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These 6848 comments are related to an article called:

Anything Goes Politics Edition

Page 85 of 274

posted on 10/2/17

Hope the op goes well, zlat.

posted on 10/2/17

comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted about 13 hours ago
Canadians are going to need a wall to keep their southerners out too hahaha


You joke but there is pressure on Trudeaux here to do more

posted on 10/2/17


posted on 11/2/17

comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted 1 day, 2 hours ago
comment by itsonlyagame (U6426)
posted 10 hours, 17 minutes ago
comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 55 minutes ago

The vicar asked if we knew why we got confirmed. I waited patiently for him to explain, then raised my hand and told him I was indeed old enough to make my own decision, and it was that I didn't want to get confirmed.

He ignored me.


Ditto! Well played Shinji!

A similar interaction of disobedience took place in my family. I said about a thousand comments ago that I'm the son of a preacher-man, but I don't know if I mentioned sisters. I have four of the hell-spawn siblings.

So, we literally lived at my dad's church (had emigrated to Oz by this point) for many years. Poor as dirt, as family of seven on a priest's wage is not fun. Parents always made a real effort to encourage learning and education so the Rectory (priest's house) was full of books.

One Sunday morning in the mid 90s, my mum gets us all up to go to church for the second/main service of the day, but my older sister refuses. She calmly tells my mum that she's not going. This escalates and my mum gets increasingly angry with her. We're all terrified as expect the sister to get a good spanking when dad gets back. This fight continues for about 20 mins, until my mum threatens to, and then proceeds to go get dad who was preparing for the main service. We're all begging my sister to get out of bed, but she's steadfast.

Dad is dragged back by my furious mother, mum rips into my sister again, dad asks why, and her response? She pulls out the Macquarie dictionary of Australian Law, bookmarked, and reads out that it was illegal for a parent or guardian to enforce attendance to formalised religion once a child turns 14 and 9 months, pulls out a calendar with that particular Sunday highlighted, and that she was going back to sleep... Total carnage ensued! Mum was apoplectic with rage and the rest of us siblings were all cracking up. At this point, dad makes to speak and we think my sister is in serious trouble, likely to get a good spanking, but he turns to mum, laughs, and says they had taught us the value of education, research and importance of critical thinking too well and wanders off back to church, chuckling all the way.

Had a lot more respect for my dad after that. Shinji, you got a raw deal, but my experiences of religion was much more tolerant and respectful. There's so much sheet in organised religion, but it ain't all bad.

Dave, I like the sound of your sister

Zlat - fack me let us know how it goes man.

Ioag - probably read the blog at some point

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 11/2/17

Thanks fellas for your kind wishes and thoughts.

Surgery is actually in a couple of weeks but due to his condition we have to have a let of tests done so lots of appointments.

Sleep study, heart checks etc etc. Will update an and when

Thanks again

posted on 11/2/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/2/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/2/17

comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted 3 hours, 14 minutes ago
comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 14 hours, 1 minute ago
comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted about 13 hours ago
Canadians are going to need a wall to keep their southerners out too hahaha


You joke but there is pressure on Trudeau here to do more
What do you mean? In Canada? Hasn't he been going around saying that Canada will keep actively trying to help refugees rather than close borders?

Yup and people here aren't happy about it

posted on 11/2/17

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posted on 11/2/17

The trouble in Quebec is not just recent, there is a vast mix of people

posted on 11/2/17

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posted on 12/2/17

comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 21 hours, 50 minutes ago
Thanks fellas for your kind wishes and thoughts.

Surgery is actually in a couple of weeks but due to his condition we have to have a let of tests done so lots of appointments.

Sleep study, heart checks etc etc. Will update an and when

Thanks again
All the best for your child's op, mate.

God bless

posted on 12/2/17

comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 19 hours, 9 minutes ago
comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted 3 hours, 14 minutes ago
comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 14 hours, 1 minute ago
comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted about 13 hours ago
Canadians are going to need a wall to keep their southerners out too hahaha


You joke but there is pressure on Trudeau here to do more
What do you mean? In Canada? Hasn't he been going around saying that Canada will keep actively trying to help refugees rather than close borders?

Yup and people here aren't happy about it
Well, it's not doing his approval rating much harm. That's still up over 50%, which is strong for a second year incumbent.

