"There is a direct link between racism and religion. It is the justification Americans used to enslave black people.
Again I ask, why do you enjoy making yourself look foolish?"
Well, well the super liberal is telling us there is a link between racism and religion but denying there is no link between or nothing to do with certain religion for the mass killings happening around the world...
Now, it's crystal clear who is acting like a fool.
What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course you can be a Christian and not follow every single letter of the bible. Even the current Pope doesn't FFS.
MUDD doesn't do details...
comment by Science (U19684)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Science (U19684)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 11 minutes ago
I find this debate quite depressing.
I certainly do not consider the priests that were molesting kids Christians, nor do I consider the KKK, neo nasis and white supremacist groups Christians because their message is at direct odds with the religion.faith.
Why is this courtesy not extended to muslims?
That is a strange way of thinking. It's like you only see "genuinely" religious people as good and following the version/interpretation of their religion that you agree with... that's as ridiculous as thinking all religious people are evil.
No it is not. You cannot be a part time Christian/Muslim/Jew
You are one or you are not. All these faiths make it explicitly clear what it means to be a follower.
You have also made the mistake of mixing up religion and faith.
They are very different
What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course you can be a Christian and not follow every single letter of the bible. Even the current Pope doesn't FFS.
Then you do not understand Christianity.
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
Do not take my word for it, look it up.
Key words, Sheeps and Goats
comment by ABU - Babes, You Brex my heart! (U8613)
posted 11 minutes ago
"There is a direct link between racism and religion. It is the justification Americans used to enslave black people.
Again I ask, why do you enjoy making yourself look foolish?"
Well, well the super liberal is telling us there is a link between racism and religion but denying there is no link between or nothing to do with certain religion for the mass killings happening around the world...
Now, it's crystal clear who is acting like a fool.
1. There is a link between religion and racism
2. This link between religion and racism was used to identify how people can "use" religion to commit atrocities. I gave an example with the Jews and Hitler above, so your suggestion that I do not see a link is not only wrong, it is also stupid.
3. People have killed in the name of religion over history and it has been used to push political agendas.
4. No Muslim, Christian or Jew sets out to commit Mass Murder of Innocents. It stands against their very core beliefs
5. Once again, your hunger to make yourself look stupid rears its head again.
6. So let us engage that tiny brain of yours. If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Surely they are practising the same religion, right?
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
You are neither born at that time nor do you know Greek or Latin...
comment by ABU - Babes, You Brex my heart! (U8613)
posted 3 minutes ago
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
You are neither born at that time nor do you know Greek or Latin...
Or Aramaic, at a guess...
6. So let us engage that tiny brain of yours. If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Direct this question to "united we win" for opposing diversity in different nations and unify it by "religion"...
You are thinking I am islamphobist or something when I was clearly telling the problem is not the followers, problem is with the self-proclaimed super human beings or their preachings for some extent...
If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Sunnis and Shias have been killing each other for centuries. The answer to your question is a difference of perspective.
comment by ABU - Babes, You Brex my heart! (U8613)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
You are neither born at that time nor do you know Greek or Latin...
Jesus spoke Aramaic by the way
Mud, still waiting on examples of me referring to muslims as bad people you clown. Although I appreciate you are busy being schooled right now.
comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 1 hour, 9 minutes ago
If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Sunnis and Shias have been killing each other for centuries. The answer to your question is a difference of perspective.
It is a political one that has nothing to do with religion when you get down to the underlying issues
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
comment by Science (U19684)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Science (U19684)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 11 minutes ago
I find this debate quite depressing.
I certainly do not consider the priests that were molesting kids Christians, nor do I consider the KKK, neo nasis and white supremacist groups Christians because their message is at direct odds with the religion.faith.
Why is this courtesy not extended to muslims?
That is a strange way of thinking. It's like you only see "genuinely" religious people as good and following the version/interpretation of their religion that you agree with... that's as ridiculous as thinking all religious people are evil.
