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A Galaxy Far Far Away......

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comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 26/9/23

comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 49 minutes ago
Curious… I can’t get a runtime for tonight’s episode.
Doesn’t bode well… I bet it’s under 40 mins.

The last 2 eps should not be shorter than 45 mins.

Pun has levelled up. Rebels has been watched… he could still become a Jedi. But the prophecy has been wrong before…
Supposed to be 45 mins

posted on 26/9/23

so 35 with credits

posted on 26/9/23

I'm guessing Ahsoka arrives and has to rescue Sabine again.

posted on 26/9/23

comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 2 minutes ago
I'm guessing Ahsoka arrives and has to rescue Sabine again.
Or… the witches might have conjured up a certain villain..

posted on 26/9/23

comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 2 minutes ago
I'm guessing Ahsoka arrives and has to rescue Sabine again.
Or… the witches might have conjured up a certain villain..
Possibly but I think any reveals will either be left for the finale or season 2.

I just hope we see some more action in this episode and Thrawn gets to showcase why he's a dangerous adversary.

posted on 26/9/23

comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 1 hour, 16 minutes ago
so 35 with credits

Imagine if we didn't burn an episode 2 weeks ago.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 26/9/23

Don't 'we' us all here. You're the only one who didn't like it

posted on 26/9/23

I just saw what was coming. Now two stuffed episodes trying to tie up a storyline.

But at least we saw Anakin rambling on about living or dying despite nobody ever asking the question.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 26/9/23

Cinci can't even be happy for us

posted on 26/9/23

post or don't post

don't post or post

post or don't post

posted on 26/9/23

The Bengals scrapped a win yesterday… think he knows he’s on Burrowed time

So, I can understand Cinci’s anger. But he’s just taking it out on us… he’ll be fine.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 26/9/23

The Bengals are actually my unofficial team cos my name is very similar to the legend that is J Burrow

posted on 26/9/23

comment by T-BAG (U11806)
posted 3 minutes ago
The Bengals are actually my unofficial team cos my name is very similar to the legend that is J Burrow
What?!.. your name is Shiiit QB?

posted on 26/9/23

comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 7 seconds ago
comment by T-BAG (U11806)
posted 3 minutes ago
The Bengals are actually my unofficial team cos my name is very similar to the legend that is J Burrow
What?!.. your name is Shiiit QB?

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 26/9/23

posted on 27/9/23

So this is set just after S3 of Mando then, not before as was first suspected

posted on 27/9/23

Will also need some clarification from Cinci re point deductions......no force ghosts mind you

posted on 27/9/23

Solid 7.........just coasting to the end of the season as expected

posted on 27/9/23

Hera's ass +1 point

Anakin -3 points

Any fackin ghost/dream/vision -5 points

Additional Twi-leks +2 points

posted on 27/9/23

Ahsoka Ep 7.. 7.3/10

Could’ve done with being a bit longer. But some nice touches in there.

posted on 27/9/23

Though honestly there was 1 thing Sabine said that I want to put on the spin scale. It made me cringe so hard, seriously it's up there with Leia under the cloak in Ob1 and almost makes me want to dock a point. Well put it to the vote later on in the week (for those of you who have watched it's during the Sabine/Ezra catch up - can you guess what it is? )

posted on 27/9/23

Admittedly I was half asleep, but, it felt fillerish…
A mix bag.. there’s a moment that doesn’t make sense to me, but we’ll get into spoilers.
There were moments it felt very Star Wars.

Can’t remember what she said West. But she said something else that had me scratching me head!!

posted on 27/9/23

These star wars series are pretty good. Only Boba Fett was below par. Mando, Andor and Ahsoka are great IMO. Even Bad Batch is worth a quick watch.

posted on 27/9/23

comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 19 minutes ago
These star wars series are pretty good. Only Boba Fett was below par. Mando, Andor and Ahsoka are great IMO. Even Bad Batch is worth a quick watch.
Boba,Obi Wan and Mando season 3 were average.

posted on 27/9/23

comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 19 minutes ago
These star wars series are pretty good. Only Boba Fett was below par. Mando, Andor and Ahsoka are great IMO. Even Bad Batch is worth a quick watch.
Boba,Obi Wan and Mando season 3 were average.
Oh for sure Ahsoka is gonna be up there… just a few little things could’ve made it a classic… but it’s season 1..been very enjoyable so far…

Hmm, need to watch that Ep 7 again..

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