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London under attack

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posted on 30/3/17

The world is seven thousand years old and scientists are just trying to trash religion apparently.

posted on 30/3/17

comment by Robb Chappelle (U21234)
posted 33 minutes ago
The scary thing is that a consumerist lifestyle combined with an identity crisis of a society unsure as to why they're on this planet is likely to be a vacuum filled with religion rather than some serious soul searching and accepting oneself without the cheat sheet of falling back on scripture.
It's certainly easier than accepting we're here by chance; able to ask the question for no reasons other than the initial conditions of the universe, laws of physics and probability; and persist on the surface of one unremarkable planet of an uncountable number for no particular reason or purpose whatsoever.

I mean, I'm down with that personally. But I can see how the facking bleak and completely pointless reality can turn people off

posted on 30/3/17

I agree it's despressing - hence why easy answers are so appealing.

But imagine a world of people believing this one life is all we'll have. As they say, a life half lived is not lived at all.

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Robb Chappelle (U21234)
posted 8 hours, 9 minutes ago

I agree it's despressing - hence why easy answers are so appealing.

But imagine a world of people believing this one life is all we'll have. As they say, a life half lived is not lived at all.

That's a philosophical question you haven't thought about properly.

The worst thing about some athiests is that you only delve into science and anything a bloke in a lab coat tells you is the truth.

Nothing else may exist unless you can see it, smell it and touch it.

The west is producing less philosophers and this is telling, capitalism in America has got to be the single most evil ideology in the world. Look at it's body count through out history for proof. Wars, slavery, blood diamond trade, nuclear war, spreading an ideology through force (democracy) it goes on.

What would happen without religion? No consequences, everybody would do as they pleased. Don't forget over 90% of the worlds population is religious, so if they don't have that moral anchor you better believe the streets would be chaos. You only need the minority of that 90% to create a schit storm.

You actually think the world would be a John Lennon song.

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 11 hours, 38 minutes ago
comment by Robb Chappelle (U21234)
posted 39 minutes ago
comment by Bobby Dazzler (U1449)
posted 22 minutes ago
Who can still separate fact from fiction
Wouldn't be an atheist otherwise

He defends religion too much to be a true atheist

His brain works
There's an argument that your brain isn't fully functioning, allowing your life to be dictated so one dimensionally, you have little freedom of thought.

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Bobby Dazzler (U1449)
posted about 9 hours ago
I don't know how more people aren't turned off religion at a young age, I was raised a Catholic and the whole religion/church experience was without doubt the most boring, mind numbing experience of my life, listening to some old priest drone on about God our Lord and all that crap

When you're young your brain is like a sponge and while you're at school you're being bombarded with information, but it all makes sense, it has reason behind it all, then you have RE, and you're then expected to stop being rational, instead they expect you to believe some c0ccck and bull stories which are about as credible as the man in the moon
I was kicked out of Sunday school

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Robb Chappelle (U21234)
posted 8 hours, 9 minutes ago

I agree it's despressing - hence why easy answers are so appealing.

But imagine a world of people believing this one life is all we'll have. As they say, a life half lived is not lived at all.

That's a philosophical question you haven't thought about properly.

The worst thing about some athiests is that you only delve into science and anything a bloke in a lab coat tells you is the truth.

Nothing else may exist unless you can see it, smell it and touch it.

The west is producing less philosophers and this is telling, capitalism in America has got to be the single most evil ideology in the world. Look at it's body count through out history for proof. Wars, slavery, blood diamond trade, nuclear war, spreading an ideology through force (democracy) it goes on.

What would happen without religion? No consequences, everybody would do as they pleased. Don't forget over 90% of the worlds population is religious, so if they don't have that moral anchor you better believe the streets would be chaos. You only need the minority of that 90% to create a schit storm.

You actually think the world would be a John Lennon song.
So you've basically stated that religion is a controlling mechanism. Like we've been telling you all along 👍

posted on 31/3/17

"What would happen without religion? No consequences, everybody would do as they pleased."