No it is not. You cannot be a part time Christian/Muslim/Jew
You are one or you are not. All these faiths make it explicitly clear what it means to be a follower.
You have also made the mistake of mixing up religion and faith.
They are very different
What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course you can be a Christian and not follow every single letter of the bible. Even the current Pope doesn't FFS.
Then you do not understand Christianity.
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
Do not take my word for it, look it up.
Key words, Sheeps and Goats
Do priests start yelling God is great when they are mollesting kids?
Bit of a difference.
The kkk should be hunted down and locked up for life, I would shop a kkk member in a heartbeat I would challenge them face to face as I have done racists at work and in life in general.
I wouldn't spend hours trying to excuse them and blame isreal or the west or some other way of deflecting what they do.
The church doesn't do enough to combat racist Christians like the kkk or westborough baptist church just as imans and Muslims aren't doing enough to stamp out the people destroying their religion with their radical version of that same religion.
What do you want the imams to do Loz? What would you like the Muslims to do?
Can you highlight what you would have them do?
Why should they be held responsible for the actions of these people?
Should white people do more to the KKK and neonasis?
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 1 hour, 9 minutes ago
If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Sunnis and Shias have been killing each other for centuries. The answer to your question is a difference of perspective.
It is a political one that has nothing to do with religion when you get down to the underlying issues
Really? I'd always though it was to do with who succeeded Muhammad.
It is a political one that has nothing to do with religion when you get down to the underlying issues
Why can't you go a little bit further and see who these politicians are and how they try control the masses in those countries? How difficult is it for you?
comment by ABU - Babes, You Brex my heart! (U8613)
posted 21 minutes ago
It is a political one that has nothing to do with religion when you get down to the underlying issues
Why can't you go a little bit further and see who these politicians are and how they try control the masses in those countries? How difficult is it for you?
It is very easy to suss this out. Immediately IS took power they set up a business to sell oil.
Saudi Arabia does not want Iran to muscle in on the oil market and Iran does not want Saudi Arabia to control the market.
This got played out in Iraq during the invasion and is being played out again under Daesh.
It really is not hard to follow these things. It is the same ideology we used when we demarcated the middle east and created these nations and the same ones colonial powers did to Africa.
End of the day it is about resources. So what you need to do is get the gullible to tow the line so you throw in some religion/nationalism and bobs your uncle.
Worked during Brexit too
comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 13 hours, 17 minutes ago
The guy in NICE was a violent drunk - he was a psychologically ill person and a social outcast, clearly with no self worth. any extremist group's dream.
This is not the worst year in my memory anyway. There have been many horrid events recently and for many years. Remember the event of 2014 where over 2200 civilians in GAZA were killed; the 2 Malaysia plane crashes/one being shot down. And there is the last 5 or so years where 100s of thousands of Syrians/Iraqis/Libyans/Yemini's have been killed.
Human tragedy is a daily occurrence for most around the world - we as a species are experts at doing major damage to one an other.
Weird you didn't mention the genocide in Rwanda which far outweighs any of those others you mentioned.
Weird you didn't mention the genocide in Rwanda which far outweighs any of those others you mentioned.
No one cares about blacks
Saudi Arabia does not want Iran to muscle in on the oil market and Iran does not want Saudi Arabia to control the market.
What Saudi Barbaria's oil got to do with killings of innocent people in Nice and northern Nigeria? Regular killings in Afghan and Pakistan? Or the Japanese in Bangladesh?
If you believe invading sovereign nations under false pretences and murdering innocents is okay, I wonder about your sanity
Just to put a number on it...I think it is close to a million dead in total. Yet the British media focused on the 130 or so British servicemen and women who died only...
Fack the other million or so Iraqis who were killed. They had dark skin so they don't count apparently. More Iraqis died from one car bomb last weekend than the number of British people who died in total during the Iraq war.
"I use the FACT that more Muslims are killed by these so killed Muslims ALL of the time to illustrate the fact that they are not practising Muslims if they kill their own let alone kill innocent non Muslim."
