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These 6848 comments are related to an article called:

Anything Goes Politics Edition

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posted on 14/2/17

comment by itsonlyagame (U6426)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 16 minutes ago

The God particle? Did they find it?

I was at a large trade show with work, and met someone who was working for CERN and the Hadron Collider.

...just got hit by a hadron?

I lolled.

Where did hard on come from????? I thought.

Then read it again.

Stupid brian switching things

posted on 14/2/17

comment by rossobianchi - Got_Nameback (U17054)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 56 seconds ago
Yes I believe they identified the Higgs boson.
Yep; both teams at the LHC have confirmed the existence of a particle around the same mass/energy as Higgs predicted. They are busy ticking off the other attributes predicted by the model (spin, electrical change, etc.).

Unfortunately, that isn't incredibly easy. The Higgs is super heavy for a subatomic particle, so you need to generate a massive amount of energy to create it.

Then, if you do manage to create enough energy through a near speed of light collision, there's still only a tiny chance one will actually be created (about one in a billion presently, I think).

If one is created, you then have to find and measure its properties amongst the myriad other subatomic particles created in the huge explosion, before it decays. Which takes about 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 seconds

Basically, confirming its existence is about as easy as finding a successful Carlton Palmer stepover by watching random 1980s and 1990s editions of Match of the Day whilst rubbing tiger balm in your eyes.

I get it, I think. Cheers for that rosso.

So where does dark matter come in?

posted on 14/2/17

comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by itsonlyagame (U6426)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 16 minutes ago

The God particle? Did they find it?

I was at a large trade show with work, and met someone who was working for CERN and the Hadron Collider.

...just got hit by a hadron?

I lolled.

Where did hard on come from????? I thought.

Then read it again.

Stupid brian switching things

It IS Valentine's Day after all.

posted on 14/2/17

comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 17 minutes ago

I get it, I think. Cheers for that rosso.

So where does dark matter come in?

UKIP are working to ensure it doesn't.

posted on 14/2/17

Hahahahahahahahahaah brilliant!!!!!!

I'm ill off work today so please excuse the brain-wobble

Genuine though haha always helps.

posted on 14/2/17

comment by itsonlyagame (U6426)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 17 minutes ago

I get it, I think. Cheers for that rosso.

So where does dark matter come in?

UKIP are working to ensure it doesn't.


You can't beat a good political satire/theoretical particle physics crossover gag, you really can't.

posted on 14/2/17

Ioag fack me, anyone would think I'm setting these up on purpose!!!


posted on 14/2/17

You can't beat a good political satire/theoretical particle physics crossover gag, you really can't.



posted on 14/2/17

comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 2 hours, 35 minutes ago
You can't beat a good political satire/theoretical particle physics crossover gag, you really can't.


You publish it, I'll one star it

posted on 14/2/17

Speaking of Valentines Day, thought I'd share this nugget


posted on 14/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

Man, you too? I'm stuck at work waiting for my damn counterparties to respond to the offers we've sent this week. Dead silence.

Washington has been a wild ride this week. Flynn's incident is all CNN is covering these days. That one dude who called out Trump for his "fake news" got him on the spot. Not a good look.

posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

I caught the "fine-tuned machine" comment, but not much else.

Fill me in on the fake news stuff...

As for Blair, no time for him, tbh.

posted on 17/2/17

I didn't see the whole thing either. Pretty much all I got was that Flynn was a good man and was treated unfairly by the media, the guy calling him out for the electoral college incident, and the media trying to shed some light on whether or not there really is a fire in Washington.

I think that the Trump's first month hasn't been terrible. Economy is still chugging along and lots of first steps have been taken. Immigration ban is still a bit unclear but I trust the Washington boys to make the right decision for all of us.

posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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posted on 17/2/17

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