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These 3633 comments are related to an article called:

The Ashes 2015

Page 22 of 146

posted on 9/7/15

I would gve Moeen ali a couple overs before lunch.. get 2/3 overs each from the opening bowlers then to Ali..

posted on 9/7/15

comment by englandwhoelse (U16825)
posted 2 minutes ago
I would gve Moeen ali a couple overs before lunch.. get 2/3 overs each from the opening bowlers then to Ali..

agree with that

posted on 9/7/15

LBW review...

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 9/7/15

Rogers fortunate

posted on 9/7/15

That didn't look like a nick to me, granted I've got it on me phone with the volume off but the blip on Snicko looked like it was after the ball had passed the bat

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 9/7/15

Not a great start with the ball, need to bowl straighter.

posted on 9/7/15

It's a tricky balance - Aussies bowled too straight and too full at times, gave away too many full tosses and half volleys - but we do need to get that top of off line if possible

posted on 9/7/15

Same old story that we can't bowl the right line and length though.

Here comes Wood, reckon he could be decent on this surface with his skiddy action - since he doesn't hit the track that hard hopefully he won't lose too much pace on the bounce

posted on 9/7/15

Just seen quoted on BBC Live Text, Bumble reckons the same thing about Anderson

comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 9/7/15

25 faced - 5 runs


comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 9/7/15

that was supposed to be

comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 9/7/15

no early wickets...

gone awfully silent here

comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 9/7/15

just noticed its lunch

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 9/7/15

Unless we get some wickets soon this game will be taken away from us

posted on 9/7/15

need to break this partnership ASAP

posted on 9/7/15


posted on 9/7/15


posted on 9/7/15

oooo review

posted on 9/7/15

no bat

posted on 9/7/15

damn, not out

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 9/7/15


comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 9/7/15

Warner looking hot hot HOT!!

Go on lad..

comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 9/7/15

England wasting reviews

comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 9/7/15

I give up...wasent an England review

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 9/7/15

Afternoon guys

Page 22 of 146

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