Irrelevant to be fair...The killers believe themselves to be muslims, whether they are on paper or not. It's like saying that Christians cannot be Christians if they kill other Christians...which is plainly not true.
Protestants and Catholics have killed each other for
generations - so which of these groups do you regard as not being Christian?
You cannot say that someone is not muslim just because he kills other muslims. That makes no sense.
I can find a million examples of how these people contradict Islam
I don't doubt this but I would personally like to see more Muslims preaching this stuff to the violent terrorists proclaiming to be Muslims. I don't believe we see enough of that. If we did, I think it would go a long way to making the public distinction between true Islam and terrorism.
Just to put a number on it...I think it is close to a million dead in total. Yet the British media focused on the 130 or so British servicemen and women who died only...
What is this refering too?
Seems like you are suggesting that we(the west) have slaughtered near a million people in the middle east in recent years?
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume i have misunderstood
Not exactly what I said.
Whether or not these people "were slaughtered" by the West, they died nonetheless and it is believed that their deaths were directly or indirectly related to the conflict in Iraq.
For example:-
Opinion Research Business survey
1,033,000 deaths as a result of the conflict March 2003 to August 2007
Yeah just saw those figures.
Funny you take those but ignore the actually body count figures which are barely a tenth of the number you quote.
Given that we know that internal fighting accounts for far more deaths than any western led front then the number drops even lower.
Then of course lets not forget that a large percentage of the country sided with us immediately after we went in as they wanted 'their' country back.
Seems to me you are just pedalling absolute bullshat to pedal an anti west hate campaign.
P.S the USA alone has lost near 5000 people, a wee bit more than the 130 or so you quote.
Another day another nutter on the Rampage
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posted on 19/7/16
"There is a direct link between racism and religion. It is the justification Americans used to enslave black people.
Again I ask, why do you enjoy making yourself look foolish?"
Well, well the super liberal is telling us there is a link between racism and religion but denying there is no link between or nothing to do with certain religion for the mass killings happening around the world...
Now, it's crystal clear who is acting like a fool.
posted on 19/7/16
What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course you can be a Christian and not follow every single letter of the bible. Even the current Pope doesn't FFS.
MUDD doesn't do details...
posted on 19/7/16
comment by Science (U19684)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Science (U19684)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 11 minutes ago
I find this debate quite depressing.
I certainly do not consider the priests that were molesting kids Christians, nor do I consider the KKK, neo nasis and white supremacist groups Christians because their message is at direct odds with the religion.faith.
Why is this courtesy not extended to muslims?
That is a strange way of thinking. It's like you only see "genuinely" religious people as good and following the version/interpretation of their religion that you agree with... that's as ridiculous as thinking all religious people are evil.
No it is not. You cannot be a part time Christian/Muslim/Jew
You are one or you are not. All these faiths make it explicitly clear what it means to be a follower.
You have also made the mistake of mixing up religion and faith.
They are very different
What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course you can be a Christian and not follow every single letter of the bible. Even the current Pope doesn't FFS.
Then you do not understand Christianity.
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
Do not take my word for it, look it up.
Key words, Sheeps and Goats
posted on 19/7/16
comment by ABU - Babes, You Brex my heart! (U8613)
posted 11 minutes ago
"There is a direct link between racism and religion. It is the justification Americans used to enslave black people.
Again I ask, why do you enjoy making yourself look foolish?"
Well, well the super liberal is telling us there is a link between racism and religion but denying there is no link between or nothing to do with certain religion for the mass killings happening around the world...
Now, it's crystal clear who is acting like a fool.
1. There is a link between religion and racism
2. This link between religion and racism was used to identify how people can "use" religion to commit atrocities. I gave an example with the Jews and Hitler above, so your suggestion that I do not see a link is not only wrong, it is also stupid.
