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These 139 comments are related to an article called:

Footballers named in the Panama Papers

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posted on 7/4/16

comment by Robb Wayne (U20351)

posted 1 minute ago

comment by Darren The King Fletcher (U10026)
posted 13 minutes ago
Hardly a shock Barca we win condone's tax dodging, half the team he supports does it.

Probably the funniest thing I've read on here


You came out with a belter this morning Robb your self on a certain Mr Shelvey.

posted on 7/4/16

The only people I expect to defend this sort of activity are those that do it themselves, and I doubt anyone here is rich enough to do it. So why they are defending this is beyond me when they're getting fecked in the aris too.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by 50...feck Giroud (U1147)
posted 1 hour ago
comment by Mr Chelsea. (U3579)
posted 15 minutes ago
Iqbal Mirchi. Mirchi means spicy. Iqbal means one hair

One Hair Spicy
He worked for the biggest underground don in Pakistan/India, dead guy now though for some time
I love how people read something on Wiki, then post as if they have first hand knowledge ........

Iqbal Mirchi (died 14 August 2013), right-hand man of India's most wanted criminal, Dawood Ibrahim

posted on 7/4/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 7/4/16


Cameron just admitted he held shares in his dad's tax haven, surely he's gonna resign?

posted on 7/4/16


Far be it for me to defend Cameron but you really should know the whole story before coming to that conclusion.

posted on 7/4/16

hopefully LVG has been squirrelling money away.

posted on 7/4/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 7/4/16

comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 11 seconds ago
Life is not fair, people need to stop moaning and be happy for what they have.

If these guys are doing nothing illegal, they are doing nothing wrong. If they are breaking the law, then fair enough. But that's the point of the law. It's not up to these guys to try and do society a favour. They should be able to do as they please, as long as it is legal, and with privacy. If you think penalising the rich is a good plan then you are silly, they will just get up and move to somewhere more favourable.

Life is not fair, deal with it!

Your ignorance of the real world is staggering.

posted on 7/4/16

Can't be arrsed looking at the other posts but Cameron just admitted to having a stake in his fathers fund.

Surly he can fack off now?

posted on 7/4/16

some unscrupulous people have been taking advantage of naive footballers. You do have to feel pity for the likes of andy cole, lionel messi and ulloa. I doubt they knew what they were signing at the time.

Looks like Dave has got himself into another jam, you have to say he has been let down by certain people, first George Osborne and now even his late dad.

posted on 7/4/16

Your ignorance of the real world is staggering.


It is hard to punish someone who isn't breaking the law though.

There are many occasions where the law is an ar$e and we disagree with it.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 1 minute ago
Your ignorance of the real world is staggering.


It is hard to punish someone who isn't breaking the law though.

There are many occasions where the law is an ar$e and we disagree with it.

It's one thing knowing you can't bust someone but saying it should be allowed is a whole other one.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 8 minutes ago
Can't be arrsed looking at the other posts but Cameron just admitted to having a stake in his fathers fund.

Surly he can fack off now?

What I heard was that it was around £30k, and the profit from it was within the tax allowance for 2010.

posted on 7/4/16


Here is a better piece of news coverage on Cameron. A sign here that there is nothing in it is that the BBC are not going for his jugular.


posted on 7/4/16

It's one thing knowing you can't bust someone but saying it should be allowed is a whole other one.


Depends on where you want to stand on your moral high horse Robb.

Remember your stance on Ched Evans because it was the law. And my stance on the law being an ar$e.

You can't change you moral high ground here.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 3 minutes ago
It's one thing knowing you can't bust someone but saying it should be allowed is a whole other one.


Depends on where you want to stand on your moral high horse Robb.

Remember your stance on Ched Evans because it was the law. And my stance on the law being an ar$e.

You can't change you moral high ground here.

Totally different thing. He did something morally wrong and deserved to be punished. These guys are also doing wrong morally,

posted on 7/4/16

I don't like Cameron but this is a bit of a non story at the moment. I don't think I would like him if he dissed his Dad plus if he resigns we will probably get George which is worse by a factor of two.

posted on 7/4/16

Totally different thing.


The law is the law Robb. You can't stand on one side of it one day and then the other the next.

That would be morally wrong.


He did something morally wrong and deserved to be punished.

Rubbish. There are a few growlers around the world that have taken advantage of me when I have been paralytic. I wouldn't want to see any of them sent to jail for it.


These guys are also doing wrong morally


You don't know the whole story behind all of these names. That is why there is a disclaimer on it.

posted on 7/4/16

Rubbish. There are a few growlers around the world that have taken advantage of me when I have been paralytic. I wouldn't want to see any of them sent to jail for it.

Sigh, you'll never understand it.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by Robb Wayne (U20351)

posted 7 minutes ago

Rubbish. There are a few growlers around the world that have taken advantage of me when I have been paralytic. I wouldn't want to see any of them sent to jail for it.

Sigh, you'll never understand it.


I understand it very well Robb. So did the prosecutor who apologized to Evans parents after the trial.

Because he appreciated what an ar$e the law is.

posted on 7/4/16

The problem is, that whilst the law is clear cut, morals are much less so, they are tricky things to pin down, and everybody has their own interpretation.
Eg, you are in the car with your wife on a motorway and she is speeding, ie breaking the law, should you report her? I don't think anyone on here would;
Next example, same scenario but you know she has drunk more than she should, but seems to be driving capably, do you report her.
Third scenario, as above but turning into the street she hits a parked car, what do you do;
Fourth scenario, similar to above but she runs over and kills someones pet dog, what do you do.
Fifth, as above but knocks down and injures someone, its the local drunk.

And so on. Tricky concepts morals.

posted on 7/4/16

Rubbish. There are a few growlers around the world that have taken advantage of me when I have been paralytic. I wouldn't want to see any of them sent to jail for it.
Would you want them tonne punished in another way, other than jail?
I'm sure most people, even those with a similar disability as yours, whether temporary or permanent, would prefer that some sort of punitive action be taken against anyone offending in such a manner, more so as a deterrent.
The catch is that punitive action must correspond to the grievousness of the offence. This comes down to how repugnant society deems the offence. The two instances are therefore incomparable because your moral compass seems to be opposite of the majority which is that punitive measures should be taken, not necessarily jail time.

posted on 7/4/16

The only problem with the "if it's not a illegal, then it's ok" excuse, is that the politicians and corporations that benefit from the legality of it all, are the same people who implemented these laws in first place.

Cameron says he paid all the tax he owed and it was ONLY £30,000 (1 year salary for some struggling individuals) i'll wait until an investigation is complete before believing the word of a compulsive liar.

posted on 7/4/16

Every large business uses off shore holding companies. This really isn't new

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