

comment by theRC (U20472)
posted 8 seconds ago
a. Poch has done sheyt.

b. Levy will not do anything.

c. You will continue to back both failures next season regardless.

!! arsey

how we have missed you.

so who is your second choice to pulis for the role?

stuart pearce?

comment by theRC (U20472)

posted on 25/4/15

Chronic, remember that week you did like five articles calling me, grandspurs and chicken?

What an absolute facking mug you look like now.

You love us being sheyt though . Secret gooner.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 25/4/15

comment by theRC (U20472)
posted 4 minutes ago
Spurtle, so the manager has no responsibility for under performing players. Listen to yourselves.

He has been FOUND OUT. He's probably worse than Tim<on>.

Time to move on, all admit you were wrong and we should get in a new manager.

Unless of course some of you enjoy this sheyt we now play on a regular basis, with players who do not care/and are obviously not scared of Poch.

Chronic is probably a sleeper agent for Arsenal. Thus explaining his support for Levy, AVB an MoPo
The best managers in the world cannot get the best out of everyone. Look at Torres.

Until he gets his own players and the support from those behind the scenes then we can't properly judge him can we?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

comment by theRC (U20472)
posted 4 seconds ago
Chronic, remember that week you did like five articles calling me, grandspurs and chicken?

What an absolute facking mug you look like now.

You love us being sheyt though. Secret gooner.

this is desperate

posted on 25/4/15

Why don't you feck off and support another team !

We are what we are

How many games you been to this season ?

You're a fecking embarrassment to this board and a mug

You're entitled to your view but your expectations for our club are too high

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

Arsey you haven't answered my question yet..

so your first choice for the job

1. tony Pulis…

who is 2nd?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

comment by hounslows-finest (U6180)
posted 9 seconds ago
Why don't you feck off and support another team !

We are what we are

How many games you been to this season ?

You're a fecking embarrassment to this board and a mug

You're entitled to your view but your expectations for our club are too high


afternoon hounslows

ignore Arsey, he does this every now again specifically to pick a fight with me, but his credibility reached rock bottom when last time he bigged up Pulis for the spurs job

comment by (U18543)

posted on 25/4/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 25/4/15

Good article

5 s

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

spazzle. poch will get us relegated next season

comment by (U18543)

posted on 25/4/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 25/4/15

Ian Dowie is ugly as fack

comment by theRC (U20472)

posted on 25/4/15

Why don't you feck off and support another team !

We are what we are

How many games you been to this season ?


I have almost certainly been to more games than you. Mostly in the 1990s when it was relatively afford able. A season ticket holder in 2005. I have been to well over 100 games. I suspect that is far more than you. So you can suck on it.

"You're a fecking embarrassment to this board and a mug

You're entitled to your view but your expectations for our club are too high"

Nope. Not wanting to consistently see us outplayed by relegation is not unrealistic.

Wanting a manger flexible enough to have more than one entirely predictable plan is not unrealistic.

Wanting motivated players who aren't just phoning it in for the sallary is not unrealistic.

Your expectations are the problem if you think is acceptable, not mine .

comment by theRC (U20472)

posted on 25/4/15

In which case you are an idiot, Sizzle.

With the exceptions of a few of them like Kane and Mason. The rest of the players hold you in nothing but contempt.

They let you play their wages with some of the highest ticket prices in the league, they then give it far less than 100%.

All of you know the players haven't cared since the final.

Why are we even disputing this?

You want to be a cash cow for Levy, go ahead .

Because they certainly don't respect you as a fan. Not at all.

posted on 25/4/15

Wtf is this s.hit?

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 25/4/15

RC do you not think this is odd timing, since we beat Newcastle and got a respectable draw (albeit with shiiite defending) with Saints?

Where were you when we lost to Villa?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

comment by Spurtle2 (U1608)
posted 59 seconds ago
RC do you not think this is odd timing, since we beat Newcastle and got a respectable draw (albeit with shiiite defending) with Saints?

Where were you when we lost to Villa?
hes not a spurs fan… he wasn't aware of those results.

he probably wrote this article ages ago and forgot to press send

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 25/4/15

comment by Mex- down with Prem-Faces (U6687)
posted 2 minutes ago
Wtf is this s.hit?
its part of Arsey's "Pulis for Spurs Manager campaign"

nothing much to see here

posted on 25/4/15

comment by Chronic - 100% behind Poch (U3423)
posted 3 seconds ago
comment by Mex- down with Prem-Faces (U6687)
posted 2 minutes ago
Wtf is this s.hit?
its part of Arsey's "Pulis for Spurs Manager campaign"

nothing much to see here

I'm not a Spurs fan but think Poch is doing a decent job, he needs time, he's got some changes to make, I think a proper CM is most required when I've seen you, I know Mason is one of your own but I'm not convinced he's going to be a top midfielder, I like Bentaleb though

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 25/4/15

comment by Chronic - 100% behind Poch (U3423)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Spurtle2 (U1608)
posted 59 seconds ago
RC do you not think this is odd timing, since we beat Newcastle and got a respectable draw (albeit with shiiite defending) with Saints?

Where were you when we lost to Villa?
hes not a spurs fan… he wasn't aware of those results.

he probably wrote this article ages ago and forgot to press send
I suspect he is a Spurs fan, just one of those extreme ones that all clubs get.

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