3. People have killed in the name of religion over history and it has been used to push political agendas.
4. No Muslim, Christian or Jew sets out to commit Mass Murder of Innocents. It stands against their very core beliefs
5. Once again, your hunger to make yourself look stupid rears its head again.
6. So let us engage that tiny brain of yours. If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Surely they are practising the same religion, right?
posted on 19/7/16
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
You are neither born at that time nor do you know Greek or Latin...
posted on 19/7/16
comment by ABU - Babes, You Brex my heart! (U8613)
posted 3 minutes ago
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
You are neither born at that time nor do you know Greek or Latin...
Or Aramaic, at a guess...
posted on 19/7/16
6. So let us engage that tiny brain of yours. If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Direct this question to "united we win" for opposing diversity in different nations and unify it by "religion"...
You are thinking I am islamphobist or something when I was clearly telling the problem is not the followers, problem is with the self-proclaimed super human beings or their preachings for some extent...
posted on 19/7/16
If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Sunnis and Shias have been killing each other for centuries. The answer to your question is a difference of perspective.
posted on 19/7/16
comment by ABU - Babes, You Brex my heart! (U8613)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
You are neither born at that time nor do you know Greek or Latin...
Jesus spoke Aramaic by the way
posted on 19/7/16
Mud, still waiting on examples of me referring to muslims as bad people you clown. Although I appreciate you are busy being schooled right now.
posted on 19/7/16
comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 1 hour, 9 minutes ago
If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Sunnis and Shias have been killing each other for centuries. The answer to your question is a difference of perspective.
It is a political one that has nothing to do with religion when you get down to the underlying issues
posted on 19/7/16
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
comment by Science (U19684)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Science (U19684)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 11 minutes ago
I find this debate quite depressing.
I certainly do not consider the priests that were molesting kids Christians, nor do I consider the KKK, neo nasis and white supremacist groups Christians because their message is at direct odds with the religion.faith.
Why is this courtesy not extended to muslims?
That is a strange way of thinking. It's like you only see "genuinely" religious people as good and following the version/interpretation of their religion that you agree with... that's as ridiculous as thinking all religious people are evil.
No it is not. You cannot be a part time Christian/Muslim/Jew
You are one or you are not. All these faiths make it explicitly clear what it means to be a follower.
You have also made the mistake of mixing up religion and faith.
They are very different
What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course you can be a Christian and not follow every single letter of the bible. Even the current Pope doesn't FFS.
Then you do not understand Christianity.
Jesus was very explicit about what consituted a follower of his, he gave a comprehensive description of it.
Do not take my word for it, look it up.
Key words, Sheeps and Goats
Do priests start yelling God is great when they are mollesting kids?
Bit of a difference.
The kkk should be hunted down and locked up for life, I would shop a kkk member in a heartbeat I would challenge them face to face as I have done racists at work and in life in general.
I wouldn't spend hours trying to excuse them and blame isreal or the west or some other way of deflecting what they do.
The church doesn't do enough to combat racist Christians like the kkk or westborough baptist church just as imans and Muslims aren't doing enough to stamp out the people destroying their religion with their radical version of that same religion.
posted on 19/7/16
What do you want the imams to do Loz? What would you like the Muslims to do?
Can you highlight what you would have them do?
Why should they be held responsible for the actions of these people?
Should white people do more to the KKK and neonasis?
posted on 19/7/16
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 1 hour, 9 minutes ago
If muslims are killing people because of religion. Why are they killing muslims?
Sunnis and Shias have been killing each other for centuries. The answer to your question is a difference of perspective.
It is a political one that has nothing to do with religion when you get down to the underlying issues
Really? I'd always though it was to do with who succeeded Muhammad.
posted on 19/7/16
It is a political one that has nothing to do with religion when you get down to the underlying issues
Why can't you go a little bit further and see who these politicians are and how they try control the masses in those countries? How difficult is it for you?
posted on 19/7/16
comment by ABU - Babes, You Brex my heart! (U8613)
posted 21 minutes ago
It is a political one that has nothing to do with religion when you get down to the underlying issues
Why can't you go a little bit further and see who these politicians are and how they try control the masses in those countries? How difficult is it for you?
It is very easy to suss this out. Immediately IS took power they set up a business to sell oil.