I know plenty of atheists who are giving, measured, law-abiding people with a very strong moral code.

People I have marched with, people who write letters, people who volunteer for charities and share their wealth.

We are not talking about hedonists here. We are talking about atheists who work actively to try to make the world a better place.

posted on 31/3/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 31/3/17

Wars, slavery, blood diamond trade, nuclear war, spreading an ideology through force (democracy) it goes on.

Big bad America...

It is no more war-mongering than any other country, its just more mechanised.
Slavery, really, you want to blame America for slavery, at least it has got rid of it unlike some of its allies.
Blood Diamonds, all Americas fault, Africans are innocents.
Nuclear war, who's more likely to start one, America or Pakistan? (Just a wee fact, did you know the fire bombing of cities during WW2 killed more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki.)
Spreading Democracy through force, oooh that's just wrong, giving people freedom to choose...

I'm not buying the Islam bashing on this thread, each to their own, freedom of choice and in general religious orders do more good than harm but America bashing is just as idiotic.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Robb Chappelle (U21234)
posted 9 hours, 42 minutes ago

I agree it's despressing - hence why easy answers are so appealing.

But imagine a world of people believing this one life is all we'll have. As they say, a life half lived is not lived at all.
An atheist has everything to live for, religious folk have everything to die for.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 31/3/17

An atheist has everything to live for, religious folk have everything to die for.

Is that a new indoctrinators quote?

Hail Dawkins, full of faith
The science is with you
Blessed art though amongst Atheism
and blessed is the fruits of thy lab Gervais

posted on 31/3/17

So you've basically stated that religion is a controlling mechanism. Like we've been telling you all along 👍


Who said it wasn't controlling? The arrogance of some athiests leads them to believe they aren't controlled by the systems they choose to live in.

Islam is a system of control but I can prove this system of control is better than the system of control you worship in this country as an atheist.

Our government has even tricked some of you into believing that bombing civilians to spread this ideology (democracy and capitalism) is a good thing. Anybody else who tries to spread an ideology through force is rightly labelled a tyrant, democracy seems to be the exception to that rule for a lot of people.

Carry on being a slave to a system that puts the rich, bankers and corporate elite above the interests of the poor and I'll do the opposite 👍🏼

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 30 minutes ago
An atheist has everything to live for, religious folk have everything to die for.

Is that a new indoctrinators quote?

Hail Dawkins, full of faith
The science is with you
Blessed art though amongst Atheism
and blessed is the fruits of thy lab Gervais

Pretty sure it was Gervais

Lots of truth in it though. Religious folk are living their lives to when they die they hope to get what they actually want.

It's weird, god tells us not to sleep with people we aren't married to, but in heaven we get 20 virgins each.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 31/3/17

"The arrogance of some athiests leads them to believe they aren't controlled by the systems they choose to live in."

Actually we don't have a choice. Money, religion, politics, nations, rules. All man made ideas.

However if we choose to break the laws, to ignore the ideas of borders, laws and money we end up dead or in jail.

posted on 31/3/17

comment by rossobianchi #EquipaLulaDaAlegria (U17054)
posted 1 hour, 15 minutes ago
"What would happen without religion? No consequences, everybody would do as they pleased."

I know plenty of atheists who are giving, measured, law-abiding people with a very strong moral code.

People I have marched with, people who write letters, people who volunteer for charities and share their wealth.

We are not talking about hedonists here. We are talking about atheists who work actively to try to make the world a better place.

I know plenty of athiests like that as well, which is why I said it will only take the minority of all the billions of religious people to turn bad to create chaos if they turn athiest.

I definitely think the loss of religion would cause a lot more people to be more materialistic and the pursuit of wealth hardly ever ends well.

posted on 31/3/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
So you've basically stated that religion is a controlling mechanism. Like we've been telling you all along 👍


Who said it wasn't controlling? The arrogance of some athiests leads them to believe they aren't controlled by the systems they choose to live in.

