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posted on 28/9/17

comment by Robb Plissken 🎬⚽️⭐️ (U21234)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Baz tardo (U19119)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by The Process (U20671)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Baz tardo (U19119)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by Posh Mufc Great Hafi Not Arrogant Just Better (U6578)
posted 9 minutes ago
Actualy Jose Mourinho has won more european trophies if you include UEFA Cup/Europa League and Champions League as the 2 factors.
He's won the European cup or CL 5 times, Jose's what 2 Cl's and 2 UEFA/europa's? Isnt it? I make that less.
Ancellotti has 3 CL's as a manager Baz. Maybe he has 5 altogether as a player and manager I don't know but not 5 as manager.
And 2 European cups also.

As a manager ‘just’ the three CLs.

Jose has two of each.
Don't forget the Copa Amateur do Regiao de Algarve runners-up medal as a player

posted on 28/9/17

I reckon Jose has a CL or two left in him.

posted on 28/9/17

comment by Baz tardo (U19119)
posted 4 minutes ago
3 cl's is not a bad return to be fair, and Jose's 2 puts him up there in an exclusive group with Carlo.
No it's impressive but I just feel there's a bigger element of luck involved in winning a CL than a league title.

posted on 28/9/17

Only two managers in history have 3 Champions leagues, Carlo and Bob Paisley. And had it not been for Instanbul Carlo would have 4.

CA is a very very good manager. Crazy he's been sacked so early on in the season.

posted on 28/9/17

I think we can agree Jose was a far better player than Carlo.

posted on 28/9/17

comment by The Process (U20671)
posted 16 minutes ago

No it's impressive but I just feel there's a bigger element of luck involved in winning a CL than a league title.

Doesn't make it any easier to win though, just as winning the league doesn't make you a better team.

posted on 28/9/17

Tiddles Zidane might do it soon Crazy as the game I went to OT he was supposed be playing but due to an incident he wasn't and then a few months later he took the Real Madrid job.

posted on 28/9/17

comment by The Process (U20671)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Baz tardo (U19119)
posted 4 minutes ago
3 cl's is not a bad return to be fair, and Jose's 2 puts him up there in an exclusive group with Carlo.
No it's impressive but I just feel there's a bigger element of luck involved in winning a CL than a league title.
Dirty' sour on that.league is a marathon, not nessesariky harder than the tough sprints that the cl requires. Arguably better teams in the CL, but prolonged consistency required for league.

Jose will always be coloured by the amount of cash he's used to win things for me. Still a great coach.

posted on 28/9/17


I'd say generally speaking the team that win leagues are the best and deservedly so, it's the best representation of how a group of teams playing the same games over a year.

Carlo is a top manager but his lack of domestic league titles is a justified negative on his CV.

posted on 28/9/17


Don't think money was a major factor in either of his CL titles though. I'd also argue that pretty much all teams that win titles in recent years do so with large financial backing.

posted on 28/9/17

I think Carlo lost the changing room a few weeks back.

I remember one of the German ex players mafiosi saying as much...


posted on 28/9/17

comment by Baz tardo (U19119)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by The Process (U20671)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Baz tardo (U19119)
posted 4 minutes ago
3 cl's is not a bad return to be fair, and Jose's 2 puts him up there in an exclusive group with Carlo.
No it's impressive but I just feel there's a bigger element of luck involved in winning a CL than a league title.
Dirty' sour on that.league is a marathon, not nessesariky harder than the tough sprints that the cl requires. Arguably better teams in the CL, but prolonged consistency required for league.

Jose will always be coloured by the amount of cash he's used to win things for me. Still a great coach.

Yes but the best team in the league almost always wins it which isn't the case in the CL.

In the last 15 years Liverpool and Chelsea have won it without being close to being the best team in England let alone Europe. They needed huge luck.

Hell, we've needed massive luck in the final of both our CL wins under SAF despite arguably being Europe's best team in both those years.

The CL is harder to win because one bad game can cost you no matter how good you are.

Winning a league involves consistently being the best for that season.

Yes Jose spends the cash but name me a manager who's a consistent winner of trophies in modern times that doesn't spend big?

posted on 28/9/17

comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 5 seconds ago

I'd say generally speaking the team that win leagues are the best and deservedly so, it's the best representation of how a group of teams playing the same games over a year.

Carlo is a top manager but his lack of domestic league titles is a justified negative on his CV.

