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Do you class this site as

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 13/6/17

Somebody once said that twitter is the cyber equivalent of someone mumbling to themselves in public...

posted on 13/6/17

I see this site as an extension of a pub definitely. It's good (most of the time) to see differing views & opinions. We all have a common focus.

Free speech gets abused by ar53holes. For the most part you should be able to say anything - if it's abusive then right minded people will just ignore. Haters & bigots want attention - I believe in just ignoring them.

posted on 13/6/17

I can't believe the abuse the Stockdale's have got, actually I can. It's a sad, aggressive, nasty world we live in these days. I think most people use social media responsibly and I mean not to abuse and bully others but it's always the minority that give the majority a bad name. However social media can also be used to manipulate facts etc and cause backlashes on political issues for example. It's a different world from when I was a young boy in the 70s that's for sure.

posted on 13/6/17

same as pretty much anything, there is always a minority who try and ruin it for everyone.

posted on 13/6/17

Agree totally Rich

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 13/6/17

I see ja as pub-like. It's a laugh. But we also
get news on LUFC. I'm always reading, sometimes joining in the convo.

I read waccoe twitter feed for other bits of LUFC news and rumours. But am not an active poster on it or any social media site.

posted on 13/6/17

Don't post anything on facebook or twatter. Only on here.

Can't even look on facebook nowadays, just people pretending to have interesting lives and praising themselves, I think that instagram has brought out the narcissistic to it's full extent in everyone.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 13/6/17

Yes this is social media.

I think there was a realisation of the power of social media about a decade ago whilst users hadn't quite grasped that, now they have they flood social media with inanity.

This coupled with the rise of a victim playing, seeking offence at anything culture has meant that platforms like twitter become a platform for abuse for the slightest thing, but also an echo chamber as people seek out only views similar to theirs.

Twitter and Facebook are already censoring content, but who decides what is appropriate or not?

I see a lot of content celebrating the Manchester and London terrorist atrocities, then I see content complaining about the atrocities being removed, their is a clear bias at present and one is concerned by the influence held by investors in these platforms.

Whilst the government is right to want to tackle terrorism, cyberspace is the easy looking target, but it is not addressing the cause.

And when you censor cyberspace, who decides who can can what?

I believe in free speech, but I also believe in punishment if that free speech becomes hate speech.

I do not understand why people can articulate thoughts such as they want British soldiers to burn in hell or they want non believers to be beheaded and these are deemed by social media platforms and authorities to be ok, but saying you think that a religion is not a religion of peace is deemed to be a hate crime.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 13/6/17

Agree Harrogate. Social media is narcissism.

posted on 13/6/17

Because we're (as a country) so petrified to "insult" or "accuse" a particular racial or religious group.

The authors and orators referred to in your last paragraph should be severely dealt with, alas we're afraid to as a society.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 13/6/17

Last year 100,000 British Muslims were surveyed.

The survey was comprehensive, with a 615 page report compiled from it, and In the survey there was a simple question - if you knew of someone about to or who had already committed a terrorist act would you inform the authorities?

Only 34% said they would.

Looking at the Muslim population of Britain (2.7 mill) as a whole, that extrapolates to over 1.8 million people who would not assist the authorities if they knew of a terror plot.

This is no small problem.

I don't know about you, but if I knew of anyone, of any creed, colour or religion who was about to commit a terror act or who had already done so, the first thing I would do is contact the authorities.

The govt can talk about cyberspace till blue in the face, but it's the people spreading this message, not one of a number of channels they use that is the problem.

posted on 13/6/17

Looking at the Muslim population of Britain (2.7 mill) as a whole, that extrapolates to over 1.8 million people who would not assist the authorities if they knew of a terror plot

Not really as they asked 100,000 not 2.7 million. Who is to say that the other 1.8 million would report it.?

posted on 13/6/17

Wow this is drifting into another pub style debate .... !!!

Most opinion polls take a sample of responses and extrapolate them across the populace to form a percentage. Not an exact science, more an indication. Brexit is a prime example of where that went Pete Tong ..............

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 13/6/17

34% of 100,000 polled is a very solid poll sample.

There was a subsequent poll in December which showed the same result.

You can try and dismiss it if you like, but this is a key indicator of the problem. There is a substantial group of society that wish to see harm on the rest of society and are prepared to let it go ahead.

