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These 424 comments are related to an article called:

Most Overrated Eleven Ever

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posted on 9/7/15

and 3. although he's one of the funnier managers every now and again with a one-liner, his deflection tactics by telling whopping distortions of the truth haven't changed at all in a decade and they've lost all their impact.

posted on 9/7/15

comment by Nickalopodis-Champions 14-15- (U9257)
posted 8 hours, 17 minutes ago
comment by CANuLEIVA (U18359)
posted 12 hours, 8 minutes ago
Jose is boring, his footballs boring, i dont like him coz he's too much of a hypocrite. He played super negative when in charge of inter and real then crys when someone parks the bus. He came up with this then does it more than anyone.

He is a serial winner though, i just dont like him
again, its hard to talk to people who don't know much about football. if you think he played boring footy in the 04-05 season. with inter, and with real than you didnt watch those sides much mate. Try educate yourself a bit rather than read peoples views on here or the medias.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Woah woah take your còck out ya own aŕse for a minute, educate myself?. So borinho didnt park the bus v barca for both inter and real. I know barca were unreal thats not my point. My point is when a newly promoted team does it to him he spits his dummy out.

If you see this differently then get your eyes tested.

P.s it wasn't just v barca either its a common tactic of his teams. so no smartass comments about it being barca. Plus this is less of sn excuse when he managed Real. Time wasting. Diving and cheating is how his teams will be remembered. Hounded out by Madrid, disliked in Italy and loved here. So its you who follows the uk media lapping up all that is Borinho.

He gauged a mans eye no class whatsoever

posted on 9/7/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 9/7/15


with sharp nails

posted on 9/7/15

How dare you diss one of my all time favorite player

Btw good fishing technique

posted on 9/7/15

Brain fart. Replace gauge with poked. But if that's the best response im gonna get.

I gauged your mother last night

posted on 9/7/15

How tall is she

posted on 9/7/15

comment by CANuLEIVA (U18359)
posted 1 hour, 52 minutes ago
comment by Nickalopodis-Champions 14-15- (U9257)
posted 8 hours, 17 minutes ago
comment by CANuLEIVA (U18359)
posted 12 hours, 8 minutes ago
Jose is boring, his footballs boring, i dont like him coz he's too much of a hypocrite. He played super negative when in charge of inter and real then crys when someone parks the bus. He came up with this then does it more than anyone.

He is a serial winner though, i just dont like him
again, its hard to talk to people who don't know much about football. if you think he played boring footy in the 04-05 season. with inter, and with real than you didnt watch those sides much mate. Try educate yourself a bit rather than read peoples views on here or the medias.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Woah woah take your còck out ya own aŕse for a minute, educate myself?. So borinho didnt park the bus v barca for both inter and real. I know barca were unreal thats not my point. My point is when a newly promoted team does it to him he spits his dummy out.

If you see this differently then get your eyes tested.

P.s it wasn't just v barca either its a common tactic of his teams. so no smartass comments about it being barca. Plus this is less of sn excuse when he managed Real. Time wasting. Diving and cheating is how his teams will be remembered. Hounded out by Madrid, disliked in Italy and loved here. So its you who follows the uk media lapping up all that is Borinho.

He gauged a mans eye no class whatsoever
disliked in italy? by who? diving and cheating? have you seen any el clasicos before or after the ones with mourinho? its exactly the same

shame that your allowed to be in a grown mans body

posted on 9/7/15

posted on 9/7/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 9/7/15

Scousers can actually post whatever they like on other teams Boards

posted on 9/7/15

comment by #4zA (U19575)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by CANuLEIVA (U18359)
posted 2 hours, 13 minutes ago
Brain fart. Replace gauge with poked. But if that's the best response im gonna get.

I gauged your mother last night
thats too far

My great article has been ruined by insults.

posted on 9/7/15

comment by Marcelino- #SilvioForFIFAPresident (U6171)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by #4zA (U19575)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by CANuLEIVA (U18359)
posted 2 hours, 13 minutes ago
Brain fart. Replace gauge with poked. But if that's the best response im gonna get.

I gauged your mother last night
thats too far

My great article has been ruined by insults.
you have to start all over again now

posted on 9/7/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 9/7/15

Lahm was the best fullback in the world for years . He is overrated only in his current role as defensive midfielder. I never liked him there, but Guardiola thinks he needs him there for some reason.

posted on 9/7/15

I'll level with you that I don't believe Lahm, Gerrard, Iniesta or Bergkamp were overrated.

The article served its purpose though.

posted on 9/7/15

Of course Gerrard is overrated.

posted on 9/7/15

comment by Darren The King Fletcher (U10026)
posted 26 minutes ago
Of course Gerrard is overrated.
ALL and i mean ALL English players with NO exceptions are overrated

Except Gerrard or any other liverpool player

posted on 10/7/15

Bergkamp not overrated? Henrik on the wum again!

posted on 10/7/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 10/7/15

You are one blinkered poster it isn't even funny! Mourinho liked in Italy? Do some research for yourself.

posted on 10/7/15

you do know I am speaking about the clubs? like in this country mourinho is loved by the club he is managing.

I dont care what people think about me unless I was in direct relation to them, so why would anyone care what stoke fans think about mourinho?

the inter players cried when mourinho left them, thats all you need to know really.

posted on 10/7/15

so I dont see how im too blinkered at all, considering I'm a CFC fan. It doesnt really matter who our manager is aslong as hes doing it right.

posted on 10/7/15

Nik, speaking as a Madrid fan, clásicos -and not just clásicos but most derbies and high-tension games- tend to be feisty affairs awash with gamesmanship and attempts to con the ref.

That said however, under Mourinho they reached all-time lows, and though they will never be the paradigm of sportsmanship, have not hit those lows again since he left.

It's also worth pointing out that clásicos are not just played out over 90 minutes on the pitch. They are 2-week long affairs, with everything that goes on in the build up and aftermath of the game.

The lengths Mourinho went to just to villify the air were outrageous, and for any Madrid fan who doesn't buy in to the win-at-all-costs mentality he was an embarrassment to the club. He did however leave a legion of supporters who did buy into his approach and who even two years after he left continue to stink the place out.

Fantastic manager though if it's just the results you're looking for, no doubt about that.

posted on 10/7/15

you do know I am speaking about the clubs?

The Dunces think we care he his hated Nick

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