The flip side is that the league leaves far more room for error and the pressure on individual games is far lower.

The overall quality in the domestic leagues is also lower.

Squad depth can also be just as important in the CL, because you'll need adequate cover for bans (which are shorter-cycle) and injuries. Fail to replace three key players for any given game and you could wave goodbye to the competition.

There are arguments both ways. Generally speaking, I think the biggest differential factor is the pressure riding on each game.

posted on 28/9/17

Baz is obsessed with money. Literally every single post is about it.

I like you Baz but play a different tune. All da clubs have da money.

posted on 28/9/17


Yeah I agree there's greater pressure on CL games (knockout stages anyway) but with the league all teams have to deal with the same games and the team that finish top will have done better in those games.

Whereas in any cup (not just the CL) a single bad performance can be the difference between success and failure.

With England in my lifetime I couldn't really pick out any undeserved league winners whereas the CL you could have a case for some, although whoever does win it ultimately did so buy beating whoever was in their way.

posted on 28/9/17

The money has just changed and I think a lot of fans don't get that is all. 30 million is the new 15 million, 60 million is the new 30 million etc.

200 million is still absolute bonkers though.

posted on 28/9/17

comment by Robb Plissken 🎬⚽️⭐️ (U21234)
posted 44 minutes ago
Baz is obsessed with money. Literally every single post is about it.

I like you Baz but play a different tune. All da clubs have da money.
I'm not obsessed just simply point out what most other tend to ignore. And I wasn't having a dig at Jose, his achievements are impressive even if a lot of money was spent to achieve them, I said as much.

posted on 28/9/17

comment by Baz tardo (U19119)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Robb Plissken 🎬⚽️⭐️ (U21234)
posted 44 minutes ago
Baz is obsessed with money. Literally every single post is about it.

I like you Baz but play a different tune. All da clubs have da money.
I'm not obsessed just simply point out what most other tend to ignore. And I wasn't having a dig at Jose, his achievements are impressive even if a lot of money was spent to achieve them, I said as much.
Yes but as I keep asking you name me another modern manager who has consistently won things without spending huge funds.

comment by Firkin (U19526)

posted on 28/9/17

comment by Baz tardo (U19119)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robb Plissken 🎬⚽️⭐️ (U21234)
posted 44 minutes ago
Baz is obsessed with money. Literally every single post is about it.

I like you Baz but play a different tune. All da clubs have da money.
I'm not obsessed just simply point out what most other tend to ignore. And I wasn't having a dig at Jose, his achievements are impressive even if a lot of money was spent to achieve them, I said as much.
Did Mourinho spend loads of money when he won the CL with Porto, more than other teams competing?

His triumphs with Porto make Mourinho something special for me. Also beating probably the best ever club football side to the league title when he won La Liga with Madrid. Winning the treble with Inter was a huge achievement too, getting Eto to play basically a as a left back at times to beat Barca.

Most managers who have had success in the last decade in the big leagues in Europe have had to throw huge sums of money around. Mourinho stands out in this regard because he was 'one of the first' when he did it at Chelsea, but he revolutionised the PL in similar ways to Arsene did when he joined and Ferguson did when he built his first massively successful PL team in the mid-90s.

I don't like the guy much, but Mourinho is probably the best manager of his generation.

posted on 28/9/17

comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 40 minutes ago

Yeah I agree there's greater pressure on CL games (knockout stages anyway) but with the league all teams have to deal with the same games and the team that finish top will have done better in those games.

Whereas in any cup (not just the CL) a single bad performance can be the difference between success and failure.

With England in my lifetime I couldn't really pick out any undeserved league winners whereas the CL you could have a case for some, although whoever does win it ultimately did so buy beating whoever was in their way.

I get your points, I just think it's a flawed comparison that's often made because it draws teams from different levels of competition.

It would understandable if we were comparing the CL to a 38-game European league, but as the comparison is generally drawn it's akin to comparing the winner of the FA Cup and the winner of the Championship.

posted on 28/9/17

Yeah it's not a straight forward comparison, but with any cup you could luck out and avoid all the tricky teams and get an easy path, a bit like us last season in the EL. Saying that we still deserved the win because we beat everyone we played.

Plus clubs will always prioriatise the the domestic league over anything else IMO (in England anyway).

posted on 28/9/17

Don't know if he's been mentioned but Hoffenheim's Julian Naglesmann has recently bought a house in Munich...

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