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Trump or Clinton

Page 14 of 107

posted on 12/10/16

Slightly ironic that access to more information has led to people believing the lies more to be fair...

posted on 12/10/16


They got no attention because there wasn't anything much in them.

If there was anything there worthwhile don't you think Trump would have brought it up by now? That is if you can have a logical thought,

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/10/16

Getting debate questions in advance is a big deal... at least worthy of being reported. if it was something similar with Trump it would be a big controversy.

posted on 12/10/16

Not that big a deal if Trump hasn't mentioned it.

You really don't think your comments through, do you?

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/10/16

How do i know if he mentioned it or not, and how does it matter. I just find it interesting how these things are swept under the carpet.

posted on 12/10/16

By following the news 8bit.

Trump whined like a girl when Clinton went over her alloted
two minutes. He would still be bitching now if she knew what the questions were and he didn't.

Are you really this thick. I find it quite staggering you know nothing about Trump.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/10/16

It was in the debate with Bernie Sanders not Trump. Trumps said for a long time how the democrats screwed Sanders over.

posted on 12/10/16

That's the first correct thing you have said today.

Well done.

posted on 12/10/16

Oh and it is public knowledge that the Democrats favoured Clinton. This is why there isn't anything worthwhile in the leaks.

posted on 13/10/16

Trump at his latest Rally.

It is shocking the things that have just came out in these e-mails he says. He then goes on to not mention one single shocking thing.

The guy is now desperate.

posted on 13/10/16

Unless he is even more delusional than we realise, Trump is now transitioning from presidential candidate to prize asset of his own white-nationalist media business.

posted on 13/10/16

BBC News: Trump groped woman 'like an octopus'


Now, I don't do that kind of thing. But if I was of that inclination, and thought I'd try to get away with it, I'd probably pick a woman who doesn't look like an octopus.

posted on 13/10/16

the things trump gets away with is ridiculous. a common person like me or you would be behind bars had we did something stupid as that..one rule for celebrities another rule for the rest

posted on 13/10/16

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posted on 13/10/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 13/10/16

comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
Unless he is even more delusional than we realise, Trump is now transitioning from presidential candidate to prize asset of his own white-nationalist media business.

Already the rumours suggest that himself and Roger Ailes will be launching one next year. He's lost, he knows he's lost, back to the original plan of trying to make some money out of this clown show.

I'm pretty sure Fox News are worried though. It seems to me their base viewers lean more towards Trump than the rest of the republican party

posted on 13/10/16

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 9 hours, 34 minutes ago
Trump at his latest Rally.

It is shocking the things that have just came out in these e-mails he says. He then goes on to not mention one single shocking thing.

The guy is now desperate.
Trump has mentioned the attacks on Catholics and Evangelicals contained in the e mails
It was a measured response,and unlike the Democrats when spouting their rehearsed responses to stories they plant in the media , lacking in hysteria

posted on 13/10/16

loooooooool today he told his voters to vote 28 novemeber when in reality the poll starts 3 weeks before...how this guy is a candidate i would never know

posted on 13/10/16


You are a 'soundbite' guy aren't you.

Do some research on who sent the e-mail ( it was not Clinton) about Catholics and why it is believed to be 'doctored' by wikileaks.

posted on 13/10/16

Vidischin needs to get laid more than Trump needs a new wig

posted on 13/10/16

comment by Viva_Ronaldo (U19085)
posted 2 hours, 39 minutes ago
loooooooool today he told his voters to vote 28 novemeber when in reality the poll starts 3 weeks before...how this guy is a candidate i would never know

posted on 13/10/16

what happens if Trump wins?

posted on 13/10/16

comment by KoemanYouBlues (U21156)
posted 12 minutes ago
Vidischin needs to get laid more than Trump needs a new wig


Vidischin probably does, who ever he is.

posted on 13/10/16

omment by KoemanYouBlues (U21156)
posted 50 seconds ago
what happens if Trump wins?


He becomes President of the USA in February 2017.

posted on 13/10/16

comment by KoemanYouBlues (U21156)
posted 4 minutes ago
what happens if Trump wins?
The apocalypse.

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