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Footballers named in the Panama Papers

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posted on 7/4/16

Kung Fu
Why do you say Cameron is a compulsive liar. I'm not saying he isn't, but I have not seen any evidence.
And not liking his policies, which I don't, doesn't make him one.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 39 seconds ago
Kung Fu
Why do you say Cameron is a compulsive liar. I'm not saying he isn't, but I have not seen any evidence.
And not liking his policies, which I don't, doesn't make him one.
He's a politician in one of the highest ranking roles in the world. Of course he's a liar.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by Wonder Man (U11164)
posted 3 seconds ago
Every large business uses off shore holding companies. This really isn't new

But you agree it's immoral though right??

If I didn't pay all of my taxes, what would you think of me?

Especially if it's money that could be spent on helping young doctors and nurses, people using food banks and disabled people who the government seem to be after.

There is a massive problem in this country where we demonise the poor and immigrants and cut the rich schit loads of slack.

The fact of the matter is, if only one of Google, Facebook etc actually paid what they owed in taxes nobody would have to complain about benefit cheats who make up a minuscule proportion of the country anyway.

posted on 7/4/16

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posted on 7/4/16

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posted on 7/4/16

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
Why do you say Cameron is a compulsive liar. I'm not saying he isn't, but I have not seen any evidence.
And not liking his policies, which I don't, doesn't make him one.

You can't be this naive?

Just a taste....

Cuts in child tax credits. Cooper said Cameron denied during the election that he would cut child tax credits. She said Osborne, the chancellor, unveiled £4.5bn of cuts to child tax credits in the budget which would hit women twice as hard as men.
Cuts to child benefit after Cameron said during the election there would be no cuts beyond a two-year freeze. Cooper says it will now be subject to a four-year freeze.
Cancellation of rail electrification plans.
Downgrading of the number of affordable homes due to be built. The Office for Budget Responsibility has said 14,000 fewer homes will be built.
Delaying of a decision on a new airport runway in south-east England. Downing Street says it is standing by its commitment to reach a decision by the end of this year.
Delay in the introduction of tax-free childcare from 2015 to 2017.
Shelving of an election pledge to give public officials three days off work to take part in volunteering.
Delay until 2020 in the introduction of the social care cap.
Reversal of pledge for greater government transparency after launch of review into freedom of information.


I'm not mentioning other indiscretions because I don't want to turn this thread into a debate about British foreign policy.

posted on 7/4/16

Cynical, and possibly wrong Robb. There have been and probably still are some politicians who are honest, at least within normal standards. I'm not saying Cameron is or isn't because I don't know, but compulsive implies he lies about every single thing, which I haven't seen any evidence of....yet.

I do,however, have him convicted of smugness on a large scale.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 22 seconds ago
Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)

I wouldn't want to know your tax business. It should be private to you.

Where do you draw the line though. The rich contribute a lot in other ways.. if you start penalising them they will move. Why pay crazy tax in the UK if you can pay much less somewhere else? There is a fine balance and governments know this. The rich do need a bit of freedom. They are worth more to the government than the ordinary Joe. That's the truth.

They are worth more through exploitation.

All immigrants hear when they cross the border is "abide by our values" but when are British people going to abide by British values.

Like everybody paying there fair share in taxes?

Nobody should get a discount because they bring money into the country.

Doctors and nurses do a far more important job then the CEO of starbucks and they are facing pay reductions.

It's unfair and immoral.

posted on 7/4/16

Kung Fu

Not following electioneering promises is not the same as personal lying. When you get into office you may find the money is not there to do what you want, your cabinet may have other ideas, the PM is not a dictator. All governments have failed to live up to election promises at some time. It doesn't necessarily mean they didn't want or intend to, or that they won't at some time.
Yoy can't really be so naive as to believe as it is the same as personal lying, as the expense cheats for example.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 6 minutes ago
Cynical, and possibly wrong Robb. There have been and probably still are some politicians who are honest, at least within normal standards. I'm not saying Cameron is or isn't because I don't know, but compulsive implies he lies about every single thing, which I haven't seen any evidence of....yet.

I do,however, have him convicted of smugness on a large scale.

It doesn't mean lying about every single thing.

posted on 7/4/16

United we win

What other ways do they contribute if they are not paying tax ? And why is the tax crazy?

Yes you will pay less in the Cayman Islands because you are not paying for their defence or pensions etc.

If you want to live in a civilised country you have to pay for it.

posted on 7/4/16

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 28 seconds ago
Kung Fu

Not following electioneering promises is not the same as personal lying. When you get into office you may find the money is not there to do what you want, your cabinet may have other ideas, the PM is not a dictator. All governments have failed to live up to election promises at some time. It doesn't necessarily mean they didn't want or intend to, or that they won't at some time.
Yoy can't really be so naive as to believe as it is the same as personal lying, as the expense cheats for example.

I wish I had such an innocent out look on corrupt politicians, I'd be much happier.... You must have lived a sheltered life.

Just out of curiosity how many lies ("broken promises" does the PM have to make before you feel negatively towards him?

posted on 7/4/16

United we win.

So you would shop your wife/mother/father if they were speeding with you in the car. So as to stop them killing someone ?

posted on 7/4/16

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posted on 7/4/16

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posted on 7/4/16

I don't, I hope, have an innocent outlook on corrupt politicians. I hope I have an innocent outlook on the non corrupt ones. Are you saying that every politician is corrupt ?
From previous threads I know you are interested in politics, am I to believe that if you had chosen politics as a career to improve society as you see it, that you would be corrupt. Or would you be the only one who isn't.

posted on 7/4/16

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posted on 7/4/16

Compulsive means you cannot help yourself, that you would have a compulsion to lie. So, yes it does mean lying about everything.

posted on 7/4/16

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posted on 7/4/16

United we win.
Something like the top 1% own more than the bottom 50% or more, so of course they should pay a lot more tax.
The fact that they buy more expensive things doesn't make them more valuable than anyone else.
If they do go and live elsewhere how are they going to take theit properties and businesses with them, unless they are ebusinesses.

posted on 7/4/16

United we win.
So you would happily be an accomplice to a crime. Not sppeding, if it had to be horrific where would you draw the line. Theft ? Assault ? Kidnapping ? Robbing a pensioner ?
As I say, difficult things these morals.

posted on 7/4/16

Fluck me. Is this even a debate. Pay what you owe or fluck off to live in another country.

posted on 7/4/16

Yes Babyen it's a debate, and an interesting one. With far more sides to the story than your post implies.

posted on 7/4/16

United we win.

Being rich doesn't mean you innovate. You may just inherit a fortune.
The Duke od Buccleuch and others have had their wealth since William the Conqueror gave it to them.

posted on 7/4/16

Just say If you won 25m on the lottery what would you do with money? would you invest the money for the best return, either in UK or overseas.

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