Islam is a system of control but I can prove this system of control is better than the system of control you worship in this country as an atheist.

Our government has even tricked some of you into believing that bombing civilians to spread this ideology (democracy and capitalism) is a good thing. Anybody else who tries to spread an ideology through force is rightly labelled a tyrant, democracy seems to be the exception to that rule for a lot of people.

Carry on being a slave to a system that puts the rich, bankers and corporate elite above the interests of the poor and I'll do the opposite 👍🏼

The reasons for you becoming religious are being laid bare. Man doesn't need religion anymore than it needs netflix.

Saying that, the new series of Better Call Saul starts soon so maybe I do need Netflix

I agree religion is good for controlling people . But that doesn't mean it's good.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 31/3/17


We're none of us perfect.

Jesus told us...oh maybe not the right thread for that...

posted on 31/3/17

Our government has even tricked some of you into believing that bombing civilians to spread this ideology (democracy and capitalism) is a good thing

That statement has as much validity as me saying your religion has tricked some of you into believing bombing people in nightclubs is a good thing

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 54 minutes ago
Wars, slavery, blood diamond trade, nuclear war, spreading an ideology through force (democracy) it goes on.

Big bad America...

It is no more war-mongering than any other country, its just more mechanised.
Slavery, really, you want to blame America for slavery, at least it has got rid of it unlike some of its allies.
Blood Diamonds, all Americas fault, Africans are innocents.
Nuclear war, who's more likely to start one, America or Pakistan? (Just a wee fact, did you know the fire bombing of cities during WW2 killed more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki.)
Spreading Democracy through force, oooh that's just wrong, giving people freedom to choose...

I'm not buying the Islam bashing on this thread, each to their own, freedom of choice and in general religious orders do more good than harm but America bashing is just as idiotic.

They still incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians for nothing, historians say the war was over. Even if it was for something dropping nukes on a city of ordinary people and justifying it because of the government is the same as a terrorist justifying 9/11 because the people are citizens of a murderous government.

Giving people a choice?

Please tell the people of Vietnam that please.
South America and of course the Middle East. Ever stopped to think that there are other systems people want to live by not just west style democracy.

Che Guevara liberated the poor in South America with communism, democracy isn't a one size fits all ideology and if you really care about people having a choice then we don't have to bomb them to convince them democracy is right one.

Daesh have killed thousands and are called a great evil, America kills millions, makes money from it and are called a progressive nation.

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Robb Chappelle (U21234)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
So you've basically stated that religion is a controlling mechanism. Like we've been telling you all along 👍


Who said it wasn't controlling? The arrogance of some athiests leads them to believe they aren't controlled by the systems they choose to live in.

Islam is a system of control but I can prove this system of control is better than the system of control you worship in this country as an atheist.

Our government has even tricked some of you into believing that bombing civilians to spread this ideology (democracy and capitalism) is a good thing. Anybody else who tries to spread an ideology through force is rightly labelled a tyrant, democracy seems to be the exception to that rule for a lot of people.

Carry on being a slave to a system that puts the rich, bankers and corporate elite above the interests of the poor and I'll do the opposite 👍🏼

The reasons for you becoming religious are being laid bare. Man doesn't need religion anymore than it needs netflix.

Saying that, the new series of Better Call Saul starts soon so maybe I do need Netflix

I agree religion is good for controlling people . But that doesn't mean it's good.

You live in a system of control Robb, do you achnowledge that?

posted on 31/3/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 31/3/17

"America kills millions"

This is down to the decision of very few in the hierarchy though.

Just like the UK bombed Iraq, is that on your head, being British and all?

posted on 31/3/17

comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 11 minutes ago
Think we can all agree that war is a terrible thing. But condemning the US for what has happened in say the last century is naive and simplistic.

I'm only blaming them for what they (the government) have done, not blaming them is to excuse it as just one of those things. They have caused and still are causing an insurmountable amount of pain around the world.

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