Saudi Arabia does not want Iran to muscle in on the oil market and Iran does not want Saudi Arabia to control the market.
This got played out in Iraq during the invasion and is being played out again under Daesh.
It really is not hard to follow these things. It is the same ideology we used when we demarcated the middle east and created these nations and the same ones colonial powers did to Africa.
End of the day it is about resources. So what you need to do is get the gullible to tow the line so you throw in some religion/nationalism and bobs your uncle.
Worked during Brexit too
posted on 19/7/16
comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 13 hours, 17 minutes ago
The guy in NICE was a violent drunk - he was a psychologically ill person and a social outcast, clearly with no self worth. any extremist group's dream.
This is not the worst year in my memory anyway. There have been many horrid events recently and for many years. Remember the event of 2014 where over 2200 civilians in GAZA were killed; the 2 Malaysia plane crashes/one being shot down. And there is the last 5 or so years where 100s of thousands of Syrians/Iraqis/Libyans/Yemini's have been killed.
Human tragedy is a daily occurrence for most around the world - we as a species are experts at doing major damage to one an other.
Weird you didn't mention the genocide in Rwanda which far outweighs any of those others you mentioned.
posted on 19/7/16
Weird you didn't mention the genocide in Rwanda which far outweighs any of those others you mentioned.
No one cares about blacks
posted on 19/7/16
Saudi Arabia does not want Iran to muscle in on the oil market and Iran does not want Saudi Arabia to control the market.
What Saudi Barbaria's oil got to do with killings of innocent people in Nice and northern Nigeria? Regular killings in Afghan and Pakistan? Or the Japanese in Bangladesh?
posted on 19/7/16
If you believe invading sovereign nations under false pretences and murdering innocents is okay, I wonder about your sanity
Just to put a number on it...I think it is close to a million dead in total. Yet the British media focused on the 130 or so British servicemen and women who died only...
Fack the other million or so Iraqis who were killed. They had dark skin so they don't count apparently. More Iraqis died from one car bomb last weekend than the number of British people who died in total during the Iraq war.
"I use the FACT that more Muslims are killed by these so killed Muslims ALL of the time to illustrate the fact that they are not practising Muslims if they kill their own let alone kill innocent non Muslim."
Irrelevant to be fair...The killers believe themselves to be muslims, whether they are on paper or not. It's like saying that Christians cannot be Christians if they kill other Christians...which is plainly not true.
Protestants and Catholics have killed each other for
generations - so which of these groups do you regard as not being Christian?
You cannot say that someone is not muslim just because he kills other muslims. That makes no sense.
posted on 19/7/16
I can find a million examples of how these people contradict Islam
I don't doubt this but I would personally like to see more Muslims preaching this stuff to the violent terrorists proclaiming to be Muslims. I don't believe we see enough of that. If we did, I think it would go a long way to making the public distinction between true Islam and terrorism.
posted on 19/7/16
Just to put a number on it...I think it is close to a million dead in total. Yet the British media focused on the 130 or so British servicemen and women who died only...
What is this refering too?
Seems like you are suggesting that we(the west) have slaughtered near a million people in the middle east in recent years?
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume i have misunderstood
posted on 19/7/16
Not exactly what I said.
Whether or not these people "were slaughtered" by the West, they died nonetheless and it is believed that their deaths were directly or indirectly related to the conflict in Iraq.
For example:-
Opinion Research Business survey
1,033,000 deaths as a result of the conflict March 2003 to August 2007
posted on 19/7/16
Yeah just saw those figures.
Funny you take those but ignore the actually body count figures which are barely a tenth of the number you quote.
Given that we know that internal fighting accounts for far more deaths than any western led front then the number drops even lower.
Then of course lets not forget that a large percentage of the country sided with us immediately after we went in as they wanted 'their' country back.
Seems to me you are just pedalling absolute bullshat to pedal an anti west hate campaign.
posted on 19/7/16
P.S the USA alone has lost near 5000 people, a wee bit more than the 130 or so you quote.
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