And puts him about ten points ahead of where Theresa May is, and a little further ahead of Trump

posted on 13/2/17


@Zlat, best wishes for your child's op. Prayers go out to you and your family

posted on 13/2/17

You know how they say that you can spin any news to fit your narrative? Well the far right got theirs with this incident that happened last week in Edmonton. Trudeau is going to regret this, I'm telling ya.


posted on 13/2/17

Considering, one the one hand, that last year in Canada there was approximately one case of se·xual assault per every 1500 inhabitants and, on the other, that there are currently over 25,000 Syrian refugees in the country, then I honestly don't see why the guy's status is even considered newsworthy by anyone who doesn't have an anti-immigrant agenda.

posted on 13/2/17

comment by itsonlyagame (U6426)
posted 1 hour, 45 minutes ago
Considering, one the one hand, that last year in Canada there was approximately one case of se·xual assault per every 1500 inhabitants and, on the other, that there are currently over 25,000 Syrian refugees in the country, then I honestly don't see why the guy's status is even considered newsworthy by anyone who doesn't have an anti-immigrant agenda.
Small fry compared to Cologne, Rotherham, Stockholm, Oldham, Bradford, Insbruck etc.
In Cologne alone north African and middle eastern males assaulted 1200 girls and women!

posted on 13/2/17

comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 8 minutes ago

In Cologne alone north African and middle eastern males assaulted 1200 girls and women!

Is that what you exect to become the norm if we don't keep our blood pure enough?

posted on 14/2/17

comment by rossobianchi - Got_Nameback (U17054)
posted 1 day, 16 hours ago
comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 19 hours, 9 minutes ago
comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted 3 hours, 14 minutes ago
comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 14 hours, 1 minute ago
comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted about 13 hours ago
Canadians are going to need a wall to keep their southerners out too hahaha


You joke but there is pressure on Trudeau here to do more
What do you mean? In Canada? Hasn't he been going around saying that Canada will keep actively trying to help refugees rather than close borders?

Yup and people here aren't happy about it
Well, it's not doing his approval rating much harm. That's still up over 50%, which is strong for a second year incumbent.

And puts him about ten points ahead of where Theresa May is, and a little further ahead of Trump

His popularity is dropping, it's why he's traveling all over Canada so much, a lot more coverage of both sides here compared to the uk

posted on 14/2/17

comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 5 hours, 32 minutes ago
comment by rossobianchi - Got_Nameback (U17054)
posted 1 day, 16 hours ago
comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 19 hours, 9 minutes ago
comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted 3 hours, 14 minutes ago
comment by Sir Digby (U6039)
posted 14 hours, 1 minute ago
comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted about 13 hours ago
Canadians are going to need a wall to keep their southerners out too hahaha


You joke but there is pressure on Trudeau here to do more
What do you mean? In Canada? Hasn't he been going around saying that Canada will keep actively trying to help refugees rather than close borders?

Yup and people here aren't happy about it
Well, it's not doing his approval rating much harm. That's still up over 50%, which is strong for a second year incumbent.

And puts him about ten points ahead of where Theresa May is, and a little further ahead of Trump

His popularity is dropping, it's why he's traveling all over Canada so much, a lot more coverage of both sides here compared to the uk

According to that same article, the same slide in popularity is seen fifteen months in by every first term Prime Minister, and he still has the strongest Approval vs Disapproval rating of any PM in the last fifty years barring Chrétien.

It also mentions that the drop in popularity coincides with falling support for the Liberal Party, thought to be due to questions about funding, Trudeau's holiday at Aga Khan's pad (a facking stupid decision), and the pipeline decisions.

The article doesn't mention immigration policy anywhere. Neither does any recent article I could find on the same website also discussing Trudeau's popularity.

And he's still ten points ahead of Trump, who according to a Gallup poll reported yesterday now has the lowest Approval rating he's had since his election.

posted on 14/2/17


The God particle? Did they find it?

I was at a large trade show with work, and met someone who was working for CERN and the Hadron Collider.


posted on 14/2/17

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posted on 14/2/17

comment by Shinjury list (U1700)
posted 16 minutes ago

The God particle? Did they find it?

I was at a large trade show with work, and met someone who was working for CERN and the Hadron Collider.

...just got hit by a hadron?

posted on 14/2/17

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posted on 14/2/17

comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 56 seconds ago
Yes I believe they identified the Higgs boson.
Yep; both teams at the LHC have confirmed the existence of a particle around the same mass/energy as Higgs predicted. They are busy ticking off the other attributes predicted by the model (spin, electrical change, etc.).

Unfortunately, that isn't incredibly easy. The Higgs is super heavy for a subatomic particle, so you need to generate a massive amount of energy to create it.

Then, if you do manage to create enough energy through a near speed of light collision, there's still only a tiny chance one will actually be created (about one in a billion presently, I think).

If one is created, you then have to find and measure its properties amongst the myriad other subatomic particles created in the huge explosion, before it decays. Which takes about 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 seconds

Basically, confirming its existence is about as easy as finding a successful Carlton Palmer stepover by watching random 1980s and 1990s editions of Match of the Day whilst rubbing tiger balm in your eyes.

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