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Ranieri press conference

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posted on 20/7/15

"And, most importantly of all, Ian Stringer's ban has been overturned!"

Just as things were looking up....

posted on 20/7/15

Good press conference, just watched it back on Foxes Player.

I'd say he needs more than 2 or 3 signings if Cambiasso doesnt stay and he needs them quickly.

This is going to be another Sven appointment for you eh Foxy? The man will do no wrong!

posted on 20/7/15

Hi Ian words not heard at a LCFC press conference for a long time and as Foxy said sounded welcoming.
CR is no fool so those who are waiting for him to fail might have to wait a while although brace yourselves for its all down to Nigel brigade.

posted on 20/7/15

Nigel's brigade as you call them Nev are the pragmatists, we have patience and trust.

As for the rest, well delusions of grandeur springs to mind.


posted on 20/7/15

Nev - how long did Greece have to wait?

posted on 20/7/15

One thing todays press conference does re-iterate is that Rudkin remains hopeful over Cambiasso. This echoes what he was saying back in early June and what Pearson was saying before he was sacked.

Far from ever being dead and buried - an offer was made some time ago and they are still mulling over it

posted on 20/7/15

....What I will say though is that if he does sign with us, I'll be applauding both Ranieri and Rudkin for their work on this

posted on 20/7/15

When you say "key backroom staff", were names mentioned?

posted on 20/7/15

Shakespeare, Walsh, Stowell and Phillips all staying. New fitness coaches though

posted on 20/7/15

Any mention of Preki?! Just wondering what has happened to him!

posted on 20/7/15

Prekigate, now that was an amazing 24 hours. No one knows what has happened to him!

posted on 20/7/15

BS check your info if you listen to CR on it you will understand what happened in greece but i know you have written off him off as a no hopper.
New goal keeping coach will Stowell go with NP the man he and Dave Rennie should take a lot of credit in lobbying to get NP back.

posted on 20/7/15

Shakespeare and Walsh staying?

That makes me feel better about life.

posted on 20/7/15

Wonder what will happen if NP gets another position soon?

posted on 20/7/15

comment by Nevsaysagoal2city (U5194)
posted 11 minutes ago
BS check your info if you listen to CR on it you will understand what happened in greece but i know you have written off him off as a no hopper.
New goal keeping coach will Stowell go with NP the man he and Dave Rennie should take a lot of credit in lobbying to get NP back.

I've written him off in the same way you wrote Pearson off.

But he still gets my support I hope he does well

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 20/7/15

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 5 minutes ago
Shakespeare and Walsh staying?

That makes me feel better about life.

Indeed, we really can't be sure how much of Nigel Pearson's unquestionable success was down to his strong backroom team. Certainly recruitment is one area that may have been largely down to Walsh.

Let's hope a period of unquestionable and indeed, unprecedented success follows with Ranieri. That should unite us all.
Hmmm..... then again....

posted on 20/7/15

....in other words - i don't think he'll succeed, but unlike some with Pearson - I actually want him to.

posted on 20/7/15

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 5 minutes ago
Shakespeare and Walsh staying?

That makes me feel better about life.

Indeed, we really can't be sure how much of Nigel Pearson's unquestionable success was down to his strong backroom team. Certainly recruitment is one area that may have been largely down to Walsh.

Let's hope a period of unquestionable and indeed, unprecedented success follows with Ranieri. That should unite us all.
Hmmm..... then again....

..........I could come back to this board in 10 years and see the same old people sticking up for Sven and branding Pearson as a bully......

The whole Pearson thing will never go away, he's like Thatcher - just massively divides opinion. But whatever your view on him (and I took a pretty dim one of him last season), he left this club in a far better state than he found it

posted on 20/7/15

Which is the true Leicester, I say the Man Utd 3-1 Leicester City and not the 5-3 Leicester. To be fair after you had a lot of luck against us you had a lot of bad luck in games you dominated but kept losing.

posted on 20/7/15

The Nigel Brigade you talk about are the ones who stuck by the team throughout last season when most had decided we weren't good enough and wanted change before we had even got to Christmas.

I can't say I wasn't very disappointed when Pearson was sacked as I had real excitement for next season and looking forward to the development of the club.

That has happened so we move on and Ranieri is the new man and I will be supporting him and the team as I did last season.

I agree he did come across well in his press conference. Said a lot of things we have all agreed on, like the need for a couple more signings and holding onto the current back room staff. Also the renewed hope that Cambiasso is still a possibility.

Looking forward to the preseason matches an away day in Mansfield on Saturday.

posted on 20/7/15


posted on 20/7/15

BS you wrote Pearson off hypocrite as did almost everyone on here by Feb apart from TB
So did you listen to what he said about Greece

posted on 20/7/15

No need to start getting personal Nev with the hypocrite jibe. Writing some one off, generally refers to not giving someone a chance in the first place. Thats what we are talking about here.

So given the fact I was over the moon when Pearson returned and defended him against criticism on this board for some time before I decided we should get rid last year - how exactly is that writing someone off? I gave him 3 years before last season deciding he wasn't up to it.

posted on 20/7/15

And no.....I haven't listened to what he said about Greece. Got the link? What about Inter, Juventus, Roma and second stint at Valencia? Are there any links where he defends his record there?

posted on 21/7/15

Press conference yesterday. How about 52% win rate in the premiership ? I do't know whether he will work as a manager but i am prepared to give him a chance and not call him a failure.
NP was a failure this season until he inspired the team to a seven match win streak so you can pick your facts to fit your view.

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