We are not living in an integrated society at present but a pluralistic one with very different sets of core values which are quite dissimilar to ones which are easily influenced regarding election/referendum topics.

posted on 13/6/17

I'd report my own son, daughter, mum or dad, if I thought they were plotting something

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 13/6/17

I didn't mean to try too much into this issue, but rather to highlight where social media has gone and why people should wake up to governments giving poor arguments as to justify why they should censor our freedom of speech.

posted on 13/6/17

Trouble is that we now have far too many different cultures in the UK, each having different social morals / laws.

posted on 13/6/17

This is social media to an extent.

Dorkbook is for Dorks & Twitter for Tw4ts

Nah seriously each has its place just not in my life.

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 13/6/17

I think you only have to look at your own thread about the birth of your son for the answer to your question.

That is a perfect example of this being social media, as a group it's not just posts about football, there are social interactions, people asking about each other, general chat that sort of thing.

It's a football based social site

posted on 13/6/17

Social media is brilliant, IMO. Yes, there's bad content but also brilliant content and it has taken the power of information from the media and put it into our hands.

To give you a Leeds based example - Ben Manford posted that fake Berardi story in the match day programme and we all learnt it was untrue because of Twitter and people posting the real account.

Similar in the election last week (not going into view points or who voted what), the media impact was much smaller than previous and they were out the loop.

I think it's a positive thing but needs to be regulated more than it is. Don't see how it's okay that people can post all sorts of vile abuse, pictures and even videos and these companies turn a blind eye.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 13/6/17

Russia used Social Media to sabotage the US
elections. Now we have that fuq-ing idiot in the White House.

They tried and failed to sabotage the French election. Now
the German elections. Add to that it provides extremism
(every form of it) having a platform to spout hate and division
and I'm not so sure that it really is that brilliant.
In its darkest form, it's a weapon.

But, you can watch cracking cat videos, if that's your thing.

posted on 13/6/17

Batty, How the hell did Russia manage to bralnwash so many American citizens to then vote for Trump? Just asking.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 13/6/17

Two reasons:
1) Enough voters of low education who are gullible
2) The farce that is the Electoral College

Trump lost the popular vote. In other words, the majority
voted against him. And this is the greatest 'democracy'
on the planet, apparently, that does not adhere to the
results of its actual democratic vote tally.

And if anyone doubts the power and ability of the Russians to turn the vote, I have a couple of bridges
I'd like to sell you.

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 13/6/17

Trump lost the election by three million votes, it's just that the Electoral college system is so stupid he managed to get more votes in key swing states.

Trump appealed to an angry working class population who felt left behind by Washington. He told them vote for me and I'll make sure you have a job.

She is a waste of oxygen, however kellyane Conway said it perfectly when she said there is a difference between what affects you and what offends you and quite frankly I don't blame one single person who voted for trump if they did it cause they thought doing so would mean they could feed their family, keep their jobs and keep a roof over their head.

Did trump exploit these people for his own ends?
Can he deliver on what he offers?

Those are different debates, however the democrates candidate was a Washington elitist and campaigned on that platform at a time when middle America didn't trust Washington elitists to care about delivering things that were effecting them.

Yeah there is loads of things that Clinton can say lost her the campaign, comey is the biggest example of that, however at the end of the day she lost the campaign cause she couldn't identify with white working class Americans who didn't vote for trump cause they are racist, (Obama carried areas trump won in the last time), but because trump played into their fears and basically appealed to their fears and needs.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 13/6/17

Trump is a natural born liar born into money.

He snowed the American public. He's an imbecile.
Just watch yesterday's North Korean style cabinet
behind licking session, orchestrated by Conway
and Trump. Complete joke.

He's mired in sh * T he created himself. He has business ties to Russia and his immediate team
are being found out one by one to be Russian
surrogates. Trump is attempting to dismantle every
aspect of good in the US at the behest of Bannon
and far right interest groups.

Look at the drug companies controlling healthcare
policy. The abuse of opioids was a big platform piece.
What's he done on that front? He's changed legislation to allow the drug companies that backed him to muscle in on states that were prevented from doing so in the past. He's not addressed the problem. He's just
brought new pharma into the equation.

His cronies removed the controls on banks put
in by Obama to prevent another crash. So, the casino
is back open and Americans retirements are fair game
again and so is the mortgage roulette wheel.

Sadly, every day leads to another bad policy railroaded through at the expense of the very blue collar people
who hoped Trump would fight for.

He's declaring policy steeped in hate on twitter, while
his cronies try to twist and turn their way out of their
own bosses damning statements.

He's done nothing but cause chaos. Thankfully, the
US checks and balances are starting to flush him and
his entourage out. It's just a matter of time before
he's impeached.

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